9.3 - 10.3 = unplayable for any non-premium tank abuser

absolute joke this BR. you struggle spading your vehicles all day while complete BOTS get free kills to farm in their premium 60euro vehicles. most lobbies in that BR range are atleast 70% wallet warriors its completly insane. what a fing joke. absolute pay2win experience. all of the premium 10.0 tanks should be moved up atleast 0,7 in BR so they cant rofl around the map and get free kills on normal players


exactly how much satisfaction or “skill issue” do i get from getting revenge bombed every time i kill a turms or leo 2a4 / m1 kvt ?
constantly punishing normal players from gaijins side is so much anti-cons00mer its absolute insane

constantly punishing normal players from gaijins side is so much anti-cons00mer its absolute insane

Non premium players aren’t “consumers”. So by definition, no it’s not “anti consumer behavior” to give a benefit (assuming that’s true for sake of argument) to premium players, since those are the actual consumers. So that would make it pro-consumer.

(Edit: Okay I mean I guess it’s a consumer, but you SHOULD have said customer even if you didn’t, that’s the important distinction economically)

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if you made it to 10.0 without premium-time i would buy you 180days of prem
but i think no one has ever done this

what is a tank abuser?

Well, they are consumers.

They are consuming the product supplied by Gaijin.

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Those who use insanely OP vehicles to win all engagements, like the Object 279.

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I have.

Albeit, I did buy premium packs, but I waited till the time ran out.

Revenge bombing occurs in tanks whether premium or not.
Premium is only extra rewards.

Well Object 279 wasn’t any more OP than M4A2, and it’s certainly as underpowered now at 9.0 as it was underpowered when 10.0 was 9.7.

su25k and a10a / a6 tram are way more capable at CAS than anything those lvl 50 players would have in their lineup.

If you aren’t paying for the game then you are not a customer - you are the product for customers.

if you made it to 10.0 without premium-time i would buy you 180days of prem
but i think no one has ever done this

I agree, it doesn’t happen, but what does that have to do with what I wrote?

I simply said that that fact is not an example of “anti-[customer] behavior” because people without any premium anything are not customers. So things that are bad for them cannot be anti-customer.

Just writing “consumer” instead of “customer” does not change the important point, which is that customers matter to a company, non-customers don’t. Whether they consume or not.

If you want to matter and be paid attention to and given stuff you want, give the other person a reason to do so: pay them.

ok cons00mer, let me guess, you own every prem tank in-game
stockholm syndrome

My identity isn’t relevant. But sure, let’s say i do for sake of argument own every single premium. Me being a happy customer in that scenario would be proving the exact point I made: That their behavior is pro-customer, not anti-customer. … if their customers are happy, lol.

thats why every youtube video complains about gaijin and that review bombing thing yes?
ground only mode also some of the most requested things by tank players that never gets any notice from gaijin
keep cons00ming and dont forget to drink your soylet

You don’t have to be a customer to leave a Steam review.

(Ground-only mode: I agree on that, they are making a mistake on that particular detail)

yes you are

Yes you are


8000 ground arcade games player, consider yourself blocked ) american bot

Asking you to literally just clarify a grammatically unclear statement → Blocked.

Okay, lol. Have a good one.