9.3 needs changes ASAP

9.3 is genuine hell.

no matter what nation you are, you gonna have the urge to delete the game 4 times in a row and blow up your pc.

10.3 premiums are just way too good for 9.3 tanks, even russia which i find very strong all round.

9.3 will go up against (from russia pov)
US 120’s
Wolfpack & Strykers

Radkampfwagens, Tam2C’s


TAM 2IP which is 9.3 but deserves to be in the lowest point of hell, the tank is so busted, fast as lightning, gets DM33, LSR, Scouting and the armor is so trolly to the point where its not even funny, you accidentally move your aim a little but up and gg you hit the top plate ricochet skill issue.

90% of those are premiums, it would be even worse if it wasnt pov’ing from russia

if you were to play against russia you would go up against


which all are a VERYY huge factor due to the last TWENTY ONE of my 9.3 GAMES BEING UPTIERS.

One of the games i even got a 6 kill 1 cap end, and i got BARELY 6.2K RP (with premium AND it was a solo cap) AND I STILL NEED 210K MORE FOR MY NEXT TANK?

9.3 is so dumb that a br lower than it is more effective


easy to kill

easy to kill

destroy gun then flank

destroy gun then flank
no problem. ez.

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horrible argument


bmp 2m has missiles on the move, 2s38 auto firing, t80ud’s are just simply better versions of your tank, same with the turms t, this isnt a 1 on 1 game theres 14 other players than just 1, and the tanks there are fast so youre gonna have enemies all round

I also forgot to mention this br is point and click if youre playing russia so the shooting barrel technique isnt as easy as you think, i play russia myself and no matter how good the t72 is 10.3 is simply better

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and theyre still easy to kill. doesnt matter if they have a ultra hd laser cannon if you can just kill them easily.

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9.3 is the strongest BR in the game right now. Extremely decompressed and easy to play with all 10 tech trees having lineups.

When they were 0.7 BR away from the TURMS-T, it was okay back then, and now it’s just flat out strong.


imagine yourself using a 9.3 mbt70 going up against t80ud’s and turms that outclass you, it isnt easy aiming for their weakspots but they can click on you anywhere, + you start out with chemical rounds that are getting manhandled by their era


cant tell if youre sarcastic or not

thats because you shouldnt be able to kill a higher br vehicle as easily as they can kill you however it doesnt take any effort to tap their gun out and then to aim for their drivers port and i play the kpz70 myself. its literally easy. you just want to be able to onetap everything

theres a difference between having to aim for weakspots and them clicking on you, dont forget most 9.0+ maps are long range, you have to aim for his driver port where he can click on you anywhere in the turret and its a 100% kill, + there will be multiple of them. 9.3 is underpowered for the 10.3 vehicles


it doesnt matter that they can click on you if you can just click their gun out and then they cant do anything.
you have a laser range finder so there is no excuse.
stop wishing to be as good as a higher battle rating tank.

so do they? long range = hard to snipe certain spots + easier to get back into cover after being disabled

its not difficult to snipe out a gun with laser rangefinder. its literally one click. if you cant manage that then you have a skill issue.

youre acting as if the enemy will stay stiff as a rock


theyre gonna have to stop if they want to make an accurate shot at you
dont try to make that argument where theyre gonna hit you at 1.5km while movnig at 50mkh, that doesnt happen buddy and if it happens they deserve the kill

understand this: sometimes you are indeed at a disadvantange and cant kill everything you want to. thats how the game works.

i completely understand what you mean, but there is literally just no way 9.3 is as balanced against 10.3 as other br’s, 6.7 against coldwar 7.7 is playable, but 9.3 against 10.3 is just a completely different story because those brs are just point and click

1 tapping everything is not what should happen at any br.
in downtiers yes it should be more frequent, but 10.3 gets downtiered 99% of the time

you just need to learn that at higher battle ratings the gameplay is more demanding

9.3 has been my most played ground RB BR for this year.
Britain, USA, France, Japan, Italy, Germany…
Your team can only see a maximum of 4 10.3s, and your team has 4 of their own.

9.3 is easy if you stick near team mates, especially your 10.3s to back them up if you get a full increase in BR.

9.3 is a demanding BR, and that’s what makes it fun.
When all 10 tech trees have lineups, of course there are going to be full BR increases, who plays 10.0 and 10.3 anymore? Everyone’s playing 10.7 now.
Only 2 tech trees have great 8.7 lineups: France and Sweden.
Soviets and Britain are okay.
Japan and USA are the only ones with 8.3 lineups.
The rest are 8.0, outside the range of 9.3 matches.


demanding is very light, i’d more of say that you NEED to have the game to fill you with luck for it

it doesnt really matter that only 4 10.3’s can be in a game, 4 10.3’s is more than enough to kill a entire team because of the drastic change with 9.3 and 10.3, if it werent there wouldnt be so many 9.3 complaints