- Yes
- No
This tech tree proposal is about the introduction of arab produced and modified vehicles under the service of the Arab League nation members. This Suggestion is only about the vehicles, and thus is not related to the geopolitical position of the Arab League or the nation members in any way.
The Arab League was formed in Cairo, Egypt on 22 March 1945. The goal of the Arab League is to foster coperation between the arab states/nations in many sectors like economy, science and reachers, security and trade etc.
Initially the Arab League started with six nations: Egypt, Iraq, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Syria. Now there is 22 countrys who are members of the Arab League and 5 observer nations.
The current members are:
- Algeria
- Bahrain
- Comoros
- Djibouti
- Egypt
- Iraq
- Jordan
- Kuwait
- Lebanon
- Libya
- Mauritania
- Morocco
- Oman
- Palestine
- Qatar
- Saudi Arabia
- Somalia
- Sudan
- Syria
- Tunisia
- United Arab Emirates
- Yemen
Observer Nations are:
- Armenia
- Brazil
- Eritrea
- India
- Venezuela
Some people don’t know that many of the Arab League nations part took in the war, Iraq was an Axis nation and was allied with the Germans and fought against Brittian. The Germans gave Iraq tanks, planes and weapons to fight with, including Italy that also gave aways some tanks to the Iraq army.
Morocco sent 100 000 soldiers to fight against the Germans and they fought together or as a part of France, US and Brittian Army and Air Force. Moroccan soldiers went as far as fighting in the picific campains together with US against Japan.
Other nations like Syria, Lebanon, Algeria and Tunisia also fought in world war 2. Most of this countrys joined the war in the year of 1942.
After the end of world war 2 in 1945 the Arab League was formed to make sure to protect the region and foster stronger and better relations between the arab nations.
Some of the arab nations fought/helped in fighting some wars in other continents like First Indochina War, where 60 000 Moroccan soldiers were sent to fight between the years 1947 to 1954. Algerian soldiers were also sent to fight the same war.
The first Arab-Israel war of 1948 broke out when Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt moved into the former territory of Palestine.
In 25 September 1963 The Sand War broke out, a war that was fought between Morocco and Algeria over border territory. Morocco was allied with the US and recived weapons and military vehicles to fight Algeria, while Algeria was backed by the USSR and recived weapons and vehicles from the USSR and World War 2 era German vehicels and weapons. At the end Morocco had the upper hand but choose to have a ceasefire and officially declaring the end of the war on 30 October 1963.
The Arab League in this time and age have been working together for a safer and more economically prosperous future, many of the Arab League nations have made big leaps in many sectors including the making of there own military vehicles with the leading nations being UAE and Egypt, and Morocco starting 2 year prior. The Arab League have been fighting in Yemen and had fought in Libya uprising against the Gadaffi forces. The Arab League has also been participating in peace missions around the world and specially Africa and the Caribbean.
To make this clear, this is a suggestion for a full tech tree that starts at Rank 1! There is allready a number of Arab nations vehicles in the game that were designed specifically for thos Arab nations, a good exampel is the TURMS in the USSR tech tree and Su-22M3 squadron vehicle.
I choose not to add to many but also not too little vehicles, my aim is to make sure that this tech tree is a medium size like the French or Swidish tech tree. There is allways possibilitys to add more vehicles if needed and there is a lot of them left that can be added. If the comunity knows about some intressting vehicles that can be adde in the future, please do share it in the comments section so that everybody and Gaijin devs knows about it.
Also the BRs are just place holders don’t take them as absolute, its Gaijin devs that choose the BRs for vehicles in every Tech Tree in the game. So in other words its them who decide!
There are nations in the Arab League that allready have a full blown military/arms industry with this nations being the leading ones: UAE, Egypt, Jordan, Algeria and Oman. With other countrys like Qatar and Kuwait opting to buy shares and investing in arms projects/companys notably being biggest share holders and investers in Turkeyé, Brazil, India and China arms industry/projects.
So why not give more representation to this nations by adding a tech tree that encopeses all the nations vehicles with some being made in the Arab nations, modifications of existing ones, and some who are specificcly made for thos arab nations.
The Arab League will be both a semi beginner friendly and high skill level tech tree, and will also add a varation of play styles that can be fun for everyone.

List of vehicles:
Rank 1
R 35 - 1.0 - Medium Tank - Lebanon
- Primary: 37 mm L/21 SA 18 gun
- Secondary: 7.5 mm MAC31 Reibel machine gun coaxial
Additional Notes:
- The R35 is a vehicle that based off of
the R35 already found in-game under the FRANCE tech
tree. The vehicle would perform exactly like the R35
in the game.
- The R35 is a vehicle that based off of
R35 (2 PDR) - 1.7 - Medium Tank - Lebanon
- Primary: 40mm 2 PDR gun
- Secondary: 7.5 mm MAC31 Reibel machine gun
Additional Notes:
- The R35 (2 PDR) was a uppgrade done to the the R35 by the lebanese army in an atempt to further the operational life span of the vehicle. The switched out the old gun with a 40 mm 2 PDR gun to both give the tank more pen, but also gun velocity.
Lorraine 38L - 1.3 - Tank destroyer - Syria
- Primary: 65 mm guns
- Secondary: N/A
Additional Notes:
- The Lorraine 38L has a max speed of 35Km/h (22 mph) modifed and used by Syria between the years 1947-1948.
Sturmpanzer 2 - 1.3 - Tank Destroyer - Egypt
- Primary: 15 cm (5.9 in) sIG 33 heavy infantry gun
- Secondary: 7.92 mm Maschinengewehr 34
Additional Notes:
- The Sturmpanzer 2 captured and used by the Egyptions from the German African core. It’s armed with a 15 cm heavy infantry gun, and it has a max speed of 40 km/h (25 mph).
Staghound Mk. I - Reserve (1.7) - Light tank - Egypt
- Primary: 1 × 37 mm M6
- Secondary: 2–3 × .30 (7.62 mm) M1919 Browning machine guns
Additional Notes:
- The Staghound Mk. I has a max speed of 89km/h (55 mph) produced October 1942 - April 1944. Mass: 14 t, Lenth: 5.49 m, Width: 2.69 m, Height: 2.36 m, Crew: 5.
M13/40 (III) - 2.0 - Medium tank - Egypt
- Primary: 1 × 47 mm cannone da 47/32 anti-tank gun
104 rounds - Secondary: 4 × 8 mm Breda mod. 38 machine guns (1 × coaxial, 1 × AA, 2 × in hull)
2,808 rounds
- Primary: 1 × 47 mm cannone da 47/32 anti-tank gun
Additional Notes:
- The M13/40 (III) has a max speed of 31.8km/h (19.8 mph) produced July 1940 - late 1941. Mass: 14 t, Lenth: 4.9 m, Width: 2.28 m, Height: 2.37 m, Crew: 4.
M22 - 2.0 - Light tank - Egypt
- Primary: 37 mm M6 cannon
- Secondary: .30 kaliber Browning M1919A4 machingun
Additional Notes:
- The M22 has a max speed of 64.37km/h (40 mph). Mass: 8.2 t, Lenth: 3.94 m, Width: 2.16 m, Height: 1.85 m, Crew: 3. It will play exactlly like the one in the game.
Humber Mk. IV - (2.0) - Light tank - Egypt
- Primary: M5 or M6 37 mm gun
- Secondary: 7.92 mm Besa machine gun
Additional Notes:
- The Humber Mk. IV has a max speed of 80km/h (50 mph). Mass: 5 t, Lenth: 4.610 m, Width: 2.21 m, Height: 2.39 m, Crew: 3.
M13/40 (2pdr) - 2.3 - Medium Tank - Egypt
- Primary: 37 mm 2 pounder
- Secondary: Breda machin gun
Additional Notes:
- The M13/40 (2pdr) was an uppgrade to the standard M13/40, witch added a hole new turret designed and made byt Egypt equpping it with a 40mm 2 PDR gun. Expert say that the gun may have been taken from an old Matilda 2 tank. The body is still the same no modification was done to it!
Staghound Mk. 3 (AEC Turret) - (2.0) - Light tank - Lebanon
- Primary: 75mm gun
- Secondary: .50 cal machin gun
Additional Notes:
- The Staghound Mk. 3 (AEC Turret) was a Lebanon modification done to the Staghound Mk. 3, what they did was remove the old turret and add a new turret from the AEC Mark 3 Armored Cars. They also installed a roof top heavy machin gun with a shield to it.
Rank 2
Marmon-Herrington MkIV (6pdr) - 2.7 - Light tank - Jordan
- Primary: 1 x Ordnance QF 6-pounder anti-tank gun.
- Secondary: 1 or 2 x 7.62 mm Browning machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- The Marmon-Herrington MkIV (6pdr) has a max speed of 84 km/h (52 mph). Mass: 6.4 t, Lenth: 5.52 m, Width: 2.13 m, Height: 2.79 m, Crew: 3-4.
Saladin - 2.7 - Light tank - Oman
- Primary: 76 mm L5A1 gun with 42 rounds.
- Secondary: 2 × M1919A4 machine guns with 3,500 rounds.
Additional Notes:
- The Saladin has a max speed of 72 km/h. Mass: 11.6 t, Lenth: 4.93 m, Width: 2.54 m, Height: 2.39 m, Crew: 3.
BTR-152A - 2.7 - SPAA - Egypt
- Primary: (ZPTU-4) KPVT 14.5 mm antiaircraft gun
- Secondary: N/A
Additional Notes:
- The BTR-152A has a max speed of 75 km/h. Length: 6.55 m, Width: 2.32 m, Height: 2.36 m, Crew: 3 - 5.
M4A2 - 4.0 - Medium tank - Egypt
- Primary: M3 (75 mm)
- Secondary: 7.62 mm M1919A4 machine gun
Additional Notes:
- The M4A2 is the same one found in game allready so it will play the same.
M24 - 3.7 - Light tank - Iraq
Primary: 75 mm Gun M6 in Mount M64
48 rounds. -
Secondary: .50 BMG Browning M2HB machine gun
440 rounds. -
Additional Notes:
- The M24 has a max speed of 56km/h.
Length: 5.56 m, Width: 3 m, Height: 2.77 m,
Crew: 5.
- The M24 has a max speed of 56km/h.
M3 VTT 105 - 3.7 - Tank destroyer - Morocco
Primary: 105mm gun
Secondary: N/A
Additional Notes:
- The M3 VTT 105 has a max speed of 90km/h.
Length: 4.45 m, Width: 2.4 m, Height: 2 m,
Crew: 3.
- The M3 VTT 105 has a max speed of 90km/h.
StuG III G - 4.0 - Tank destroyer - Syria
Primary: 1 × 7.5 cm StuK 40 L/48
54 rounds. -
Secondary: Breda-Safat 12,7mm.
Additional Notes:
- The StuG III G has a max speed of 40km/h.
Length: 6.85 m, Width: 2.95 m, Height: 2.16 m,
Crew: 4. Will be played as the one in game but with a roof
heavy machingun.
- The StuG III G has a max speed of 40km/h.
Rank 3
M4A4 - 3.7 - Medium tank - Egypt
- Primary: M3 75 mm gun.
- Secondary: .50 caliber Browning M2HB machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- The M4A4 had it’s engine swapped out and replace by the engine from the M4A2 witch made the tank a little bit lighter and gave it a wapping 5 more horse power!
** MT-LB (ZU-23-2)** - 4.3 - SPAA - Iraq
- Primary: ZU-23-2.
- Secondary: N/A
Additional Notes:
- The MT-LB (ZU-23-2) is an SPAA that Iraq modifaid by adding extra armor plates to the turret giving the crew a little bit more protection against small arms fire and lower caliber machin guns.
Pz. IV H - 4.3 - Medium tank - Syria
- Primary: 75mm/L.48 cannon.
- Secondary: 2 × 7.92 mm MG 34 machine guns (3,150 rounds).
Additional Notes:
- The Pz. IV H has a max speed of 42km/h.
Length: 5.92 m, Width: 2.88 m, Height: 2.68 m,
Crew: 5. The Syrians also added a Russian Heavy anti air machin gun to the roof.
- The Pz. IV H has a max speed of 42km/h.
Pz. IV J - 4.3 - Medium tank - Syria
- Primary: 75mm KwK 40 L/48.
- Secondary: 7.92 mm MG 34 machine guns.
- Third: .50 cab roof machingun.
Additional Notes:
- The Pz. IV F has a max speed of 42km/h.
Length: 5.92 m, Width: 2.88 m, Height: 2.68 m,
Crew: 5. The Syrians also added a Russian Heavy anti air machin gun to the roof.
- The Pz. IV F has a max speed of 42km/h.
Jagdpanzer IV - 4.3 - Tank destroyer - Syria
- Primary: 75 mm Pak 42 L/70.
- Secondary: 7.92 mm MG 34 machine guns.
Additional Notes:
- The Jagdpanzer IV has a max speed of 35km/h.
Length: 8.5 m, Width: 3.17 m, Height: 1.85 m,
Crew: 4. It’s exactly the same one in the game and will play
the exact same way.
- The Jagdpanzer IV has a max speed of 35km/h.
M42A1 Duster - 4.3 - SPAA - Lebanon
- Primary: M2A1 40 mm twin anti-aircraft gun
- Secondary: N/A.
Additional Notes:
- The M42A1 Duster has a max speed of 72 km/h (45 mph). It was used by Lebanon between the years 1958–1984.
Churchill Mk. VII - 4.7 - Heavy tank - Iraq
- Primary: 75 mm gun.
- Secondary: 7.92mm Besa machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- The Churchill Mk. VII is the exactly same one in the game
and will play the exact same way.
- The Churchill Mk. VII is the exactly same one in the game
Sherman Vc Firefly - 4.7 - Medium tank - Lebanon
- Primary: QF 17-pounder (76.2 mm) gun.
- Secondary: .50 in (12.7 mm) Browning M2 machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- The Sherman Vc Firefly has a max speed of 40km/h.
Length: 5.89 m, Width: 2.64 m, Height: 2.7 m,
Crew: 4.
- The Sherman Vc Firefly has a max speed of 40km/h.
PT-76 - 5.3 - Light tank - Syria
- Primary: 76.2 mm D-56T rifled tank gun.
- Secondary: 7.62 mm SGMT coax machine gun
Additional Notes:
- The PT-76 has a max speed of 44 km/h.
Length: 7.63 m, Width: 3.15 m, Height: 2.325 m,
Crew: 3.
- The PT-76 has a max speed of 44 km/h.
M36B1 - 5.7 - Tank destroyer - Iraq
- Primary: 90 mm gun M3.
- Secondary: .50 caliber (12.7 mm) Browning M2HB machine gun
Additional Notes:
- The M36B1 has a 90 mm gun turret on M4A3 Sherman hull/chassi.
AMX-13 (75mm) - 4.0 - Medium tank - Lebanon
- Primary: 75 mm SA 50 L/61
- Secondary: 7.5 mm (or 7.62 mm) coaxial machine gun
Additional Notes:
- The AMX-13 (75mm) has a max speed of 60 km/h (37 mph). Length: 6.36 m, Width: 2.51 m, Height: 2.35 m, crew 3.
RATEL 20 - 6.0 - Light Tank - Jordan
- Primary: 20 mm GI-2 cannon
- Secondary: .7.62 mm Browning MG4 machine gun
Additional Notes:
- The RATEL 20 has a max speed of 106km/h. Its the same one found in the game. But with out the ATGM!
** Hummel (Sd.kfz. 165)** - 5.7 - Tank Destroyer - Syria
- Primary: 150mm sFH 18 howitzer
- Secondary: Heavy machingun (Roof)
Additional Notes:
- The Hummel (Sd.kfz. 165) were delivered by France to Syria after the end of WW2 as scrap/donations. It fires a 96 lbs HE shell to ranges of up to 8 ½ miles. It was powered by a Maybach HL-120 12-cylinder gasoline engine and had a top speed of 26mph, and had a crew of 6. Syrians also made a machingun stand for the tank, in witch they mounted a russian anti air heavy machin gun.
Rank 4
M53/59 Praga - 6.3 - SPAA - Iraq
- Primary: Norcano P793 (M1939 x 2)
- Secondary: N/A.
Additional Notes:
- The M53/59 Praga Iraq version had its old gun replaced by Chinese guns, Norcano P793 (2x M1939). But the chassi is still the same!
T-34-85 - 5.7 - Medium tank - Lebanon
- Primary: 85 mm ZiS-S-53.
- Secondary: N/A.
Additional Notes:
- The T-34-85 the same ones in the game and will play exactlly the same.
M-50 DEGEM BET - 6.0 - Medium tank - Lebanon
- Primary: SA50 gun.
- Secondary: anti-aircraft machine gun (Roof).
Additional Notes:
- The M50 degem bet was based on a M4A4 chassi with an uppgraded engine: 460 HP Cummins VT8 engine. And was armed with SA50 gun, also had it’s turret made longer a little in the back side.
ZSU-57-2 - 7.0 - SPAA - Egypt
- Primary: 2 x 57mm L/69 S-60.
- Secondary: N/A.
Additional Notes:
- The ZSU-57-2 is the same one found in the game and will play the same.
M113 (122mm) - 7.3 - Tank Destroyer - Lybia
- Primary: Soviet howitzer D-30 caliber 122 mm.
- Secondary: N/A.
Additional Notes:
- The M113 (122mm) is a Lybian modification to the M113 witch they added a 122mm canon to it.
M113 (AML90) - 7.3 - Light tank - Lybia
- Primary: AML 90 turret and gun.
- Secondary: anti-air heavy machin gun (roof).
Additional Notes:
- The M113 (AML90) witch is an other Lybian modification to the M113 in witch they added a AML90 turret to the roof the vehicle in that way turning it into a light tank.
AML-90 - 7.3 - Light Tank - Lebanon
- Primary: 90 mm DEFA F1 cannon
- Secondary: 7.62 mm A-A-F1N machine gun (coaxial)
Additional Notes:
- The AML-90 is the same one that can be found in the game, but Lebanon seems to have added laser range finder to a few of the AML-90s (5 - 7) as an experiment with the help of France. It was a small improvmeants but nothing crazy, so they choose not to bother doing the same to the rest.
** EE-11 Urutu AFSV (Uruvel)** - 7.7 - Light Tank - Tunisia
- Primary: 90 mm Engesa-produced EC-90 IV cannon
- Secondary: 7.62 machin gun (Coaixel).
Additional Notes:
- The Urutu AFSVs in Tunisian service are M5 Urutus equipped with OM-352A engines. With a crew of 3 - 4 and max speed on road 95 km/h (59 mph). It fires Heat rounds!
** Charioteer MKVII** - 6.3 - Medium tank - Jordan
- Primary: 84 mm 20pdr OQF Mk.I cannon
- Secondary: 7.62 mm L3A1 machine gun (coaxial)
Additional Notes:
- The Charioteer MKVII is the same one found in the game and will play the same.
2S3 - 6.0 - Tank Destroyer - Syria
- Primary: 152.4 mm D-22 howitzer L/27
- Secondary: 7.62mm gun (roof)
Additional Notes:
- The 2S3 has a speed of 45km/h off road and 63 km/h on road. Length: 8.4 m with gun, Width: 3.25 m, Height: 3.05 and crew of 4.
T-34-100 - 6.3 - Tank Destroyer - Egypt
- Primary: BS-3 100mm anti-tank gun
- Secondary: N/A
Additional Notes:
- The T-34-100 is an uppgrade to the T-34/85 tank by Egypt, where they added a 100mm BS-3 anti-tank gun. They also installed modernized ‘starfish‘ wheels, and modified the turret by making it bigger so it could house the BS-3 100 mm cannon. This tank was introduced during 1960s.
M109A2 paladin - 6.3 - Tank Destroyer - Jordan
- Primary: 155mm artillery cannon
- Secondary: N/A
Additional Notes:
- The M109A2 paladin fires the same shells as the Type 75 SPH in the Japanese tree but at a slight higer velocity.
T-34-122 - 6.7 - Tank Destroyer - Egypt
- Primary: D-30 122 mm howitzer
- Secondary: N/A
Additional Notes:
- The T-34-122 is a Egypt modification of the T-34/85 in witch they removed the old turret and installed a 122 mm D-30 canon turret.
ACMAT TPK 4.20-NA12 - 6.7 - Tank Destroyer - Lebanon
- Primary: ss.11 anti tank missles
- Secondary: N/A
Additional Notes:
- The ACMAT TPK 4.20-NA12 is an upgraded version witch lebanon made to them. With this upgrade it can shoot now the SS.11 anti tank missles.
Rank 5
IS-3M - 7.3 - Heavy tank - Egypt
- Primary: 122mm D-25T Gun.
- Secondary: 12.7mm DShK MG coaxial.
- Third: Anti-Aircraft heavy machin gun.
Additional Notes:
- The IS-3M was an improved version of the IS-3, Egypt has made som changes on the outside of the tank like for exampel: adding fuel tanks on the rear and sides of the hull. They also added guards on sides of the tank. The tank had a 600 HP diesel engine, helping this 46-ton tank to travel at a speed up to 40km/h.
9P133 Malyutka (Sagger) - 7.3 - Tank Destroyer - Egypt
- Primary: 9M14P “Malyutka-P” (AT-3C Sagger C) and 9M14P1 missiles.
- **Secondary:**N/A.
Additional Notes:
- 9P133 “Malyutka” – this is an improved model with bigger sight 9S446 instead of the original 9S414. The 9P133 can launch the more capable 9M14P “Malyutka-P” (AT-3C Sagger C) and 9M14P1 missiles of which it carries from 16 to 18. It uses SACLOS guidance system. The vehicle also has additional windscreen on the front between the drivers windscreen and the sight mounting.
EE-9 (ZU-23-2) - 7.3 - SPAA - Iraq
- Primary: ZU-23-2 anti aircraft gun.
- Secondary: N/A
Additional Notes:
- The EE-9 (ZU-23-2) is a EE-9 that was modifed by Iraq, in witch they added a new turret that houses the Russian ZU-23-2 anti aircraft gun.
Humvee (BMP1) - 7.7 - Light tank - Lybia
- Primary: BMP 1 turret and gun .
- Secondary: N/A
Additional Notes:
- This Lybian Frankenstien vehicle is a Humvee with an BMP 1 turret witch still retains its hole turret system but on a lighter and quicker chassi.
VAB 6x6 VDAA TA20 - 7.7 - SPAA - Morocoo
- Primary: 2x 20mm Oerlikon autocannon.
- Secondary: 7.5mm AAT-52 or 7.62mm AAT-NF1 machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- The VAB 6x6 VDAA TA20 has a max speed of 92km/h. Length: 5.98 m, Width: 2.49 m and Height: 3 m (Without radar).
T-55 Enigma - 8.7 - Medium Tank - Iraq
- Primary: 100mm D-10T2
- Secondary: Coaxial 7.62mm machine gun
Additional Notes:
- The T-55 Enigma was an Iraq uppgrade to the T-55 in witch they added a lot and i mean a lot of composite armor and add on composite armor add ons, combined with a lot of ERA. Witch added 120mm plus additional composite armor blocks.
BM-AB-13 (HIFV) - 7.7 - Medium Tank - Jordan
- Primary: 30mm cannon
- Secondary: 35mm automatic grenade launcher coaxially
Additional Notes:
- The BM-AB-13 (HIFV) was an modification of the Tariq tank in atempt to convert it into a HIFV. They moved the engine from the rear to the front and added a new turret armed with a 30 mm canon and a 35 auto grenade luncher as coaxiall. It also had ability to fire the NORINCO HJ-8 ATGM and the engine was upgraded to a 700hp engine.
BRM-1K - 7.7 - Light Tank - Jordan
- Primary: BMP-1 turret
- Secondary: 7.62 machin gun.
Additional Notes:
- The BRM-1K is a Jordan modification of the BMP-2 in witch they removed the BMP-2 turret and replaced it with a BMP-1 turret but with laser range finder. So a BMP-2 body with a BMP-1 turret put simply.
T55(S-60 57mm) - 8.0 - Tank Destroyer - Iraq
- Primary: S-60 57mm gun.
- Secondary: N/A
Additional Notes:
- The T55(S-60 57mm) is a Iraq modification to the T55 in witch they removed the T55 turret and replaced it with WW2 tank destroyer fixed gun style, and they added a S-60 57mm gun to it.
Tariq 1 - 8.0 - Medium Tank - Jordan
- Primary: L7 105mm gun.
- Secondary: 7.62 machin gun (coaxiel).
Additional Notes:
- The Tariq 1 was a Jordan uppgrade of the Centurion (Mk5/2) Tank, in witch Jordan installed a Belgian SABCA fire-control system which incorporates a laser range-finder. They also added a new turret traverse and main gun stabilization system was also fitted. The old Meteor engine was replaced with a new AVDS-1790 engine, the original suspension was replaced with a hydro pneumatic type.
AML 90 (konkrus missiles) - 8.3 - Tank Destroyer - Algeria
- Primary: 4 x konkrus missiles
- Secondary: N/A
Additional Notes:
- The Aml 90 (konkrus missiles) is a Algerian modification/uppgrade to the AML 90 in witch they installed 4 konkrus missiles lunchers plus reloads, it also underwent a strengthening of it’s armor and the installation of glass resistant to medium calibers. New engines were installed to for faster mobility cross country.
FAHD 280-30 - 8.3 - Light Tank - Egypt
- Primary: 30 mm automatic cannon 2A42.
- Secondary: Konkurs ATGM.
Additional Notes:
- The FAHD APC is an Egypt made APC armed with an 30 auto cannon and ATGM luncher. Has a max speed of 100km/h and a crew of 2-3.
Type 69-II Enigma - 8.7 - Medium tank - Iraq
- Primary: 100 mm smoothbore gun
- Secondary: TSFC 2-axis gun stabilization.
Additional Notes:
- The Type 69-II Enigma is a Iraq uppgrade of the Type 69-II that used the Iraq Enigma uppgrade package witch added a lot of composite armor blocks to the tank. Of course this tank is STAB and has a laser rangefinder.
M113 (IRAQ) - 8.7 - Tank Destroyer - Iraq
- Primary: . M40 recoilless rifle.
- Secondary: 20mm auto cannon.
Additional Notes:
- The M113 (IRAQ) is an Iraq modification to the M113, in witch they installed the M40 Recoilless rifle and a turret that houses a 20mm auto cannon.
M113 (Lebanon) - 8.7 - Tank Destroyer - Lebanon
- Primary: ATGM luncher same found on Wisel.
- Secondary: 20mm auto cannon.
Additional Notes:
- The M113 (LEBANON) is an Lebanon modification to the M113, in witch they installed ATGM luncher and a turret that houses a 20mm auto cannon.
T54 (D-30 Canon) - 8.7 - Medium Tank - Lebanon
- Primary: D-30 canon
- Secondary: N/A
Additional Notes:
- The T54 (D-30 Canon) is a modification made by lebanon to the T54 in witch they removed the turret and replaced it with the D-30 canon.
Ramses 2 - 8.7 - Medium Tank - Egypt
- Primary: 105 mm M68 ordnance.
- Secondary: 7.62 machin gun.
Additional Notes:
- The Ramses 2 is an Egypt modernazation of the T-54, they installed a M60 engine and made the hull 1 m longer in the back. Armor recived a little uppgrade, the NBC lining have been uppgraded. They also installed a new gun: 105 mm M68 cannon. It got a STAB and laser range finder, a new power TCM AVDS-1790-5A turbocharged diesel (908 bhp) pack, new transmission: Renk RK-304 , new suspension six Model 2880 in-arm hydropneumatic suspension units fixed on doubled M48-type roadwheels.
Type 62 RO-115 MK1 - 9.0 - Medium tank - Egypt
- Primary: Soviet 115 mm gun
- Secondary: Heavy anti air machingun (roof).
Additional Notes:
- The Type 62 RO-115 MK1 is a Egypt uppgrade of the Type 62 that got an engine uppgrade: British diesel engine developing 750 hp (559 kW). Also got a two plane STAB, laser rangefinder, new and modern powerful ammunition that could travel further. It also got a cluster of six smoke grenade launchers on the right side of the turret, but let’s not forget the fire control system from BMP-3 IFV and additional armour including reactive armour. Witch put this tank now at 43 tons.
T-55 (130mm Type 59-1) - 9.0 - Tank Destroyer - Iraq
- Primary: 130mm Type 59-1.
- Secondary: N/A.
Additional Notes:
- The T-55 (130mm Type 59-1) is an Iraq modification to the T-55, in witch they installed a 130mm Type 59-1 gun on a modified turret.
Rank 6
T-55AMV - 9.0 - Medium tank - Algeria
- Primary: 100mm D-10T2S rifled cannon.
- Secondary: 7.62mm PKT machine gun (Coaxial) and 12.7mm DShKM heavy machine gun (Roof)
Additional Notes:
- The T-55AMV was a last effort to modernazie the T-55 into the AMV format by integrating modern electronics and systems, but despite this modernization the T-55AMV remain second line tanks.
M60 Phoenix - 8.0 - Medium tank - Jordan
- Primary: Swiss RUAG Land Systems 120 mm smoothbore Compact Tank Gun (CTG).
- Secondary: 7.62 mm machine gun and 2.7 mm
machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- The M60 Phoenix was modernazation done by Jordan to inprove the M60 to modern standards. They installed a new gun: Swiss RUAG Land Systems 120 mm smoothbore Compact Tank Gun (CTG). They replace the old fire-control system by a new and latest Raytheon IFCS fire-control system, this includes a day/thermal sight for the gunner with integrated laser range-finder. And this is just scratching the surface of what they did, i will stop here don’t want to bore u to death XD.
RO-120 - 9.3 - Medium Tank - Egypt
- Primary: 115 mm U-5TS (2A20) smoothbore gun.
- Secondary: Ahrams ATGM and 7.62 mm PKT coaxial general-purpose machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- The RO-120 witch is an upgraded T-62 modified to is a Egyption modification to the T-62, in witch they installed 4-Ahrams ATGM that possess a firing range of 5 Km.
** Rooikat (Predator)** - 9.7 - Light Tank - JORDAN
- Primary: 20mm auto cannon.
- Secondary: 4 x 9M133 Kornet.
Additional Notes:
- The Rooikat (Predator) is a joint venture between Jordan and South Africa to uppgrade the Rooikat in witch they installed a 20 mm cannon and four Kornet missiles. The crew size was reduced to thee people instead of the four crew.
** KF-1 Al Kafil** - 10.0 - Medium Tank - Iraq
- Primary: 100mm cannon.
- Secondary: Remote steered .50 cal machingun.
Additional Notes:
- The KF-1 Al Kafil is a Iraq modernazation/made MBT based on the T-55/China Type 59 tanks. As u can see they changed the turret and installed bustle for holding ammunition outside of the crew area, (like in Abrams tanks if the ammo explodes it does that up ward and away from the crew). Thermal sights, automatic transmission and a 580HP engine. Last but not least additional passive armour as well as ERA.
Al-Khalid (VT-1A) - 10.7 - Medium Tank - Morocco
- Primary: 125 mm smoothbore gun.
- Secondary: 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- 150 Al-Khalid (VT-1A) were delivered by China to Morocco in 2010, later on in 2011 Morocco did a small uppgrade witch was replacing the gen 1 thermals with gen 2 thermals.
Temsah heavy APC - 9.7 - Tank destroyer - Jordan
- Primary: GIAT M621 20 mm cannon.
- Secondary: 4 Denel Ingwe anti-tank missiles.
Additional Notes:
- The Temsah heavy APC was a Jordanian modification of the Centurian MBT to a APC/IFV. They removed the turret and modifed the hull so it could carry troops, it was also fitted with 20 mm cannon and 4 ATGM missles lucnhers.
BMPT-62 Terminator - 10.0 - Tank Destroyer - Algeria
- Primary: 2A42 30 mm auto cannon. (BMP-2M turret!)
- Secondary: 4 cornet missiles lunchers.
Additional Notes:
- The BMPT-62 Terminator is an Algerian modification to the T-62 in witch they removed the old turret and replaced it with a BMP-2M turret. They also added ERA and extra armor on the sides of the hull.
9K35M Sterla-S - 9.3 - SPAA - Jordan
- Primary: 4 missiles SA-13 “Gopher”.
- Secondary: 7.62 m PKT machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- The 9K35M Sterla-S is a Jordan Strela.
Nile-23 - 10.0 - SPAA - Egypt
- Primary: ZU-23-2 gun.
- Secondary: Sakr Eye surface-to-air missiles.
Additional Notes:
- The Nile-23 was a modification to the M113 witch turned into a SPAA equipped with the Russian ZU-23-2 gun and Sakr Eye surface-to-air missiles. The missles and a range of 5km and max speed of 1.75 mach, they were IR guided.
DAF YP-408 (TOW) - 9.0 - Light Tank - Lebanon
- Primary: TOW Luncher
- Secondary: N/A.
Additional Notes:
- The DAF YP-408 witch is a Dutch vehicle was capture by the Lebanese army from the UN forces. It is equipped with a tow luncher.
Scorpion KASTET - 9.0 - Light Tank - Jordan
- Primary: 30mm ZTM-1 gun.
- Secondary: Two Barrier ATGM launching tubes and 30mm KBA-117 automatic grenade launcher
Additional Notes:
- The Scorpion KASTET is a Jordanian uppgrade to the Scorpion light tanks, it added new Ukrainian made turret equipped with thermals and STAB. Jordan installed as well a new engine 200hp Perkins Phaser 200 turbodiesel and a new TN15D transmission.
Centauro 105 - 9.0 - Light Tank - Oman/Jordan
- Primary: 105 smoothbore gun.
- Secondary: 7.62 machin gun (Cox).
Additional Notes:
- The Centauro 105 Jordan/Oman version had modification done to it in witch the added more armor in the back half of the vehicle and also added spaced armor to the turret as seen in the two images above. Jordan also later on improved there versions with better thermals and fire control systems.
Sabiex HIFV - 9.0 - Light Tank - UAE
- Primary: 100mm 2A70 cannon and 30mm 2A72 autocannon .
- Secondary: 7.62mm PKT machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- The Sabiex HIFV is a HIFV is a UAE project of converting there OF-40 MBTs to HIFV, they gave this task to the belgium company called Belgian Sabiex International company. In witch they reamoved the old OF-40 turret and replaced it with a BMP-3 turret instead. They also made modifications to the hull, like moving the engine to the front making space for troops and the crew in the back. It uses the Fiat built (licensed) Motoren und Turbinen Union MB 838 CA M500 supercharged, liquid cooled, ten cylinder multi fuel diesel engine producing 830 HP. The Dimensions of the vehicle are 7 x 3.35 x 2.1 m.
Rabdan IFV - 9.0 - Light Tank - UAE
Primary: BMP-3 Turret.
Secondary: BMP-3 Turret.
Additional Notes:
- The Rabdan is equipped with the BMP-3 Turret that has the 100-mm 2A70 semi-automatic rifled gun, 30 mm 2A72 cannon, and 7.62 mm machine gun. The Rabdan also provides protection against small arms fire protection of up to STANAG 4569 Level 4 and mine blast protection of up to STANAG Level 4a and Level 4b.
BMP-3 (UPPGRADED) - 9.0 - Light Tank - UAE
Primary: 100mm 2A70 semi-automatic gun.
Secondary: 30mm 2A72 automatic gun and 7.62 machin gun.
Additional Notes:
- This is a UAE uppgrade to the BMP-3 by adding a metal cope cages around the sides of the chassi, like the WolfPack in the game! And some versions were seen in the Yemen war with ERAs on the side too.
Wahash Armoured Vehicle 8x8 IFV - 9.7 - Light Tank - UAE
Primary: ZTM-1 30mm cannon.
Secondary: KBA-117 30mm automatic grenade launcher and two Bar’er anti-tank missile launchers.
Additional Notes:
- The Wahash Armoured Vehicle 8x8 IFV is a UAE developed multi role armoured vehicle. It has a combat wight of 32 tons and a crew of 3. It is armed with the BM-3M Shturm remote-controlled turret. The vehicle is powered by a 724hp Scania DC 13 engine and also has the ZF 7 AP 2600 SP transmission, this gives the vehicle a maximum speed of 130km/h.
EE-9 Cascavel - 9.7 - Light Tank - Lybia
Primary: 90mm Engesa EC-90 gun.
Secondary: 2× FN MAG.
Additional Notes:
- The EE-9 Cascavel is imported by Lybia from Brazil and was later on modified with extra armor plating for extra protection.
EE-9 Cascavel (IRAQ UPPGRADE) - 9.7 - Light Tank - Iraq
- Primary: 90mm Engesa EC-90 gun.
- Secondary: ZSU-23-2 (Cox).
Additional Notes:
- The EE-9 Cascavel (IRAQ UPPGRADE) is a EE-9 Cascavel with a ZSU-23-2 as coaxial gun but also had armor welded on to it to make it a little bit stronger.
Tariq 2 - 9.3 - Medium tank - Jordan
- Primary: 120mm smooth-bore “CTG” (L50).
- Secondary: N/A.
Additional Notes:
- The Tariq 2 was a jordanian made/modification of the challanger tank, where they installed a unmanned turret with an auto loader that hold up to 17 rounds. It has thermals and STAB, a better engine and fires NATO standard ammunition. This the is 2 version of the Tariq 2 and there is 3 versions in total, so there is room to add 2 more later to the game if there is demand.
Rank 7
BMP-2 (Modified) - 9.7 - Light tank - ALGERIA
- Primary: 2A72 main gun 30 mm caliber.
- Secondary: Two Barrier ATGM launching tubes.
Additional Notes:
- The BMP-2 (Modified) is an Algerian modification of the BMP-2 where they removed the old BMP turret and replaced it with the Ukrinian turret same as found on Scorpion Kastet.
Al-hussein MBT - 10.0 - Medium tank - Jordan
- Primary: 120 mm L11A5 cannon.
- Secondary: 7.62 mm L8A2 machine gun (coaxial).
Additional Notes:
- The Al-hussein MBT is a Challanger 1 but Jordan army call it Al-Hussein MBT instead. The only diffreance is that they swapped the engine on some some of them, to give a little bit better mobility to the tank. Other then that there is no diffreance from one in the game.
Boxer IFV - 10.0 - Light tank - Algeria
- Primary: 30 mm (MK 30-2/ABM).
- Secondary: 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and Spikes.
Additional Notes:
- The Boxer IFV has a max speed of 103 km/h. Algeria got a licence from Rhimetall to produce up to 500 vehicles of the Boxer IFV.
BMPT-72 Terminator - 10.3 - Tank Destroyer - Algeria
- Primary: 2 × 30mm automatic 2A42 guns.
- Secondary: 4 x Ataka-T anti-tank guided missile.
Additional Notes:
- The BMPT-72 Terminator, is the Algerian version of the Terminator witch is a T-72 chassi with extra armor/era on the sides. It has an unmanned fully stabilized electromechanical turret, witch is armed with 2 × 30mm automatic 2A42 guns and 4 x Ataka-T anti-tank guided missile. The cannons can fire all from APERS-T, HEF-I, KE and AP-T rounds type.
T-90SA - 11.0 - Medium tank - Algeria
- Primary: 2A46M-1 125mm smoothbore gun.
- Secondary: 7.62 mm 6P7K machine gun (Cox) and 12.7 mm NSVT heavy machine gun (roof).
Additional Notes:
- The T-90SA is an uppgrade version of the T-90A for Algeria, the T-90SA is also assmbled in Algeria under a licence from russia. But later on Algeria uppgraded the tank even further with RELIKT, Kontakt-5 ERA and FCS. They also got datalink systems from Rhimetall.
Al-Hussein Hybrid MBT - 10.3 - Medium tank - Jordan
- Primary: Swiss RUAG CTG 120mm L/50 smoothbore.
- Secondary: Coaxial 7,62 mm L94A1 machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- The tank retains the Chobham armour but it will be fitted with additional armour protection to the turret front and sides. The old gun-control equipment was replace by a new Curtiss-Wright all-electric system and a new Raytech Jordan wiring harness, but as well as a CLS Jordan AB8 auxiliary power unit. Last but not least a new mechanical load-assist system developed by Claverham was installed.
HELWAN M1A1 (EGYPT MADE) - 11.0 - Medium tank - Egypt
- Primary: M256 120 mm smoothbore gun.
- Secondary: 0.50 caliber machine gun (Roof).
Additional Notes:
- The M1A1 is CO produced with the US, in witch the turret is made in Egypt and the rest in the US, then the parts are shipped from US and assembled in Egypt. Some of the tanks that are build in Egypt goes to the Egypt army and the rest are shipped else where. The tank is exactlly as the american M1A1 but with out the extra armor package add on.
T72AG - 10.3 - Medium tank - Algeria
- Primary: 125mm KBM1 smoothbore gun.
- Secondary: 12.7 mm heavy machine gun (Roof).
Additional Notes:
- The T72AG is a T72 uppgrade package for them witch Ukrine developed/came up with for Arab countrys. Algeria got a licence to do the uppgrade them self with some part being shipped from Ukrine to use like the new engines and gun.
Merkava Mk 3 - 11.0 - Medium Tank - Morocco
- Primary: 120 mm IMI MG251 cannon.
- Secondary: 2-3 x 0.50 caliber machine gun (roof).
Additional Notes:
- The Merkava Mk 3 was bought by Morocco from Israel, BUT Morocco wanted Isreal to modernize them and gave some requirmeants. The tank will have a active trophy system like on the Mk 4s and new thermals, over hull on all systems to modern standards. The engine was changed to a more powerfull engine etc.
** Leclerc U.A.E (Tropicalized Version)** - 11.7 - Medium Tank - UAE
- Primary: A GIAT CN120-26/52 120 mm smoothbore self-loading gun.
- Secondary: 12.7 mm Browning M2 coaxial machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- So what is the changes made in the Leclerc for UAE Leclerc U.A.E (Tropicalized Version), glad u asked here is the list: Extended composite side skirts, remote controlled weapon station, HL 80 commander’s panoramic sight that is fitted with laser rangefinder and thermal imager, German HSWL 295 TM transmission witch has 5 gears forward and 5 gears back (72km/h reverse speed), V12 German engine: the MT 883 Ka 500, HL 60 gunner sight × 14 zoom instead of the x 10 zoom. And Extended hull, re-designed engine deck etc. List is long and my fingers hurt XD.
Sinai 23 - 10.0 - SPAA - Egypt
- Primary: ZU-23-2 anti-aircraft guns.
- Secondary: 6 x Sakr-Eye missiles.
Additional Notes:
- The Sinai 23 is an Egyptian air defense system that is a modified M113A2 witch got a TA-23E turret added on it. The vehicle is armed with ZU-23-2 and six Sakr-Eye missiles. It uses the General Motors 6V53T V6 diesel engine (275 HP).
Pantsir-S1 - 11.7 - SPAA - UAE
- Primary: 2 x 2A38M 30 mm automatic guns.
- Secondary: 12 x 57E6 surface-to-air guided missiles.
Additional Notes:
- This is the UAE Pantsir-S1 that has the Pantsir system mounted on MAN 8x8 truck chassis truck. Russia recived a request from the UAE to modernize there Pantsir-S1 systems reported by CEO Alexander Mikheyev in 2019. Suggestion for this vehicle: UAE Pantsir S1E based on MAN SX 8x8 truck
Altay - 11.7 - Medium tank - Qatar
- Primary: MKE 120 mm smoothbore tank gun.
- Secondary: 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- The Altay has a max speed of 65 km/h.
Length: 7.3 m, Width: 3.9 m, Height: 2.6 m,
Crew: 4.
- The Altay has a max speed of 65 km/h.
Leopard 2A7+ - 11.7 - Medium tank - Qatar
- Primary: 120mm L55 / L44 smoothbore gun.
- Secondary: 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun and 40mm grenade launchers or .50 machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- Qatar stroke a deal with Rhimetall to assemble the Leopard 2A7+ in Qatar and Qatar them self own 62 of this tank witch they them self assembled. This tank is an uppgrade from the standard 2A7, it has improved armor and an improved engine: MTU MB 873 diesel engine 1500 HP, witch gives teh tank a max speed of 72km/h.
Desert Warrior (Fahris) - 10.0 - Light Tank - Kuwait
- Primary: fully-stabilized Bushmaster 25 mm cannon.
- Secondary: 2 x TOW launchers.
Additional Notes:
- The Desert Warrior or as locally known Fahris witch means Knight in Arabic, is a Warrior specially designed for the Kuwait harch and hot desert climate. It is equipped Upgraded the fire control system, (GITS II) hardware, Improved Thermal Sight System and 2nd Generation Forward-Looking Infrared Radar. List goes on so spare me please!
K2M - 11.7 - Medium tank - EGYPT
- Primary: Hyundai WIA CN08 120 mm 55 caliber smoothbore gun.
- Secondary: 12.7×99mm (.50 BMG) K6 heavy machine gun and 7.62×51mm NATO coaxial machine gun.
Additional Notes:
- The K2M is a licnesed version of the K2 Black Panther for export to middle east countries. It has an uppgraded armor package and 7 road wheels unlike the korean K2, it lacks tho the Laser Warning Receiver on the front part of the turret. Egypt are in finishing stages of signing a Co-production Contract for the K2M. Egypt has tested out the K2M and they just fell in love with the vehicle and expressed a huge determination to acquire the co-production license from South Korea.
Rank I:
M8 LAC - 1.0 - Light tank - GE or Starter Pack Premium - MOROCCO
Primary: 37 mm M6 cannon.
Secondary: 12.7 mm M2HB machine gun.
Additional Notes:
The M8 LAC was used by the 1st Moroccan SPAHI MARCH Regiment (1ER R.M.S.M.) during world war 2 as scout and sabotage Regiment. They ahead of the main force infiltrate behind enemy lines and gather information and carring out sabotage missions to confuse enemy forces. In rare occations they also went on tank hunting! The M8 LAC exist allready in the game and will play the same way!
UNIVERSAL CARRIER (MODIFIED) - 1.7 - Light tank - GE or Starter Pack Premium - EGYPT
Primary: 37 mm M5 cannon.
Secondary: 7.62 mm M1919A4 machine gun.
Additional Notes:
The universal carrier (Modified) is a universal carrier turned into a light tank! The Egypt army took the vehicle and added extra armor and put a Stuart turret on the chassi.
Rank II:
- Marmon Herrington Mark 4F - 2.0 - Light Tank - GE premium - JORDAN
- Marmon Herrington Mark 4F - 2.0 - Light Tank - GE premium - JORDAN
- Primary: 2-pounder gun (40 mm/1.575 in).
- Secondary: .50 cal (roof).
Additional Notes:
The Marmon Herrington Mark 4F is an South African vehicle that was sold during 1943 to many nations in the world but with the Arab nations being the biggest buyers of it. The vehicle has a max speed of 85 km/h (53 mph) and is equipped with a 40 mm 2-pounder gun. -
Rank III:
- ASU-57 - 4.3 - Tank destroyer - GE premium - EGYPT
- ASU-57 - 4.3 - Tank destroyer - GE premium - EGYPT
- Primary: 57 mm Ch-51M cannon.
- Secondary: N/A.
Additional Notes:
Already exist in the game and will work in the same way. -
M4A4 (FL10) - 5.0 - Medium tank - Pack premium - EGYPT
- Primary: 75 mm CN-75-50, 60 rounds.
- Secondary: Coaxial 7.5 mm MAC Mle. 31C and hull mounted 7.62 mm Browning M1919A4.
Additional Notes:
The M4A4 (FL10) was modification for Egypt army using the M4A4 chassi and mounting a FL10 turret on it. Giving the tank very good mobility and fire power, and moderate ammount of armor/protection. -
Rank IV:
- ** Panhard EBR** - 7.7 - Light tank - MOROCCO
- ** Panhard EBR** - 7.7 - Light tank - MOROCCO
- Primary: 90 mm CN90 F2 cannon.
- Secondary: 7.5 mm MAC 31 machine gun (coaxial).
Additional Notes:
Already exist in the game and will work in the same way. -
M-51 - 6.0 - Medium Tank - GE premium - LEBANON
- Primary: 105 mm M-51 cannon.
- Secondary: 7.62 mm M1919A4 machine gun (coaxial) and 12.7 mm M2HB machine gun.
Additional Notes:
Already exist in the game there no need to explain more about it. -
Eland 90 Mk7 - 7.3 - Light tank - GE premium - MOROCCO
- Primary: 90 mm GT-2 cannon.
- Secondary: 7.62 mm Browning MG4 machine gun (coaxial) and 7.62 mm Browning MG4 machine gun (roof).
Additional Notes:
Already exist in the game and will work in the same way. -
Rank V:
- BRDM-2 (Uppgraded) - 7.0 - Light Tank - GE premium - SYRIA
- BRDM-2 (Uppgraded) - 7.0 - Light Tank - GE premium - SYRIA
- Primary: ZSU-23mm x2.
- Secondary: AGS-17 Grenade Luncher.
Additional Notes:
This is a modification of the BRDM-2 that Syria did, in witch they removed the old turret and installed a new unmanned turret witch is domesticlly made. In this new turret they installed 2x ZSU-23 mm gun and a AGS-17 Grenade Luncher, they also installed new sights/cameras with thermal vision/night vision. This vehicle was suppose to work as anti air and anti tank role (against light tanks and IFVs not MBTs!). -
BMP-1SE (SPH) - 7.7 - Light Tank - GE premium - EGYPT
- Primary: D-30 cannon.
- Secondary: N/A.
Additional Notes:
This is a modification of a BMP-1 in witch they removed the old turret and made some slight modification to the chassi so that it can house the D-30 cannon. They also added extra armor plates to the sides of the BMP chassi for that extra protection. -
T-55/122 - 9.0 - Tank Destroyer - GE premium - EGYPT
- Primary: 122mm D-30 cannon.
- Secondary: N/A.
Additional Notes:
The T-55/122 is an Egyptian modification of the T-55 in witch they removed the old turret and replaced it with a domesticlly made one where they mounted a 122mm D-30 cannon. The chassi is still the same no changes were made to it. -
T-55 Modernisation (Jung Jungenthal) - 9.0 - Medium Tank - GE premium - EGYPT
- Primary: 100-mm Soviet D-10 or 105 mm British L7.
- Secondary: 76-mm grenade launchers.
Additional Notes:
The T-55 Modernisation (Jung Jungenthal) is a modernazation package by the German company Jung Jungenthal for the Egypts T-55s. In witch they added more armor, replaced the old transmission with a new automatic transmission LS 63000 from ZF. There were possibility to change the engine to a B-46 engine with 780 HP. -
Rank VI:
BTR-80 (9M133 Kornet) - 9.0 - Light Tank - GE premium - ALGERIA
- Primary: 30 mm 2A72.
- Secondary: 2 x 9M133 Kornet-E ATGM.
Additional Notes:
The BTR-80 (9M133 Kornet) is an uppgrade modification to the BTR-80 in witch they installed a new turret with Kornet lunchers, they also installed new gunner sights and introduced new ammo types for the 30 mm 2A72 cannon. -
EIFV - 9.0 - Light Tank - GE premium - EGYPT
- Primary: 25mm Bradley turret.
- Secondary: 2× tow ATGMs.
Additional Notes:
The M113 IFV is an Egyptian modification to the M113 IFV, in witch they added a 25mm Bradley turret on to the M113 chassi, and also welded extra armor around the chassi. -
Khalid - 9.3 - Medium Tank - GE premium - JORDAN
- Primary: 120 mm L11A5 rifled tank gun.
- Secondary: 7.62 mm L8A2 machine gun (coaxially).
Additional Notes:
The Khalid MBT exist allready in the game and will play the same. -
Rank VII:
Scimitar (Modified) - 9.7 - Light Tank - GE premium - JORDAN
- Primary: 2A72 main gun 30 mm caliber.
- Secondary: 4 x TOW lunchers ATGMS and 7.62 mm commander’s machine gun.
Additional Notes:
The Scimitar (Modified) is a Jordan modification of the Scorpion Light Tanks to make them even more effective in Anti-tank dutys. They installed the 2A72 30mm cannon with four TOW lunchers. It has the TN15 semi-automatic transmission 7 gears back and 7 gears forward for fast going in and out of battle. -
T-72AV (TURMS-T) - 9.7 - Medium tank - Pack premium -
- Primary: 125 mm 2A46M cannon.
- Secondary: 7.62 mm PKT machine gun (coaxial) and 12.7 mm NSVT machine gun.
Additional Notes:
Already exist in the game and will work in the same way.
Squadron/Event vehicles
Rank VI:
VAB Mk3 - 9.0 - Light Tank - Morocco
Additional Notes:
It’s still a VAB but with a better engine, new gun and
turret. New tech like thermals, stabalaziers, lazer range
finders etc.- Golan-1000 - 8.7 - Tank destroyer - Syria
- Golan-1000 - 8.7 - Tank destroyer - Syria
Additional Notes:
Not much info except it is a missle launcher of some
kind. -
Rank VII:
Al-fahd (EE-T1) - 9.7 - Medium Tank - Squadron Vehicle - Saudi Arabia/Brazill
- Primary: 120 mm smopothbore.
- Secondary: 1 x 12.7 mm, 1 x 7.62 mm.
Additional Notes:
The Al-fahd (EE-T1) was a Brazillian made tank that Saudi Arabia invested 100 million Dollars in it’s production, but pulled out later on. Saudi Arabia operated one of this tanks for a couple years to see how effective it will be, in the hot desert climate.
Mediterranean and Middle East theatre of World War II - Wikipedia
Sand War - Wikipedia
Arab League - Wikipedia
Mediterranean and Middle East theatre of World War II - Wikipedia
1948 Arab–Israeli War - Wikipedia
tropicalized Leclerc : The King of the Desert - Other Nations - War Thunder - Official Forum
Arab League Ground Tree
Arab-Iranian ground forces tech tree for War Thunder proposal by Borotovas
Captured Syrian Panzer IV Tank from 1967 Six Day War | Flickr
EE-11 Urutu AFSV "Uruvel" - Tank Encyclopedia
IS-3 - Wikipedia
FV101 Scorpion - Wikipedia
T-34 variants - Wikipedia
M109 howitzer - Wikipedia
ZSU-57-2 - Wikipedia
The Jordanian Tariq Tank - TankNutDave.com
Al-Fao - Wikipedia
Non-U.S. operators of the M60 tank - Wikipedia
T-54/T-55 - Wikipedia
VBCI - Wikipedia
EE-9 Cascavel - Wikipedia
AMX-10 RC - Wikipedia
Véhicule de l'Avant Blindé - Wikipedia
ZSU-23-4 Shilka - Wikipedia
T-62 - Wikipedia
Fahd (armored personnel carrier) - Wikipedia
AFT-9 Anti-Tank Missile Carrier | MilitaryToday.com
Al-Khalid/VT-1A - Wikipedia
M48 Chaparral Short-Range Air Defense Missile System | MilitaryToday.com
Desert Warrior Infantry Fighting Vehicle | MilitaryToday.com
Type 69 tank - Wikipedia
The Jordanian Tariq Tank - TankNutDave.com
Chieftain (tank) - Wikipedia
Mowag Piranha - Wikipedia
Army Guide
Boxer (armoured fighting vehicle) - Wikipedia
Asad Babil MBT
T-72 | Weaponsystems.net
AMX-30 – Wikipedia
9K35 Strela-10 - Wikipedia
BMPT Terminator - Wikipedia