K2NO Black Panther

Having both wouldn’t hurt? If they get added to the swe/fin techtree one of them could serve as an top tier event vehicle if nothing else?

First, hereis two images to help you spot the differences better



Here are a picture showing both the norwegian k2’s, you will now see the turret cheeks are different as well

It is a little while since i made this suggestion, but here sould be some sources

I wouldn’t give it to Sweden. Sweden already has the best MBTs in the game and they only tested the K2. My suggestion: give it to Germany for Polish sub-tree or as an event vehicle/korean sub-tree for America.

germany would get the polish k2, sweden would eventually get these. more vehicles at top tier is not bad, it was only tested, yes but there are some other vehicles with the same case

I’m aware that they have added other vehicles which were tested. I think that’s a poor standard, but sure. They’ve also added vehicles for different reasons, such as being closely tied to each other geographically (see China & Taiwan, Italy and Hungary, Norway and Sweden) for certain vehicles, or because they are politically tied (see America and Israel, Germany and Italy, etc.). Just because they tested it doesn’t mean it should go to that tree.

Now I get what your wrong. That radar on cheek is not a proof that KAPS is on K2NO. It’s not the radar for KAPS but K2’s own radar that is used for warning crews that missile/rocket is coming.

This is what XK2 with KAPS was. It’s radar is behind the ‘cheek’ radar where originally smoke dispenser is, and additional hardkill launcher is in far behind, where originally stowage bin is.


K2NO tested on the Norway didn’t have additional radar nor hardkill launcher. It never has KAPS.

Besides, I know that the KAPS doesn’t exist on K2NO even before I ask you a question. Why? KAPS cancelled even before K2 Black Panther is put on ROKA service because SK generals believe it would harm soldiers operating near tanks. No way K2NO can have it.

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i have better sources that i can find again, it is a while since i made the posts. the Norwegian variants had the kaps and trophy and proof for its use

No there aren’t. KAPS cancelled at least in 2014(or even older), and even ROKA has shown its own version of K2 with Trophy APS. Also export model proposed to Poland is using Trophy APS.


As the nowadays conflicts proved that APS is necessary thing for armored vehicles and we started to develop another indigenous APS, but it is different story. There are no KAPS on K2NO.

You have misunderstood me

I will find better information about the use of the kaps in norway


As already stated by @MythicPi Sweden has simply no need for a K2, and there’s no reason to take away this MBT from a potential Polish/SK TT wherever they come (and they likely will).

Seeing as Sweden itself is upgrading to Strv 123 (basically Leopard 2A7V equivalent), and has a pretty good chance of getting Danish Leopard 2A7DNK and Norwegian Leopard 2A8 NO - K2 NO is really redundant.

They’re already sporting the 1st/2nd best MBT in the game, no need to give them the absolute best line-up of the future by smashing together 3 of the best Leopard 2s and arguably the best K2 into a single line-up.

Just to show the absurdity of this line-up, at the same time Germany would be using the;

  • Leopard 2A8 - 2A8 NO equivalent
  • Leopard 2A7V - 2A7DNK & Strv 123 equivalent
  • Leopard 2A6MA3 - worse than vehicles mentioned above (arguably worse than K2 NO as well).

So we’d have Sweden running around with straight up an undefeatable line-up of MBTs, with only Russia providing a challenge on the ground.

The only way I’d accept the K2 NO being added to Sweden, would be if the Danish became a sub-tree of Germany instead so that there’d be a vehicle parity between the nations (which tbf, from modern PoV makes sense; their MBTs are built to the same standard, Denmark ordered the SkyRanger SHORAD complex etc).


Subtree or a new techtree, if there will be a new techtree it is a perfect additiomnthere

I disagree. If Norway becomes a sub-tree (doubtful, Sweden already has one), K2 NO would be treated as a last resort vehicle due to it not being chosen.

At best it could end up being an SQB vehicle, but considering the fact it would share the same BR as Leopard 2A7V/DNK (i.e the highest) due to its capabilites, that’s unlikely.

It could be an eventual event vhicle, many vehicles like that

More reasons to split the tree ;)

Arguably the best K2 variant that could be added to the game in the near future - > “ahh yes, perfect event vehicle, totally unlike anything we’ve seen before”.

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I don’t really get the angle that this “takes away” anything. It is very clear that per the nature of this post that this is some future vehicle that can potentially be added.

Is it natural it arrives to other sub-trees or tech-trees first? Yeah given its a trial vehicle with modification to suit the nation its probably not a high priority vehicle.

Just concede there were no KAPS on K2NO

K2NO was vehicle on focus since it first appeared in Korean expo and every path it took from Korea to Norway then back to Korea has been reported in korean news and mass medias. If there was KAPS on K2NO, Koreans were the one who recognize it first.

And we never recognize those thing.

Thwre are 2 verisons of the k2no for testing s in norway, both are different from eachother even exept the aps systems, there are norwegian configurations etc, onw of them with the rws

I’m talking about all those two vehicle. One is display version with trophy APS, and one is one really took test with no APS. RWS is basic on every K2 Black Panther. It is not something special for K2NO, and it is not part of KAPS.

Based on Gaijin’s criteria, if KF41 could not be added to Germany, K2 cannot be added to Sweden. Simple.

But again, Sweden has no need for the K2 when they will get at least 3 versions of the Leopard 2A7+ in the future.

It’s like that “You took away my food, now I’m gonna starve” meme, but instead of US air players, it’s Sweden’s ground players.

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Well thats wierd. Both the T-80U and the Mi-28a have both been added to the game. Both of those are trial vehicles that were loaned to Sweden. Which is the same situation as the K2

If Norway is to be added to a tech tree, then the K2NO fullfills the justification those used. And honestly has a better justification than those given it has country specific modifcations done to it beyond the base vehicle.

I guess? except its somehow Germany players when other tech trees get something they can get in the future. Meanwhile nothing has been taken away at all from Germany and they can still potentially get food anyways.

So i will re-iterate that nothing is being taken away from anyone at all.

I think it fullfills the same function as the T-80U does for Sweden, it adds flavor to an otherwise monotone top tier MBT line-up. That is the same function the K2PL can fulfill if its added to Germany in the form of Poland Sub-tree

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