I mean, the reason why is that the US just had better planes at that point, virtually all but replacing the Skyhawks entirely. The only reason we even get the A-4M is that the Marines specifically wanted an updated version that fit their requirements, more so than the Skyhawk’s actual replacement (LTV A-7 Corsair II).
It’s the same reason why the Marines never upgraded their Legacy Harriers beyond the AV-8C, or why they never upgraded their Phantoms beyond the F-4S.
Mfw New Zealand, a country which didn’t have anything better than the Skyhawk in the freaking 1990s, tries to upgrade their older A-4s to at least bring them up to semi modern standards.
Like I partly understand where you’re coming from, but you gotta remember that even the A-4M was virtually outdated by the 1980s (hence why the Marine Reserves fully retired them by 1995).
I get why we didn’t upgrade our A-4’s further but A-4K is still an American jet with American avionics and American weaponry. It should go to the US tech tree, since that’s where nearly everything on it was made and designed
War Thunder is not about technology creators, it’s about operator nations (otherwise we wouldn’t have any copy paste at all). It should go to New Zealand, wherever all New Zealand vehicles are.
there are currently two NZ vehicles in game, both are in the british tree
I would also like to add that in both cases a British alternative could have been added, its most likely that they were added to give it representation in the british tree
I understand your sentiment, however two small issues.
First is that there has already been cases of foreign made vehicles making their way into other trees due to player demand, Most notably the F-111C. And Right now i would argue there is a similar demand for a Skyhawk in the british tree as there was for the Vark.
Secondly, I personally dont think its that fair splitting vehicles of a country across multiple countries, I dont think its fair that if someone wants to play their nations vehicles, then they have to grind multiple nations trees to unlock it. Now I will concede, New Zealand is a small enough nation that it wouldn’t upset that many people if it was thrown in a different tree than Britain (other than the usual bunch).
Imo it could go either way, both nations have their own options at the BRs that this could come at (US can get/has the A-7s, A-4M, A-10, F-4E etc. And Britain can get/has the Sea Harrier, Buccaneer, Hawk 200, Harrier GR.5 etc.) so at the end of the day, it depends what gaijin sees will make the most money I would assume.
The vark was a special case though. It was there due to a lot of demand like you said, but also because of the canceled F-111K that the UK couldn’t get. Iirc the 111K is based on the C so that was the next closest thing.
While for UK, I don’t think they ever wanted A-4’s like how it was with the 111K.
But yeah it’s probably going wherever it makes the most money. Rank 6/7 premium or event maybe?
I believe the only two ships not built in the UK, that are in the UK naval trees, are HMCS Terra Nova and HMAS Arrow. Being built in Canada and Australia respectively.
I also feel strongly that NZ should go to the same tech tree as Australian vehicles, if you know anything about ANZAC then you know why.
Australia and New Zealand (or even just Australia) already have more vehicles in the game than any sub tech tree nation bar Hungary and South Africa. And 16 out of the 17 vehicles are in the UK tree. It just illustrates how much of a mistake the M1A1 AIM to USA idea was. That could so easily be fixed by rebranding that squadron AIM as an American operated one and saving the Australian AIM for an actual ANZAC sub tree.
The ANZACs deserve a sub tree, and with 16/17 already in the UK tech tree, it’s hard to see it going anywhere else. A lot of our coolest aircraft aren’t even in the game yet. But instead of ANZACs, UK recently started getting India instead. :(
Of course it’s not impossible to see ANZACs be a sub tree in a new tech tree like for Canada, or even the host nation of a new tech tree with other Pacific nations as sub trees like Indonesia and Philippines. But it would mean replacing those 17 previously mentioned vehicles in the UK.
I don’t think AIM to US was a bad call. If it was a US AIM it’d have better round and armor making it a top BR tank which breaks their rule.
And the Abrams is one of the few mass produced American vehicles that are unique to US. The Chinese may get downgraded SEPv3 in the future but still, that’s only 1 outside of the US.
I get where your coming from with ANZAC but it’s mostly British and American stuff with some unique stuff mixed in. Personally, I think that the British and domestic vehicles should all go to UK, but things like the A-4K which uses all American stuff, and the AIM which is fully American in design and parts.
The 111K was based on a mix of the A and FB-111, not the C, and was viable for the game as it was a partially constructed aircraft, however it was decided that the assie vark would have been a better fit instead. Most likely due to the C actually having documents, performance and armaments that arent guesswork.
We just need to see what the great gods of gaijin decide, hell it could come next update, or it could never come, it all depends on what the devs decide to work on.