Absolutely free player at 9.3 with italy rn, make your money ready if i get past the centauro
9.3 - 10.0 is just a bad BR range by itself, those premium tanks are just the tip of the iceberg for this awfull BR
Loads have already done so, including myself, he ain’t serious about this.
you just be happy someone is spending money on the game bud.
If they didn’t, Gaijin would either have to close the game, make it a subscription based game or find new and even more devious ways of earning money.
Object 279 isn’t OP, it’s just good. It can’t go down to 8.7 as it could face 7.7, and can’t go up either, as then you have the T-72/T-64’s. It’s balanced.
may i suggest the german 9.3 lineup? specifically the begleitpanzer 57? it can deal well with both ground and air with its autocannon, its fast and low clearance, and it had a drone too!
if you wanna have fun in 9.3, have fun with the tech tree german 9.3 lineup!