7,7 cm FK 96 L/27 n.A. auf leichte Selbstfahrkanone L.S.K.

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I would like to suggest the Leichte Selbstfahrkanone short L.S.K. a self propelled gun of the 1930 and is the competition vehicle by Krupp to the WD Schlepper 50 Ps

Overall its similar, but better and bigger than the WD Schlepper 50 PS, as its not just a gun on a traktor, instead a purpose build vehicle.

It would give an interesting and fun playstyle to the lower brs with a relativly strong gun, on an relativly small but mobile chassis with just enove armor to stop mg fire from the direction you are facing.
Beeing overall fairly unique beeing one of the few vehicles of the interwar period that was build and has the 7,7 cm FK 96 L/27 n.A. With beeing perhaps the 2nd vehicle with a gun and ammo without a tracer.

The vehicle is noted sometimes with the 7,7 cm FK 96 L/27 n.A. (same as the WD Schlepper 50Ps) and an 7,5 cm FK L/25, however i wasnt really able to find out more about it and the stats that i did find were identical to the 7,7 cm FK 96 L/27 n.A. example the velocity of 465m/s, so overall the FK 96 n.A. is more reasonable and realistic.

Pictures:(Click to show)


The gun:
7,7 cm FK 96 L/27 n.A. in a new dedicated mount with 15° horizontal traverse at 20-25°/sec and -10° to +40° elevation (or also -7° or also up to +70°) with 76 rounds stored at the back.

The German WW2 Made drawings have for the plain HE grenades different weights, duo to new fuzes, the British source FROM 1918 is in that aspect more accurat, with the exception to the Shrapnell and APHE rounds! (For 7,7 cm!)

(Amatol could also have a 1,26x TnTa.)

The available ammo If 7,7 cm:(Click to show)


K.Gr. 15 m.P. (Aphe (No Tracer)) 6,85 kg 230g Fp.02 470m/s 52mm/10m penetration

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K.Gr. 15 m.P. m.L. (Aphe) 7 kg 230g Fp.02 465m/s 52mm/10m penetration

Screenshot 2023-07-26 184846

K.Gr.16 (Saphe (No Tracer)) 6,25 kg 700g Amatol 480m/s 30+mm/10m(Historical 20mm/600m)

With Lg.K.Z.m.V., also available as pure HE with E.K.Z. 16/23 fuze (see below under HE)


K.Gr. 15 (He-TF (No Tracer)) 7,1 kg 380g amatol or 270g Pieric acid 465m/s

(TNTa for the Pieric Acid In Game x1,1, IRL x1,2, for the Amatol x1,26)
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K.Gr.16 (He-TF (No Tracer)) 6,25 kg 700g Amatol 480m/s

With E.K.Z. 16/23, also available as SAHPE with the Lg.K.Z.m.V. (see above under AP)
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L.F.K.Gr. (He-TF (No Tracer)) 7,18 kg 930g amatol (1,172 kg TnTa) 465m/s

(Pieric Acid ig x1,1=770g, IRL x1,2=840g) other fillers are 700g Pieric acid or 820g amatol with 75g Pieric acid.
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Kt. (Canister Shot (No Tracer)) 6,65 kg Steel/Leadballs 475m/s


F.Schr.96 (umg.) (Shrapnell-TF (No Tracer)) 7 kg 0,1 kg Blackpowder 465m/s

Works like a Crude WW1 AHEAD round, with a timed fuze mid flight ejecting the Steel/Leadballs, against Infantry and planes.
Filling of x300 10g Lead Balls or 220 Steel Balls (with steel balls 6,85 kg)
Some incendary effect by the pitch around the balls.
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Br.Schr.Gr. (Incendary Shrapnell-TF (No Tracer)) 6,8 kg 0,167 kg Blackpowder 470m/s

6 Rows of 5 Segments of Incendary Pellets, Made of Bariumnitrate-Magnesium-Resin of 13g each.
Works like a Crude WW1 AHEAD round, with a timed fuze mid flight ejecting the Incendary Pellets onto the Airtarget.
Screenshot 2024-08-09 205639

K.Gr.16 (N) (Smoke (No Tracer)) 6,25 kg 0,4 kg Fp.02 and 0,1 kg Smoke mixture 480m/s

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If considdering the similarity, timing (around that time the full switch from 7,7 cm to 7,5 cm happened) and what i have read the 7,5 cm FK L/25 could be a rebarrled 7,7 cm Fk 96 n.A., it would then use the standart ammo such as:

Available ammo if 7,5 cm:(Click to show)


K.Gr. Rot Pz (Apcbc) 6,8 kg 80g Fp.02 und Np.10 (102,4g) 465m/s 68mm/10m penetration

Screenshot 2023-07-26 194313

He / Saphe:

K.Gr. Rot. (HE-TF (No Tracer)) 5,83 kg 465 m/s (or more cince its noticeably lighter) 520g Amatol and Np.10 (665,6g aquivalent)

(with Dopp.Z./60s) (also with a different fuze with 6,62 kg available and a setting for saphe)
Screenshot 2023-07-26 194251


K.Gr. Rot. Nb (Smoke) 6,2 kg 465m/s

2 were build

The Vehicle:
Crew: 3 (Driver, Gunner, Loader (one of them is also commander)
Length: 3850mm
Width: 2000mm
Height: 1450mm
Ground clearance: 300mm
Weight: 8910 kg (of the final modified full prototype with armarment and fuel up to 9100kg)
Engine: 100Ps/Hp by Daimler Benz (or Maybach O.S.5 at 1900rpm or 3000rpm)
Top speed 40 km/h

At the front including gunshield 14,5 mm
Sides 12 mm
Rear 10 mm
Deck 6 mm
Belly 5 mm

Walther J. Spielberger - Die Rad- Und Vollketten-Zugmaschinen Des Deutschen Heeres 1870-1945,
Thomas L.Jentz, Hilary Louise Doyle - Panzerjaeger (3,7 cm Tak to Pz.Sfl.Ic) development and employment from 1927 to 1941 Panzer Tracts No.7-1


Huh, thats a very funky vehicle… I like it, have a +1

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