Playing 9.3 as of current is a complete mess, the constant uptiers to 10.3 really drain you after 20 games of it. Not to mention the technology differences; let’s take the Khalid (9.3) and the 2S38 (10.3) and compare them both.
Thermals: 2s38 gets gen 2 thermals for both gunner and commander, while the Khalid gets night vison for both gunner and commander.
Mobility: 2s38 is capable of 70 Km/h forward while the Khalid is capable of 56 Km/h forward.
Armament: 2s38 gets the 57mm 2A90 autocannon capable of penetrating 225mm of armor, the Khalid gets the 120mm L11a5 cannon capable of penning up to 410mm of armor.
Armor: Both are equally made of paper at their respective BRs but on paper the Khalid with on avg 250mm+ of armor is better.
Survivability: (This topic is all opinion based) The 2s38 is on average much more survivable than the Khalid.
Overall: The 2s38 is way better in almost all ways other than armor and firepower. Keep in mind that the 2s38 is also able to act as a proto SPAA with its proxy fuse HE. So, in what world should these 2 vehicles face each other on a regular basis? Now the reason why I compared these 2 vehicles is because I believe they are the best at 9.3 and 10.3 respectably. Gaijin just needs to expand upon the max ground br to 13.3 and move all 10.3s to 11.3 and all 9.3s to 9.7.
Or alternatively, compare the mbt70/kpz70 to the 2s38 lol. I should mention that the 2s38 isn’t really the best example since that thing should be 11.0 anyway, so i’d say the t72 vs kpz70 would be a better example
9.3 - 10.3 Is challenging but not unplayable. Why don’t you just tell us what lineup you are struggling with rather than wasting everyone’s time with another topic that has already been extensively covered elsewhere.