Romanian Land Forces Sub-tree - Viața este o bătălie

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255px-Flag_of_Romania_svg.png.ea98b6bdf1 Romanian Land Forces Sub-tree - Viața este o bătălie 150px-Coat_of_arms_of_the_Romanian_Land_


A Romanian TR-85M1 Bizonul during a military parade.

The Romanian Sub-tree Visual:


  • Notes:

    • I tried to fill out the tree with Italian vehicles that are not currently in-game however, I’m not that well knowledgeable with Italian designs.
    • The C13/TUA is equipped with TOW-2A/TOW-2B’s.
    • Added Bulgarian vehicles (since they were part of the Axis and Gaijin intends on turning the tree more Axis-affiliated) to add some spice.
    • Used Copy and Paste to help support sections of the Italian Tree such as the 9K33 Osa-AKM.
    • The M1A2 SEPv3 is a pretty debatable addition, I only added it because Romania intends to purchase them.
      • Remember these vehicles are fluid and can be added or removed as necessary.
  • Description :

    • The modern Romanian Land Forces, first founded on the 29th of November, 1859, is the primary ground forces of the Eastern European country of Romania. The modern Romanian Army has took part during several armed conflicts over its 161 years of existence, such as during the Romanian War of Independence, World War I as part of the Allied Powers, World War II as part of the Axis Powers, the Romanian Revolution, provided security during the aftermath of the Yugoslav Wars, the War in Afghanistan, and the Iraqi War. During these conflicts, the Romanian Army received many different vehicles from nations all across Europe as well as developed some of their own indigenous derivates of modern vehicles. In 2004, Romania became an active member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO. Romania continues today, currently modernizing its military hardware to support national security as well as support future NATO missions.
    • This suggestion is for the implementation of Romanian Army equipment in a sub-tree for the German Ground Tree, Italian Ground Tree, or the U.S.S.R. Ground Tree due to the History and use of vehicles between the countries.
      • Reason for Germany: Romania, since World War II, has had strong relations with Germany, supporting the country during armed conflicts as well as having tight knit economic relations. Not only this, but Romania has used several German vehicles as well as shared many vehicles during the time of the Warsaw Pact. With the addition of future East German vehicles, it only helps this cause. Not to mention Romania continues to use German vehicles to this day.
      • Reason for U.S.S.R.: As a former member of the Warsaw Pact, Romania has used several vehicles from the former Soviet Union. Not only this, but several Romanian vehicles continue to be designed with influence from the former Soviet Union.
      • Reason for Italy: Italy and Romania also fought hand-in-hand during World War II and shared a decent amount of its military hardware with Romania. Not to mention Italy lacks vehicles throughout it’s Tech Tree. Supplying it Romanian vehicles as well as possible Hungarian vehicles would allow the Italian Ground Tree to “fill out” around mid-ranks up until Rank VI.
    • Opinion:
      • The tree best suits Germany due to the fact Gaijin will be implementing East German vehicles which are primarily Soviet vehicles for the German Tree. Vehicles like the T-72M which we won’t see in the U.S.S.R. tree but is expected for Germany, would be ideal to have a Romanian camouflage added. Not only this, Romania uses vehicles like the Gepard 1A2 as well as Soviet based designs which allows players to create Romanian lineups with existing German vehicles in-game. For all the German vehicles Romania has used, they should have Romania-unique camouflages and insignias for them.
      • The only other viable option is Italy due to the fact Italy also was an axis power who shared a lot of military equipment with Romania during WWII. Another important factor is the need to fill the Italian Ground Forces Tree, especially since vehicles throughout the Ground Tree are limited.
  • The vehicles being added are primarily going to be vehicles used in active service, even in low quantity. Prototypes will try to be allocated towards event vehicles as well as premiums. As more vehicles and information is released, this sub-tree will be updated.

  • Some vehicles/future vehicles that need Romanian camouflage patterns for the German Tree:

    • Sd.Kfz.222 Armored Car
    • Panzer 35(t)/R-2 Light Tank
    • Panzer 38(t)/T-38 Light Tank
    • Panzer III ausf. N/T-3N Medium Tank
    • Panzer IV ausf. H/T-4H Medium Tank
    • Panzer IV aust. J/T-4J Medium Tank
    • Stug III ausf. G/TAs Tank Destroyer
    • Panther ausf. A/T-5A Medium Tank
    • Panther ausf. D/T-5D Medium Tank
    • Panther ausf. G/T-5G Medium Tank
    • T-34-85 Medium Tank
    • ZSU-57-2 Anti-Aircraft Vehicle
    • 2S1 Gvozdika Self-Propelled Howitzer
    • 9P122 “Malyutka” ATGM Vehicle
    • 9P148 “Konkurs” ATGM Vehicle
    • T-55A Main Battle Tank
    • T-55AM Main Battle Tank
    • T-72 Ural Main Battle Tank
    • Gepard 2BL Anti-Aircraft Vehicle
    • 9K22 Osa SAM Vehicle
  • Some vehicles/future vehicles that need Romanian camouflage patterns for the U.S.S.R. Tree:

    • T-34-85 Medium Tank
    • ZSU-57-2 Anti-Aircraft Vehicle
    • 2S1 Gvozdika Self-Propelled Howitzer
    • 9P122 “Malyutka” ATGM Vehicle
    • 9P148 “Konkurs” ATGM Vehicle
    • T-55A Main Battle Tank
    • T-55AM Main Battle Tank
    • 9K22 Osa SAM Vehicle
  • Some vehicles/future vehicles that need Romanian camouflage patterns for the Italian Tree:

    • AB41
  • Important Notes :

    • If there are any other ideas for vehicles/modifications to be added, please comment them below in the comments with a source.
    • If any information is incorrect, please comment it with a source. I really appreciate the help from the community!
    • Looking for community feedback to integrate the Hungarian’s in the tree for a Minor-Axis Sub-tree.
    • A special thanks to @PikPikker for creating the full Romanian Tech Tree as well as being the inspiration for this sub-tree!



Roundel of Romania.

Camouflage and Emblems

Images of Camouflage and Emblems




Romanian R-1 Light Tank.


Romanian R-2 [or Panzer 35(5)] Light Tank.


Romanian T-55A’s in a military parade.


Romanian T-55AM2.


Romanian T-72M Main Battle Tank.


9P133 Malyutka ATGM vehicle which fires the 9M14P1 or Sagger C ATGM.


9P148 Konkurs ATGM vehicle.


Romanian Gepard 1A2 Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft Vehicle.


Romanian 9K33 OSA during a firing exercise.

The Sub-tree Vehicle List:

Vânătorul de Care [VDC] R35 Tank Destroyer


A VDC Tank Destroyer near the frontlines.

  • Description :
    • Developed as a stopgap measure towards the end of World War II, the Vânătorul de Care R35, or VDC R35 was a tank destroyer fitted with the Soviet 45mm 20K Tank gun on a Renault R35 chassis. After the Battle of Stalingrad, the need to rearm Romanian armored vehicles was realized after being dealt heavy blows from Soviet T-34 and KV-1 tanks. Development began between 1942 and 1943, with 30 vehicles being produced. By the time the vehicle was produced however, it was already obsolete .
  • Armament:
    • Main Weapon: 45mm 20K Tank Gun
      • Rounds:
        • BR240 APHEBC
        • BR240SP APCR
      • Depression/Elevation: -6°/+22°
  • Maneuverability:
    • Engine: 82hp Renault 447 4cyl Petrol Engine
    • Transmission: Mechanical (4-Forward, 1-Reverse Gears)
    • Chassis: Rubber Springs
    • Max Speed: 20km/h
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 4.02m
    • Width: 1.87m
    • Height: 2.13m
    • Weight: 11.7t
  • Crew (2x):
    • Commander/Gunner
    • Driver
  • Features:
    • Armor Protection:
      • Turret: Up to 40mm Armor plating.
      • Hull: Up to 32mm Armor plating.
  • Sources:
  • Images:

An R35 VDC to the left.


R35 VDC with the turret facing towards the rear.


Side profile of the VDC Tank Destroyer.


A VDC seen towards the end of the war.


Inside the turret of the VDC. Note the 45mm 20K Tank Gun breech.


The only remaining R35 VDC turret. Note the missing exterior mantlet.


A Romanian R35 for which the VDC 45mm gun was mated to.

TACAM T-60 Tank Destroyer


A TACAM T-60 Tank Destroyer built on the Soviet T-60 chassis.

  • Description :
    • The TACAM T-60 or Tun Anticar pe Afet Mobil T-60, was a Tank Destroyer used by the Romanian Land Forces during World War II. Designed between 1942 and 1943, the TACAM T-60 is a captured Soviet T-60 Light Tank that had its turret removed and replacing it with a pedestal mount housing the Soviet F-22 M-1936 Field Gun. The F-22, not originally designed as an Anti-Tank gun, has high velocity for being a standard field gun, and was repurposed by the Romanians. The TACAM T-60 was designed in response to new Soviet armor such as the T-34 and KV-1 tanks since prior, only utilized R-2 and a few other light tanks. In 1943, 34 were produced serving in the Jassy-Kishniev Offensive and Budapest Offensive. Another variant is the TACAM T-60A which utilized the same gun, however and thicker armor.
  • Armament:
    • Main Weapon: 76.2mm F-22 L/51 Gun (w/ 44rds)
      • Rounds:
        • BR-350A APHEBC
        • BR-350SP APBC
        • BR-350P APCR
        • BR-350A HEAT
        • BR-350B APHEBC
        • OF-350M HE
        • Sh-354T Shrapnel
        • D-350A Smoke
      • Depression/Elevation: -5°/+8°
      • Horizontal Traverse: 32°
    • Additional Weapons:
      • Coaxial: 7.92mm ZB-53 Machine Gun
  • Maneuverability:
    • Engine: 80hp GAZ 202 6-cyl Petrol Engine
    • Transmission: Mechanical (4-Forward, 1-Reverse Gears)
    • Chassis: Torsion Bar
    • Max Speed: 40km/h
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 4.24m
    • Width: 2.35m
    • Height: 1.75m
    • Weight: 9t
  • Crew (x):
    • Commander
    • Gunner
    • Driver
  • Features:
    • Armor Protection:
      • Turret:15-25mm Armor Plating.
      • Hull. 25-35mm Armor Plating
  • Sources:
  • Images:

Rear view of the TACAM T-60.


A pair of T-60 Tank Destroyers during a military parade.


TACAM T-60 with crew and tank riders.

TACAM R-2 Tank Destroyer


A TACAM R-2 on display in Bucharest, Romania.

  • Description:
    • Developed in 1943 in response to the Soviet KV-1 and T-34 tanks, the TACAM R-2 is a Tank Destroyer designed by Romania during World War II. The TACAM R-2, developed from the Panzer 35(t) or Romanian R-2 chassis, was a tank destroyer that removed the turret from the original Czech design and replaced it with an open turret housing a captured Soviet 76.2mm ZiS-3 Anti-Tank Gun. Later in the war with the introduction of the IS-2 Heavy Tanks, Romanian authorities prepared plans to up-gun the TACAM R-2 further using the 75mm Reşiţa Model 1943 anti-tank gun or the German 88mm gun. In the end, only 20 produced by 1944 however, these partook in the Budapest Offensive and the Prague Offensive.
  • Armament:
    • Main Weapon: 76.2mm ZiS-3 Anti-Tank Gun
      • Rounds:
        • BR-350A APHEBC
        • BR-350SP APBC
        • BR-350P APCR
        • BR-350A HEAT
        • BR-350B APHEBC
        • OF-350M HE
        • Sh-354T Shrapnel
        • D-350A Smoke
      • Depression/Elevation: -5°/+15°
      • Horizontal Traverse: 30°
  • Maneuverability:
    • Engine: 120hp Škoda T11 4-cyl Gasoline Engine
    • Transmission: Mechanical (6-Forward, 6-Reverse Gears)
    • Chassis: Leaf Spring
    • Max Speed: 30km/h
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 5.0m
    • Width: 2.06m
    • Height: 2.32m
    • Weight: 12t
  • Crew (3x):
    • Commander
    • Gunner
    • Driver
  • Features:
    • Armor Protection:
      • Hull: 25/16/16mm
      • Cabin: 10-17mm
  • Sources:
  • Imagery:

A rear view of the TACAM R-2.


TACAM R-2 Tank Destroyer on display.


TACAM R-2 Drawings.

Video of the last remaining TACAM R-2 Tank Destroyer on display in Bucharest, Romania.

Ford G917T Hotchkiss Anti-Aircraft Truck


Ford G917T Truck equipped with 2x 25mm Hotchkiss Model 1931 Anti-Aircraft Guns.


Ford G917T Truck.


Mareșal M-05 Tank Destroyer


Visual design of the M-05 Mareșal Tank Destroyer.

  • Description :
    • The M-05 Mareșal, or Marshal is a Tank Destroyer that was developed by the Roglier Works in the Kingdom of Romania during World War II. Designed between 1942 and 1944, the Mareșal Tank Destroyer featured 9 prototypes which are based on the hull of a captured Soviet T-60 Light Tank. The main prototype that was due for serial production is the M-05 model. This model was tested against the German StuG III ausf. G which it proved superior in gun, utilizing the 75mm Reșița M1943 Gun which proved to have higher velocity, angled armor for deflecting rounds, and increasing survivability, as well in size, being more than half a meter shorter in length. These capabilities drew interest from the German high command for its steering, profile, and armament capabilities however, also rebuke, due its small size for the crew which they deemed could affect performance. The tank was slated for serial production with a few units produced however, due to the Invasion of Romania, the vehicles were seized and not used in combat.
  • Armament:
    • Main Weapon: 75mm Reșița M1943 Gun (w/ 50rds)
      • Rounds:
        • APBC/TBD
        • APCR/TBD
        • HE/TBD
      • Horizontal Traverse: 15°
      • Depression/Elevation: -5°/+10°
    • Additional Weapons:
      • Secondary: 2x Gun Ports - 9mm Submachine Gun
  • Maneuverability:
    • Engine: 120hp Hotchkiss Engine
    • Transmission: Manual (4-Forward, 1-Rerverse Gear)
    • Chassis: Leaf Spring
    • Max Speed: 50km/h
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 4.43m (5.8m w/ Gun)
    • Width: 2.44m
    • Height: 1.53m
    • Weight: 8.5t
  • Crew (2x):
    • Commander/Gunner
    • Driver
  • Features:
    • Armor Protection:
      • Up to 20mm Armor plating.
  • Sources:
  • Imagery

The M-05 Tank Destroyer Prototype which would become the serial production model.

Size comparison vs the StuG III ausf. G.


Blueprints of the Mareșal Tank Destroyer.


Cutout of the M-04 Mareșal Tank Destroyer for reference.


Visual Representation of the Mareșal M-05 Tank Destroyer.


A German report stating the effectiveness of the M-Tank versus Soviet tanks.

MLI-84 Infantry Fighting Vehicle


An MLI-84 on display.

  • Description :
    • The MLI-84 is an Infantry Fighting Vehicle that is in-service with the Romanian Land Forces. The MLI-74 is a derivative of the renown Soviet BMP-1 Infantry Fighting Vehicle. Development started in 1982, the MLI-84 features several upgrades over its predecessor. Some of these are a new 355hp 8V-1240-DT-S Diesel Engine, a lengthened hull, a rear DShK 12.7mm Machine Gun, while still retaining its amphibious capability. Production went on from 1985-1991 with 178 units being produced. Currently, the MLI-84’s are being upgraded to the “M” standard with several other upgrades such as another new engine, new turret, and more.
  • Armament:
    • Main Weapon: 73mm 2A28 Grom Smoothbore Cannon
      • Rounds:
        • PG-9 HEAT
        • OG-9 HE
      • Depression/Elevation: -4°/+30°
    • Additional Weapons:
      • Coaxial: 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (w/ 4,995rds)
      • Tertiary: 12.7mm DShK Anti-aircraft Machine Gun (w/ 500rds)
  • Maneuverability:
    • Engine: 355hp 1240-DT-S 8-cyl Diesel Engine
    • Transmission: Mechanical Synchronized Transmission (5-Forward, 1 Reverse Gears)
    • Chassis: Torsion Bar
    • Max Speed: 70km/h
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 7.33m
    • Width: 3.3m
    • Height: 2.1m
    • Weight: 16.6t
  • Crew (3+8x):
    • Commander
    • Driver
    • Gunner
    • 8x Passengers
  • Features:
    • Armor Protection:
      • Frontal arc provides protection up to 14.5mm machine gun fire.
      • Side and rear armor protects up to 7.62mm small arms fire.
    • Optics:
      • Night Vision Device:
        • Commander: Day/Night Sight
        • Gunner: Day/Night Periscope
        • Driver: Day/Night Periscope
    • 6x 81mm DLG-81 Smoke Grenade Launchers
    • Amphibious
    • ESS
  • Sources:
  • Imagery:

Artists representation of the MLI-84.


Rear ivew of the MLI-84. Note the Anti-Aircraft gun mount on the rear left troop compartment.


Side view of the MLI-84 IFV.

Obuzierul Autopropulsat Românesc [OAPR], Model 1989 Self-Propelled Howitzer


OAPR, Model 1891 Self-Propelled Howitzer.

  • Description :
    • The Obuzierul Autopropulsat Românesc Model 1989, or Model 1989 is a Self-Propelled Howitzer that was in-use by the Romanian Army. Designed around 1978 during the time of the Republica Populară Română, or Romanian People’s Republic, the OAPR features a turret from the 2S1 Gvozdika mated to a modified MLI-84 Infantry Fighting Vehicle chassis. This was to increase overall reliability as well as reduce dependency on the Soviet Union. The OAPR still utilizes the Malakhit Fire-control System utilized by the 2S1. Produced from 1987 until 1992, a total of 42 were built. As of 2005, the Model 1989’s were put into storage.
  • Armament:
    • Main Weapon: 122mm A565 Howitzer (w/ 40rds)
      • Rounds:
        • OF-462 HE-FRAG
        • BK-13M HEAT-FS
      • Depression/Elevation: -3°/+70°
  • Maneuverability:
    • Engine: 355hp 1240-DT-S 8-cyl Diesel Engine
    • Transmission: Mechanical Synchronized Transmission (5-Forward, 1 Reverse Gears)
    • Chassis: Torsion Bar
    • Max Speed: 64km/h
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 7.505m
    • Width: 3.15m
    • Height: 2.72m
    • Weight: 18.3t
  • Crew (4x):
    • Commander
    • Gunner
    • Loader
    • Driver
  • Features:
    • NVD
      • Commander: Night/Day Passive Sight
      • Driver: Night/Day Passive Sight
    • Infrared Searchlight
  • Sources:
  • Imagery:

Front quarter view of the Model 1989 Self-Propelled Howitzer.


Rear view of the Model 1989.


A newly built Model 1989 out of the factory.


Stored away Model 1989’s.

OAPR, Model 1891 Self-Propelled Howitzer.


A group of Model 1989’s.

TR-580 Main Battle Tank


A TR-580 Main Battle Tank.

  • Description :
    • The TR-580, also known as Tanc Romanesc Model 580, or TR-77-580, is a main battle tank that was designed by Institute 111 of Romania in the 1970’s. The TR-580, an offshoot of the Soviet T-55 Main Battle Tank, that was developed to allow Romanian manufacturers the knowledge to develop tanks indigenously. In the late-1960’s, Romania decided to pursue it’s own industrial capabilities of producing a main battle tank, however lacked the industrial capacity to develop a brand new main battle tank, thus it was decided to use the T-55 tank as a platform for development. The Romanian Defense Counsel decided that the vehicle must have a 100mm gun, and an engine with a minimum of 500hp. The indigenous A-308 smoothbore gun and 580hp Model V-55 12-cyl Turbo-diesel Engine were used. Due to the increase in weight and the new engine, the vehicle’s hull was extended, adding an extra roadwheel for a total of 6. Instead of using the original T-55 Volna Fire-control Computer, a new fire control computer was used, created under license from Sweden, which eventually lead to the indigenous fire-control system, the Ciclop’s Fire-control Computer being developed. There are multiple variants of the tank such as the TR-580M, a modernized version that includes a laser rangefinder, and the TR-580M1 which features a new turret and the Leopard 1’s MTU engine. The vehicle went into production in 1979 until 1985 with around 400 tanks being produced. This vehicle was used by the Romanian Land Forces and the Iraqi Army with possible use in the Iran-Iraq War.
  • Armament:
    • Main Weapon: 100mm A-308 Smoothbore Gun (w/ 41rds)
      • Rounds:
        • 3BM25 APFSDS-T
        • 3BK17M HEAT-FS
        • 3BM-8 APDS
        • BR-421D APCBC-T
        • OF-412 HE
      • Depression/Elevation: -5°/+18°
    • Additional Weapons:
      • Coaxial: 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (w/ 4,995rds)
      • Tertiary: 12.7mm DShK Anti-aircraft Machine Gun (w/ 500rds)
  • Maneuverability:
    • Engine: 580hp Model V-55 12-cyl Turbo-diesel Engine
    • Transmission: Mechanical, Synchromesh (5-Forward, 1-Reverse Gears)
    • Chassis: Torsion Bar
    • Max Speed: 50km/h
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 9.25m (w/ Gun Forward)
    • Width: 3.3m
    • Height: 2.4m
    • Weight: 46t
  • Crew (4x):
    • Commander
    • Gunner
    • Loader
    • Driver
  • Features:
    • Armor Protection:
      • Turret:
        • Up to 320mm Turret Cheeks
      • Hull:
        • Up to 100mm on the Hull.
      • Side Skirts:
        • Protects against some shaped charges and artillery shrapnel.
    • Optics:
      • Night Vision Device
        • Commander
        • Gunner
        • Driver:
    • Infrared Searchlight
    • ESS
  • Sources:
  • Imagery:

ATR-580 on display in Bucharest, Romania.


Rear view of the TR-580.


Side view of the TR-580’s turret.


Side view of a TR-580.



A T-55A (Top) and a TR-580 (Bottom) side-by-side comparison. Note the longer TR-580 hull and extra roadwheel. Courtesy of Tank Encyclopedia.


TR-580’s occupying Revolution Square, December 1989, Bucharest, Romania.

TR-85-800 Main Battle Tank


A TR-85-800 Main Battle Tank during training exercises.

  • Description :
    • The TR-85-800 or Tanc Românesc model 1985 cu motor de 800cp, is a Main Battle Tank in use with the country of Romania. Tracing its design from the TR-580, which itself is a development of the Soviet T-55, the TR-85-800 was designed with the focus on a new engine. Development began on 13 May 1974 when the Romanian Self-defense Counsel issued a directive to design a new medium tank that houses a 100mm gun, weighs 40 tons, and has around 500hp for the engine. At the same time however, Romanian engineers were examining a German MTU MB 838 CaM 500, 10-cylinder Diesel Engine, succeeding in reverse engineering it. Between 1974 to 1986, Romanian engineers developed the engine and transmission that would be housed in the new medium tank. The new tank was designated TR-85-800 for the new 800hp engine. This new vehicle was produced from 1986 until 1990 with over 600 vehicles being manufactured. The TR-85 is still in service with the Romanian Land Forces with some vehicles being upgraded to the TR-85M “Bizonul” or Bison.
  • Armament:
    • Main Weapon: 100mm A-308 Smoothbore Gun (w/ 41rds)
      • Rounds:
        • BM-421 Sg APFSDS-T
          • Penetration: 444mm of RHAe at 90° at 500m
        • BK-412R HEAT-FS
        • BR-412D APCBC-T
        • OF-412 HE
      • Depression/Elevation: -5°/+18°
    • Additional Weapons:
      • Coaxial: 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (w/ 4,595rds)
      • Tertiary: 12.7mm DShK Anti-aircraft Machine Gun (w/ 750rds)
  • Maneuverability:
    • Engine: 860hp Model 8VS-A2T2M, 8-cyl Turbo Diesel Engine
    • Transmission: THM-5800 (4 Forward, 2 Reverse Gears)
    • Chassis: Torsion Bar System with Eight Telescopic Hydro-gas Shock Absorbers
    • Max Speed: 60km/h
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 6.74m (9.96m w/ gun forward)
    • Width: 3.435m
    • Height: 3.10m
    • Weight: 45t
  • Crew (x):
    • Commander
    • Gunner
    • Loader
    • Driver
  • Features:
    • Armor Protection:
      • Turret:
        • 200-300mm Turret Cheeks
      • Hull:
        • 200mm Composite Armor
      • Side Skirts:
        • Protects against some shaped charges and artillery shrapnel.
    • Optics:
      • 1st Generation Thermal Imagers:
        • Gunner
      • Night Vision Device
        • Commander
        • Driver:
    • Infrared Searchlight
    • Laser Rangefinder
    • ESS
  • Sources:
  • Imagery:

A TR-85-800 Main Battle Tank with Infrared Illuminators.


Side view of the TR-85-800 Main Battle Tank.


TR-85-800 on display.


Rear view of the TR-85-800 with the main gun facing the engine compartment.


Rear view of the TR-85-800 with the gun facing forward.

TR-85-800 during live-fire gunnery drills.

CA-95M Surface-to-Air Missile Vehicle


A CA-95M Surface-to-Air Missile vehicle during a military parade.

  • Description :
    • The CA-95M is upgraded model of the CA-95, which itself is the domestically produced version of the Soviet 9K32 Strela-1 Surface-to-Air (SAM) vehicle. ROMARM, a Romanian Arms manufacturer produces the CA-95M under license. The CA-95M uses a modified launcher developed for the original 9K32 Strela-1 SAM vehicle. The ML-A95M TEL houses 4x Romanian A-95M-RC missiles capable of being fired by the individual vehicle, or in coordination with an anti-aircraft unit. The ML-A95M uses an electro-optical tracking system to track air targets or can utilize a multi-vehicle link. The launcher is installed on a Romanian TABC-79 Armored Vehicle which itself is a heavily modified Soviet BDRM-2 Armored Vehicle. The Romanian Land Forces currently has 40 units in its inventory.
  • Armament:
    • Main Weapon: ML-A95M TEL (4x Missiles Ready-to-Fire, 2x Stowed)
      • Missile:
        • A95M-RC Infrared-Guided Missiles
          • Capabilities:
            • Caliber: 120mm
            • Guidance: Infrared Self-Homing 2-Channel
            • Weight: 30kg
            • Min range: 800m
            • Max Range: 4.2km
            • Warhead Range: 2.5m
            • Max Speed: 310m/s
      • Horizontal Guidance: 36°/s
      • Vertical Guidance: 18°/s
      • Depression/Elevation: -5°/+80°
  • Maneuverability:
    • Engine: 154hp Saviem 798-05 N2 Turbodiesel Engine
    • Transmission: Manual Synchronized Transmission (5-Forward, 1 Reverse Gears)
    • Chassis: Torsion Bar, 4 x 4
    • Max Speed: 90km/h
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 5.75m
    • Width: 2.35m
    • Height: 2.5m
    • Weight: 7t
  • Crew (3x):
    • Commander
    • Gunner
    • Driver
  • Features:
    • Optics:
      • Night Vision Device:
        • Gunner: Optical Electronic Infrared Imager
        • Driver: Day/Night Sight
    • Amphibious
  • Sources:
  • Imagery:

A CA-95M during a military parade.


View of the launching system. Note this is the same launcher used on the Soviet Strela and can fold down.


A CA-95M during a live-fire drill.

Romanian CA-95M on display.

TR-125 Main Battle Tank


A TR-125 Prototype on display.

  • Description :
    • The TR-125 is a main battle tank developed by Romania in the 1990’s. The TR-125 was developed due to the U.S.S.R. refusing to allow licensed production of the T-72M in Romania. With this setback, the National Defense Counsel authorized the study and reverse-engineering of active T-72M’s to produce their own indigenous vehicle. The result of this was the TR-125 Main Battle Tank. The TR-125 features multiple similarities and upgrades over the Soviet Export T-72M. Some of these include a more reliable A555 Smoothbore Gun, an enhanced Fire Control System allowing for firing-in-motion capability, a Laser Warning Receiver System, Laser Rangefinder, and an upgraded Engine and Transmission. With the new added weight from the engine and transmission, the vehicle was elongated and an extra roadwheel was added. These upgrades were seen as a major step forward for vehicles, especially during the 1990’s. However, the vehicle wasn’t accepted and the Romanian Government slated some funding to be directed to the TR-85M modernization project and the TR-2000 Main Battle Tank program. Only up to 5 prototypes are believed to have been produced. The remaining prototypes, other than two vehicles on display, are held in reserve.
  • Armament:
    • Main Weapon: 125mm A555 Smoothbore Gun, 8-Second Autoloader Equipped (w/ 39rds)
      • Rounds:
        • 3BM22 APFSDS-T
        • 3BK12M HEAT-FS
        • 3OF26 HE
      • Depression/Elevation: -5°/+13°
    • Additional Weapons:
      • Coaxial: 7.62mm PKMT Machine Gun (w/ 2,000rds)
      • Tertiary: 12.7mm DShK Machine Gun (w/ 300rds)
  • Maneuverability:
    • Engine: 900hp 8 VS A3 Supercharged Diesel Engine
    • Transmission: Hydromechanical, Automatic (7-Forward, 1-Reverse Gears)
    • Chassis: Torsion Bar, 7-roadwheels
    • Max Speed: 60km/h
  • Dimensions:
    • Length:
    • Width:
    • Height:
    • Weight:
  • Crew (x):
    • Commander
    • Gunner
    • Driver
  • Features:
    • Armor Protection:
      • Turret:
        • Up to 600mm Composite Armor vs. RHAe.
      • Hull:
        • Up to 380mm Laminate Armor vs. RHAe
      • Side Skirts:
        • Protects against some shaped charges and artillery shrapnel.
    • Optics:
      • Night Vision Device, or Day/Night Passive Sights
        • Commander
        • Gunner
        • Driver
    • Infrared Searchlight
    • Laser Rangefinder
    • I-2 Type Laser Warning System
    • 8x 81mm Smoke Grenade Launchers
    • ESS
  • Sources:
  • Imagery:

A Romanian TR-125 on display. Note the 2 yellow cylinders on the turret, these are Laser Warning Receivers. There are 4 total.


Grainy image of a TR-125 during a military parade. For roundel and color scheme reference.


Frontal view of the TR-125 that’s on display in Bucharest, Romania.


Another frontal view of the TR-125. Of note is the Laser Receiver immediately to the left of the Gunner’s Infrared Searchlight.


TR-125 rear-quarter view. Note the 7-roadwheels and the cylinder on the turret. This is one of 4 laser warning receivers.

Video that summarizes the TR-125 project.

MLI-84M “Jderul” Infantry Fighting Vehicle


An MLI-84M during a military parade.


Side view of the MLI-84M during a parade. Note the SAILR-M L&RWS above the “11L55” vehicle designation.


View of the Israeli OWS-25R turret. Note the coaxial machine gun.


Israeli OWS-25R unmanned turret mounted on the MLI-84 hull. Note the dual-ATGM launcher and Laser Warning System.

MLI-84M “Jderul” during a military parade. Note the Spike-LR ATGM launchers.

An older MLI-84M during live-fire gunnery exercises.

TR-85M1 “Bizonul” Main Battle Tank


Romanian TR-85M1 “Bizonul” on display.

  • Description :
    • The TR-85M1, also known as the Bizonul (Bison), is the newest TR-85 variant fielded by the Romanian Land Forces. In 1994, the Romanian General Staff initiated a program known as Order No. 1429 to modernize TR-85’s to NATO standards. Some of these upgrades included a new elongated turret with add-on armor, updated Fire-control System, Laser/RADAR Warning System, and several other upgrades significantly increasing the tanks capabilities. The TR-85M1 is equipped with the 3rd-generation Ciclop-M Ballistics Fire-control Computer which, according to the manual, can ensure a hit percentage greater than 95% for a target under 2,000m and 75% for a target within 3,000-4,000m. This is integrated with the SAGEM MATIS Thermal Imaging System for night operations. It is also equipped with the SAILR (Sistem de Avertizare la Iluminarea Laser și Radar, laser and radar illumination warning system) which is a hybrid Laser/RADAR Warning System that can discharge the GFM-76 launchers, providing smoke coverage as well as flares to defeat incoming ATGM’s. This vehicle is currently the Romanian Land Force’s Primary Main Battle Tank, and as of 2017, utilizes 54 of the TR-85M1’s. The modernization project is still in progress, with more to be upgraded over the next 5 years. A possibly new variant armed with a NATO compatible 120mm Smoothbore gun, with updated composite armor, electronics, power-pack, etc. is currently being studied.
  • Armament:
    • Main Weapon: 100mm A-308 Smoothbore Gun (w/ 41rds)
      • Rounds:
        • BM-421 Sg APFSDS-T
          • Penetration: 444mm of RHAe at 90° at 500m
        • BK-412R HEAT-FS
        • BR-412D APCBC-T
        • OF-412 HE
      • Depression/Elevation: -5°/+18°
    • Additional Weapons:
      • Coaxial: 7.62mm PKT Machine Gun (w/ 4,595rds)
      • Tertiary: 12.7mm DShK Anti-aircraft Machine Gun (w/ 750rds)
  • Maneuverability:
    • Engine: 860hp Model 8VS-A2T2M, 8-cyl Turbo Diesel Engine
    • Transmission: THM-5800 (4 Forward, 2 Reverse Gears)
    • Chassis: Torsion Bar System with Eight Telescopic Hydro-gas Shock Absorbers
    • Max Speed: 60km/h
  • Dimensions:
    • Length: 9.96m
    • Width: 3.435m
    • Height: 3.10m
    • Weight: 50t
  • Crew (4x):
    • Commander
    • Gunner
    • Loader
    • Driver
  • Features:
    • Armor Protection:
      • Turret (580mm of RHAe):
        • 320mm Turret Cheeks
        • 20mm add-on Composite Armor
      • Hull:
        • 200mm Composite Armor
      • Side Skirts:
        • Protects against some shaped charges and artillery shrapnel.
    • Optics:
      • 2nd Generation Thermal Imagers:
        • Gunner: SAGEM MATIS Thermal Imager
        • Commander: SFIM EC2-55R Panoramic Sight w/ Integrated SAGEM Thermal Intensification System
      • Night Vision Device
        • Driver: AONP-I Passive Night Sight
    • Laser Rangefinder
    • 12x 76mm GFM-76 Smoke Grenade Launchers (Forward part of Turret, 6x on each side)
    • 8x 76mm GFM-76 Flare Countermeasures Launchers (Rear part of Turret, 4x on each side)
    • SAILR Laser & RADAR Warning System (LWS)
    • ESS
  • Sources:
  • Imagery:

View of he TR-85M1 during the EXPOMIL in 2007.

Interior view of the TR-85M1.


Romanian 100mm BK-412R HEAT-FS Round.

TR-85M1 demonstration video. Note the lack of side skirts.

M1A2 SEPv3

An M1A2 SEPv3 during drills.


An M1A2 SEPv3 equipped with Trophy and TUSK I ERA.

M1A2 SEPv3 in Alaska in 2021.


The KE-W A1 APFSDS-T round for example.


All the rounds that the M1A2 SEPv3 for Romania could use.

Upcoming Romania Development(s):



M-0 Prototype cutout.


Rear view of the M-04 Prototype.

  • More Mareșal variants:
    • M-0
    • M-1
    • M-2
    • M-3
    • M-4
    • M-6


T-34-85R on display in Bucharest, Romania.

  • T-34-85R
  • T-55AM2R
  • TAB APC variants such as:
    • Zimbru 2000
    • Saur 1
    • Saur 2
    • Saur 3

Italy needs this! Speaking as the person who developed the Romanian coastal sub-tree (which will be reposted soon), Italy really needs Romania to help amp up their capabilities


Added the Visual to the top to make it easier to see.

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While I agree with adding sub trees, i think we certainly do not need a Romanian Abrams SepV3 in the Italian TT, its not needed, and fully detracts from the entire point of the US TT. The ROC SepV3 getting passed for Consideration to add to the Chinese PLA is already frustrating enough. Id argue unique or needed items, sure, but a SEPv3? Thats a want, not a need. There still needs to be tangible diversity. With the direction this goes, Eventually theres just no point in researching other TTs.


We’re getting to the point where many main battle tanks are widespread in other nations. The Romanian Army is procuring 54 of these vehicles with the options to also include either: more Abrams, the Leopard 2, and/or the K2 Black Panther. A total of 300 main battle tanks will be acquired.

Also I expect the Italian tree to receive a Leopard 2 as the top vehicle as Italy plans to upgrade its Ariete and operate a fleet of Leopards.

However, I do state in the tree that the vehicles are fluid and can be added or removed.


Right, so all of that being said the Ariete is not so horrible that Italy needs a Romanian abrams. Its strange to have a subtree have a better than the host nations vehicles, especially those from another nation already in game. A better solution is for Gaijin to actually try and fix the negative state in which NATO MBTs are. All else i agree on, Romania for Italy +1. But just not the abrams.

Speaking off the Ariete has composite on the hull which isnt moddeled in game.
It says its got composite on the hull on the producers website but according to gaijin it isnt a reliable source. The producer is not a reliable source?


Italy will probably buy new Leo 2A8, so anyway the host line should be strong.


Another reason why the Abrams would absolutely not be needed, and the 2A8 id argue is better than the SEPv3

Thank you for your input

Correct and Correct.

Unless if its for the 2S38…

The same is for almost all NATO MBTs, the Stinger, ATAK missile, and many many more items.

Debatable, especially since the Leopard 2A8 isn’t finalized and the M1A2 Abrams SEPv4 itself is highly advanced with the DU armor being formidable. I will say the Leopard 2-series is a lot more fuel efficient 😆

It is more fitting of a European tank to top the tree for Romania.


It can actually boost top tier lineup, maybe in the future when more top tier stuff is added upon different nations and when these tanks will actually be put in service.

The V4 may be, although i think the suggestor posted an image of the V3. None the less i fully agree with your sentiment

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Yeah I posted the v3 since that was what Romania is expected to get. I brought up the v4 since it is the latest variant that compares with the Leopard 2A8. Once the Leopard 2A8 is official i.e. is in serial production and if Romania actually acquires it, I can change the Abrams to the Leopard 2A8 and could even just move the Abrams to the event vehicle section and just make it a reward for a special tournament, World War tournament, or something. I’m the suggester🫡lol

I think you could also include the Romanian built btr’s (TAB’s) as possible addition considering the Russian tree did get their first btr-80, there is also some later armoured cars with some unique features.

Anything Romanian built would be nice to add but the tanks should defiantly be the first options but leaving out other options would be a mistake also.


Nice post!

I just want to ask how will Hungary fit into Italy if there are this many romanian vehicles?
I made a hungarian sub-tree and its pending for approval, and I found out that hungary has like 35+ vehicles too.

How will the two fit together?

I would like to see both in game.


Romania would have been better suited to Italy than Germany, since it had its own versions of Soviet weapons, which were radically different from the versions of the USSR.

As for Germany, Italy has projects with a German flavor, and to the first one you need to add Argentina (Totally, not partially), Switzerland and Austria, and various projects in which she participated in other countries or sold

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Please feel free to use the sources and information I’ve made of my vehicle posts of Romanian vehicles to give brief information on them within this tree discussion and the images on my posts.


It can fit well if you:

  • use a minimum of copypaste stuff;
  • accommodate SPAAGs in the initial AA line of the TT;
  • let some vehicles to be premium/event/squadron (especially vehicles with similar weapon systems, but on different chassis).

Yes I 100% think that those things you listed are true and needed aspects when building a sub-tree.
And I followed it, I put no copy paste, no tigers, pz IV and Panthers. No soviet equipment, only what Hungary modernised I added.

Yes I put Hungarian AAs in the AA line and ATGM carriers and tankdestroyers in their line too.

Yes I made premiums/event vehicles as well.

And I foldered vehicles together.

It just that these two nations have a lot of vehicles, which is good.