8.7-9.7 matchmaking now has click-bait syndrome

Better straight out quit the match if you have UK on your side, currently feels like USA top tier during sales festival, half the team with their shiny new rides will throw the match.


It was the same during the obj 292 event last year however the sir 2 literally has no lineup, give it a month and things will be back to normal


292 might be the easiest vehicle to grind since it starts with the best apfsds in the game lol


that thing made 9.0 to top tier unplayable for months

It has a line-up of champions



none of them other than sir 2 are 9.7 nor are any of those very good at 9.7

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Falcon / ZA-35 / ZT are all great at 9.7, wdym?


Falcon is basically a slower XM800t so yea its alright I guess, Olifant mk2 sucks ass, VFM5 is pretty mid, Rooikats are worse centauros and anything on a ratel is gonna suck ass.

VFM5 and Oli, I’ll give you that. But don’t be talking down the ZT3 - it is a wish.com AFT09, but still nukes everything and now has ammo crates. Really enjoying it as a second spawn for Sir2. Wish they never ruined the VFM5’s optics, though.

I do better with the Fox and Scimitar that high than any of the vehicles you used. my 9.3 lineup is the mk10 chieftain, shir 1 (khalid) and a couple rat vehicles and its just not viable when you can see 10.7 stuff.

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Still remember half the matches being RU vs RU

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At least it forced me to realise my favourite BRs are 6.7-8.7. I almost never play higher now

It’ll die down, the more skilled players will keep playing it while the low levels will put it down and forget about it, i have already put it to good use personally


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Doof doof gun vs nice thermals and ATGM that can nuke anything in one shot - I know what I’m choosing. Anyway, this is all academic - the Sir2 will be moving up to 10.0 in no time.

Ugh, hate when you get nuke and then the round runs out before you can drop it, lol


I can see that, at least it has a lineup of vehicles at the same BR, even if they are: AFV worse than the 8.3 equal and SPAA with non functional missiles

With controller


No I play on KBM lol, controller is unbearable

I think you can crew the Chieftain MK10 and play 9.0, this br mostly sees 130sp which is 9.3 and the MK10 is incredibly strong, the full downtier frequency is high too but only do it after people stop spamming the Shir lol

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It’s probably also due to cas dominance

I play with controller.