9.3-10.3 needs urgent decompression

I’ve been playing Mig-19PT, Jaguar GR1, Harrier GR.3 and Lightning F.6 and all i felt was pure frustration. Every match is filled with F8U-2, A-5C, A-10 and Su-25K and for good reasons.

The crusader is insane, there is nothing you can do against it, literally the most overpowered jet i had the displeasure of ever facing, if they are not on my team i’m seriously considering returning to the hangar. It outruns, outclimbs, outmanouvre, outguns everything and just to top it up, it gets 4 missiles against flareless jets, amazing. This plane has 0 business fighting a Lightning wtf
The A-5C is a little more manageable but still ridiculous, his missiles have the word “magic” in their names, need i say more?
The 2 attackers basically get free kills thanks to their all aspect. Isn’t it brilliant? Having flareless jets fight against all aspect?

Every time i play my jets i am left bitter and angry. I cannot even research the MiG-21SMT because gaijin in their infinite wisdom and greed decided you need 6 other planes before buying the next rank, thanks now i have to research the Su or Yak line because i need 2 more planes, same goes for the bri`ish, currently researching the Vampire

Should i mention that every single match is an uptier thanks to the premium meta hellhole?
I can’t even escape it because as i mentioned i’m not even allowed to research the next rank

I hope whoever balanced 10.3-9.3, gets exactly what they deserve


Galaxy brain by Gaijin, making the br compression even worse, i hope you looked through the planned changes and not just link this to tell me “hey look they are trying to improve things”
F8U-2 is not even on that list, nor the premium blackholes, only A-5C

It’s like they are trying to fail on purpose

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It won’t do a lot but it will do something, I was more pointing out how it’s ironic decompression threads pop up while decompression is planned

And how exactly do they decompress Air RB by lowering planes from 11.3 to 11? How does that fix the 10.3-9.3 br?

I’d say everything from 6.7 to 12.3 need to be decompressed, but it seems there is a strong following on these forums to have exactly the opposite happen.

Too many players with big skill issues and tiny egos clinging onto their broken OP overperforming under BR’d vehicles ruining this game for the average player.


More players playing 11.0 drags 10.0 players up and out of 9.X BR matches

Imo that still doesn’t fix anything. You still have F8U-2 clowning on everything and flareless jets fighting all aspect and the performance difference between 9.3 and 10.3 is too much. It’s the same with 8.7-9.7 and 9.7-10.7 and so on. Basically all jets are extremely compressed.

To put things into perspective, compare P-51C-10 to P-51D-30 or F8F-1 to F8F-1B. The difference is more that 1.0 br yet the performance (armament included) is not that great. You can still beat the competition if you play smart and to your strengths. This is simply not possible at the hellhole that are jets. An F8U-2 will clown on a Lightning any time of the day, even if it gets jumped

Having jets with 10+ more years of advancement separated only by a 0.3 or 0.7 br is absurd (ex: MiG-19PT 1952 and F8U-2 1965)

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I agree with you man, no need to be at my throat, the F8U-2 needs to go up. New 11.0s will have a significant affect on its MM. We just need to see it in person, very little may change or it could get a full uptier 9/10 games, we just don’t know yet.


While I agree that those flareless jets do not deserve this treatment but I can recommend carrying rockets, MiG-19PT can carry 32 S-5K rockets which ain’t much but can trick the missiles specially IR ones from the front aspect into following the rocket. But again yeah I totally agree that flare less jets do not deserve to be punished like this

I’m not at your throat, i got nothing against you. I’m just venting my frustrations. I don’t understand how this company can be this incapable, they’re lucky warthunder is an unique game

Maybe I interpreted your tone wrong, sorry if I did. War thunder (and its devs choices) can be frustrating sometimes but change does happen and pushing for it will work. It takes time but just stay determined and it will happen.