A-4B Problem

Just got the A-4B recently and realized something … this vehicle is on the verge of useless. It’s slow, bad turn rate, no counter measures, mediocre climb rate. Why is this jet at 8.7??? Generally what happens is I’m about half way into the map and someone comes from space and either shoots an undodgeable missile or shoots me down because they are faster and can out turn me. Out of the many jets I’ve used this one might be one of the worst am I some how doing something wrong???

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After looking I now realized why its 8.7 not because of performance but because it has missiles which forces it to be at 8.7 because any lower would risk it fighting mainly ww2 jets.

Considering the A-4E is at the same BR with more payload and performance… Yeah
That and the fact that the A-4B was able to equip flares later on.
It should go down to 8.3 in air and get flares. It still wouldn’t be busted then.
But hey, gaijin don’t fix any mid tier jets or throw them a bone, regardless is it’s historical or not.

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Huh that is odd they should test out the A4-B at 8.3 maybe even give its air spawn back?

Nah, it’s just a bad plane at that BR

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Perfect I love to hear that.

but there is jets with aim-9b at 8.0-8.3

True it is odd the A-4B isn’t 8.3 or something.

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yea it is its worse then the A4H that the isreal has