7.7 Should never meet anything past 8.3 right now

You don’t exclusively fight 8.7s as 7.7, you will fight other 7.7 - 8.3 + 4 maximum 8.7, which is far more balanced than 9.0 vs unlimited 9.3 - 9.7 + 4 10.0s because of performance gaps.

Go home, you are drunk

I’ve LONG proposed with general support that matchmaker should be based on tank RANK and not BR. Now that the player base is well established there is no reason for a BR system.

This would align with your issues as well as everyones regarding uptiers.

7.7 tanks sit in Rank V they should be matched against Rank V and never see Rank VI vehicles which is were most 8.7-9.3 tanks are.

This solves some of the main issues with odd heavy tanks like the Maus and stuff where they would never need to face ATGMs and post war tanks.