8.7-9.7 ARB is insanely compressed

This is not a discussion about one vehicle in particular but the bracket as a whole.

I had unlocked my 8.7 jet with the hope of enjoying a few battles in ARB to unlock some modules.

However, I have come across many aircraft which hopelessly outstrip and outperform me in many ways.

For example the packs of MiG-21S, F-104 Starfighter, Ayit Skyhawk. It feels like you make the slightest error and you die - but they can make multiple mistakes and get away with it.

In a one-on-one you might have a chance if pilot is especially bad - I actually destroyed a MiG-21 with an AIM-9B in a recent battle.

But if a pack of them is coming, I am totally finished and out of options.


Gaijin just doesn’t like to do decompression. It took years to decompress 6.7 ground, and I doubt they will decompress air outside of top tier for a while. They’ve actually compressed it more by making 7.0 and 8.0 the difference between an Me-262 and a MiG-15.

In reality, 7.0+ is super compressed.


Yes it’s insane, the MiG can go 90° vertical to escape after dogfight, when in reality doing such a stupid maneuver should be a death sentence. It just shows the difference in raw power.


Not only for 8.7-, but also for 9.7-10.7, they’re under tiered to cater to bozos who want easy gameplay and no challenges.

The issues of compression are multiplied by the fact that vehicles are balanced around their theoretical uptiers and downtiers. “It’s okay for X vehicle to outperform in every way in a full downtier because in a full uptier it’s completely outclassed”. This quickly falls apart when for certain brackets (and depending on the nations) the ratio between up/downtiers is 80-20.

All those 9.7s and 9.3s that you constantly find yourself facing and can do nothing against probably played 10 matches dying to all aspect missiles before they ended up in your game. It’s a lose-lose situation. No one is having fun in this scenario.


I am playing almost everything this game has (excluding last rank for most nations) - everything is compressed, and Naval is compressed even more.

This only could be improved by ±0.7 matchmaking, but devs would never make gameplay any easier and happier.