- Yes
- No

1x Hyundai CN08 L/55 120mm smoothbore cannon
-Max effective range: 8.000 Meter with autonomous sensor-controlled Korean Smart Top-Attack
-Reloading mechanism: Autoloader
-Rounds per minute: up to 15 rounds per minute
-Reload time: Ca. 4 Seconds
-Total ammunition stowage: 40 rounds
-1rst stowage turret autoloader: 16 rounds
-2nd stowage hull: 24 rounds -
1x 12.7x99mm Kongsberg RS4 Remote Controlled Weaponstation
-Machinegun: M2 Browning
Weight excl. Weapon & Ammunition: 135-190kg
Height excl. Weapon & Ammunition: 505-765 mm
Cameras/Sensors: Flexibility to meet customers day, night and LRF requirements
Azimuth: 360º unlimited range, 90º /s
Elevation: -20º to + 60º,70º /s
Lock on target tracking
-Ammunition mixture 50/50: NM140MP + NM160MP-T
-Armor penetration RHAe NM160MP-T: 22 Millimeter at 100 Meter
-Armor penetration RHAe NM140MP: 10.6 Millimeter at 100 Meter
-Ammunition capasity total: Ca 3.200 Rounds
-Placement: Turret, middle/back left side
-Laser waring system/aps support
-Supports aps, laster waring, should be able to shoot missile/drones -
1x 7.62x51mm coaxial machinegun
-Ammunition mixture 50/50: NM60 Metal jacket + NM62 Metal jacket tracer
-Ammunition capasity total: 12.000 Rounds
-Placement: Gun mantler beside the cannon -
TROPHY Softkilll Active protection system
-Mass: 820 kilograms
-Kongsberg RWS can cooperate with the APS
Length: 10.7 m
Width: 3.6 m
Height: 2.4 m
Weight: 61.5 Metric Tons
Crew: 3x (Vehicle commander, Driver and Gunner)
Max speed on road: 70 km/h
Max speed off road: 50 km/h
Slope forward: 60 degrees
Side slope: 30 degrees
Ditch crossing: 3m
Vertical obstacle: 1.1m
Water depth: Up to 4.1m
Side armor: Ca. 50 Millimeter
Frontal armour: Ca. 650-850 Millimeter
Composite armor protection
ERA Explosive Reactive Armor blocks around the turret
Ca. 800–900mm RHA vs KE for turret
Ca. 1500–1600mm RHA vs HEAT for turret
Ca. 600–700mm RHA vs KE for hull
Ca. 1200–1400mm RHA vs HEAT for hull
Steel: POSCO MIL-12560H
-An advanced fire-control system
-Active protection system
-NBC protection system
-Day/Night vision
-Thermal vision
-Automatic fire suppression system
-Hydropneumatic suspension
-Munition (KSTAM)
-“New turret”
-Kongsberg Protector Remote Station RS4 12.7mm
-Trophy Soft Kill APS
-ERA Explosive reactive armor blocks around the turret
-Better heater for the crew
-Norwegian camouflage
The K2 is a top-modern main battle tank designed, developed and manufactured in South-Korea by the company Hundai Rotem. This new tank would replace the M48 pattons wich has servd the South korean army for many years.
The Norwegian version of the K2NO, with a couple modifications and changes, arrived in Norway to participate in the trials, alongside the Leopard 2A7NO.
The latest aquired and upgraded Leopard 2A4NO’s are aging, and newer and more modern tanks have long been needed. ecpecially after we donated 8x of our Leopard 2A4NO’s along with other vehicles and equipment to Ukraine, to assist them in the Russian-Ukraine war.
two tanks have been undergoing trials in Norway for quite a while now, the K2NO Black panther and the Leopard 2A7NO. In February 2023 it was announced that Norway, despite an extremely large amount of disagreements and arguments would buy 54 new Leopard 2A7NO tanks with an option for 18 more tanks. The expected delivery time for these is in 2026. and the K2NO therefor seems to have lost the competetion. most likely because of the Leopards good reliability and the good access to parts. if they decide to bout a couple K2NO’s, we dont know yet, but i dont think it is unlikely that the one K2NO might?
The difference between the two K2’s in the trials are that this presented model is the Norwegian modified verison with a new turret and various changes, this also has the Tropthy aps. while the other, has the original SOuth korean turret, with the Kaps aps, but has the Norwegian camouflage
In game
If this were to be implemented, there are two options. One is to add it to the Swedish techtree or in a new tree with Norway and Denmark combined
-Muzzle velocity: 1700 M/S
-Velocity drop:
-Sub projectile lenght: 703.6 mm
-Projectile material: Tungsten alloy
-Prjocetile weight: 7.35 Kilogram
-Propellant Type: K683
-Propellant Weight: (Triple-base)
-Chamber pressure: 586 MPa
-Armor penetration RHAe: 700 Millimeter at 2.000 Meter
-Armor penetration RHAe: 650Millimeter of penetration at 2.000 Meter -
-Muzzle velocity: 1760 M/S
-Velocity drop: 120 m/s (at 2000 m)
-Sub projectile lenght: 761.6 mm
-Projectile material: Tungsten alloy
-Prjocetile weight: 8.27 Kilogram
-Propellant Type: L15190
-Propellant Weight: 8.6 kg SCDB
-Armor penetration RHAe: 700 Millimeter at 2.000 Meter -
-K279 APFSDS Improved
-Muzzle velocity: 1800 M/S
-Velocity drop: 122 m/s (at 2000 m)
-Sub projectile lenght: 761.6 mm
-Projectile material: Tungsten alloy
-Prjocetile weight: 8.27 Kilogram
-Propellant Type: 19 hole cylinder-type
-Propellant Weight: 8.6 kg SCDB
-Chamber pressure: 690 MPa
-Armor penetration RHAe: Little more than 700 Millimeter at 2.000 Meter -
-Muzzle velocity: 1400 M/S
-Total weight shell + projectile: 23 Kilogram
-Prjocetile weight: 11.38 Kilogram
-Explosive filler: 2100 Gram
-Explosive type: Composition B
-Propellant Type: K684
-Propellant Weight: Double Base
-Fuze: proximity fuse
-Trigger radius: 7 Meter (all targets)
Norges nye stridsvogn: Dette må du vite om Leopard 2A7 - Teknologi
Leopard, Panther Undergo Winter Trial for Norway Battle Tank