8.7-9.7 matchmaking now has click-bait syndrome

I keep meaning to play MK10, but Britain 8.3 is a bit addictive.

In this br when USA and China in the same team shouldn’t have too much issues with pilots of average skill, York and PGZ09 will take care of them. It’s a big problem now especially you are playing 8.7 and its full uptier, we have a total of four 9.7s that are supposed to carry the team with their superior vehicles but all four left with five deaths and only one kill lol all four 9.7 being British and not even one T-64B to offset the enemy’s 9.7s.

Another super whack matchmaking, the enemy team has:


We have:
9.7 mbt 404

No need to guess, we got steamrolled lol

the chally mk2 should be 10.0, there is 0 reason why the shir 2 should be 10.0, its worse then the mk2 in nearly everyway

the mk3 and ds are much much better then either of them and they are only 10.7

Nah. Flawed logic, either way. You need to compare Shir2 to what it faces at that BR, below that BR, and beyond. Shir2 is incredibly strong for 9.7 - it’s going up, mark my words.

IMO I have no issue with Shir being at 9.7, as long as the full downtier doesn’t put UK in the same team with RU and Israel, you can see the above scoreboard just set us up to lose, there is no 9.7 MBTs for Germany, China and French, even if the Leopard 2K still at 9.7 it still doesn’t totally outclass the current 9.7, funny thing is that the only 9.7 vehicles in my team that we can expect it to carry is the Wiesel 1A2 lmao

T72A 9.3
T64B 9.7
T72M1 9.3
Begleitpanzer 9.3
Type 16 9.7
Centauro 9.3-9.7
Amx-40 9.7

9.7 is literally perfectly fine for the shir 2, its not even the best 9.7 tank, techinally even 9.3s are better then it (begleitpanzer for example)

thats true, 9.7 is a pretty bad BR bracket, but thats not the shir 2 fault, i agree

Fair points on some you’ve listed - apart from discounting that the Shir2 actually has a reverse gear. But to compare it to a support vehicle like the Begleit is a bit funny. Begleit is certainly better at SPAAing, though.

Now the 8.7 and 9.0 often feels like a boss fight when the enemy has Shir and Sabra, the only time the Object 279 doesn’t feel strong lol

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Only thing holding back Shir2 teams are those players that don’t have line-ups. Frustration central when your team is already out of the game within the first few minutes. I think I’m going to jump in the AFT09 and just start farming some of the low levels using the Shir2, in the hopes they get frustrated and stop using it (until they have some vehicles around that BR bracket to put together for a line-up).

my brother in christ no top tier russian tanks have a reverse gear that doesnt stop them being good, the t72 have much much much smaller weakspots, the shir 2 hull is completely useless armourwise and the turret has multiple weaknesses, its one of the few tanks easily destroyed while still hull down if you know the weakspots

Smells like a Britain suffers post. Going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

its not britian suffers if someone is saying a vehicle is in a good spot br wise, there is stuff better and stuff worse then it

also the begielet is like the falcon, sure its not called a tank its a light tank or an spaa but oh my god have you never faced it? its possibly one of the best tanks in the game