Alvis FV101 Scorpion - Royal Thai Army's Tracked Reco

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Alvis FV101 Scorpion - Royal Thai Army’s Tracked Reco

Hi and welcome to my 43th suggestion, which is about the Thai FV101 Scorpion, hope you like it. :popcorn:

First of all:

  • This is a suggestion for a Vehicle we could see in game at some point in the Future , that doesn´t mean next Patch or somewhere in the near Future
  • Feel free to share more Information and / or correct me if something is wrong
  • Discuss respectfully, any aggressive kind or verbal abuse will be reported, the Forum rules also apply here


Basic Background

Initially, the “armored reconnaissance vehicle” was designed to carry both artillery and anti-tank missiles, but it was not possible to design an air-launched vehicle to that specification. Due to size and weight limitations, an aluminum alloy was used for the hull and a car engine was used for propulsion. Anti-tank capabilities were given to the dedicated vehicle Stryker, but later Scorpion in the role of fire support it was planned to use a 76 mm gun.
In 1967, Alvis received a contract to produce 30 of his CVR(T) prototypes. Scorpion prototype vehicles P1-P17 were delivered on time and within budget. After extensive hot and cold testing in Norway, Australia, Abu Dhabi and Canada, the Scorpion was accepted into the British Army in May 1970 and a contract was awarded for 275 vehicles, which was later increased to 313 vehicles, with the first production samples completed in 1972. Alvis built over 3,000 Scorpion vehicles for the British Army, Royal Air Force regiments, and the export market.
Purchased in England and stationed in Thailand since 1978 as a “Type 21 light-tank” with the cavalry reconnaissance units, the FV101 Scorpion played an important role in border defense during the Thai-Lao border war.

The FV101 Scorpion Overall

The Scorpion is armed with a 76mm L23A1 cannon capable of firing high explosive, HESH, smoke and cartridge ammunition, as well as a 7.62 mm coaxial L7 GPMG (carrying 3,000 rounds). Two smoke grenade launchers, one on each side of the turret are also available.
The original engine was the Jaguar J60 Mk 100b 4.2 liter petrol engine, which was later replaced by a Cummins or Perkins diesel engine. The top speed is around 80 km/h, thanks to just 8 tons weight.
The aluminum armor is 12.7 mm thick and sloped outwards, giving an average effective thickness of 25 mm. The FV101 provides all-round protection from shrapnel and 7.62 mm bullets, while the heavily sloped front area is resistant to 14.5 mm bullets from 200 m away. However, the initial manufacture of aluminum armor resulted in failure over time due to “stress corrosion cracking” (SCC), which seriously affected all early models.

Thanks for your time, hope you liked it :salute:
[Will add more if there are some (more) important / declassified things]
[PM or comment if a Link or Picture isn´t working]



THAIDEFENSE-NEWS: Scorpion - Royal Thai Army
Army Guide
Scorpion |

Book / Other:
Thailand Royal Army Weapon Systems Handbook Volume 1 - IPB USA 2009

List of Suggestions of ASEAN region


Is this a suggestion for the original FV101 as purchased by Thailand or the current operated Type 21 LT?

You mention the common engine upgrade most scorpions underwent, (In the case of Thailand it was the Cummins offering, carried out by a Chinese firm), but make no mention of the upgraded FCS- despite showing a picture of it!

The FCS Upgrade: SELEX Galileo STAWS

DEFENSE STUDIES: SELEX Galileo Wins EUR 4.3M Contract to Provide Thermal Sight Systems for RTA Scorpions

Cummins Engine Upgrade

If this is a suggestion for the original Type 21 as received, it should feature the Jaguar engine. If this is a suggestion for the upgraded tank, it should feature the improved FCS. Please make it clear which this is a suggestion for.

The whole CVR( T) range has multiple suggestions.

Not sure why you’d opt for hte Thai one tho - it is a classic British Army vehicle.

If Thailand is added to the game, both the original un-upgraded version as well as the variant with the Thermal FCS could easily to the game- that being said, It would make more sense to have the suggestion be for the indigenous upgraded variant, since it would be more unique from the hordes of other CVR(T)s.


Watch. They’ll add it to the Thai Sub-tree but UK won’t get it for like 2 updates lol. +1


The main question to become a WT vehicle would be: can it kill a tank? How much armor penetration does the 76mm gun have? And perhaps if any HEAT round was made for it in case of encountering armored vehicles? I love the Scorpion, but I am worried it won’t be able to do much in WT, since it’s weaponry was envisioned to be deployed for self-defense against infantry and soft targets.

It fires with HESH-T, which has a penetration of up to 80mm against RHA, enough for lower BRs; also the reason for me to Suggest the non-Thermal sight variant.

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Eh it would, with the thermals, act sorta like thw wisely does. Low pen and lower br but with a thermal sight…

Happened to stumble on the STAWS brochure, its a pretty nifty little FCS, its supposed to have assisted aiming which is just something lmao
