The arab league ground forces tech tree

I was speechless when I saw this tree. I am positive about C&P but I disagree with this.
-1 from me


perfect, would love to see arabs, they have adequate vehicles and would be great addition. PERFECTLY BALANCE AS ALL THINGS MUST BE!!!


Bruh dont be a hater

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I would say yes if this gone in war thunder every arab gone be happy because its a good idea😍


Why? Explain that

As promised, here is the commentary on inaccuracies and balance.
I hope this will help to better the tree.


  • The 2pdr gun on R35 (2pdr) and M13/40 (2pdr) aren’t 37mm, it is 40mm. This also means that the cannon on the M13/40 cannot be taken from the Stuart, since the Stuart never mounted the 2pdr.
  • The Marmon-Herrington Mk.IV (6pdr) says it has a 6pdr in the name and image, but says it has a 2pdr gun in the description.
  • M60 Phoenix is labelled as a light tank, it should be labelled as a medium.
  • BMPT-62 is based on the T-62. not the Type 62.
  • For Scorpion KASKET it would be more accurate to say that a Ukrainian turret was added that is equipped with thermals and a stabilizer. Jordan didn’t add these, they simply mounted the turret.
  • Sabiex HIFV is not a locally made hull. It is an Italian OF-40 that was modified by the Belgian Sabiex company, hence the name. It was on order from UAE, but it was a Belgian product.
  • The BMP-3 (UPPGRADED) as you call it is wrongly represented in this post. This image shows a Russian BMP-3 with 57mm armed AU-220 module, not the BMP-3 Iraq received. I recommend changing the picture to something more accurate.
  • BMP-2 (Modified) as you call it received the KASKET turret from Ukraine, the KASKET turret was not originally a Scorpion turret.
  • The Al-Hussein is not based on a Challenger 3, but on a Challenger 1.
  • Merkava Mk3 is not yet bought by Morocco as you claim, they are currently still looking to make a deal, though the war in Israel is making this process troublesome.


  • Saladin should be in the 4.x bracket, not 2.7

  • The BTR-152A in this tree should be 3.7, because it has 4x ZTPU instead of 2x. BTR-152D is in game at 3.7 and is practically identical to the shown vehicle.

  • MT-LB (ZU-23-2) should be in the 5.x bracket.

  • AMX-13 (75mm) should be at 6.0, as it is nearly identical to the AMX-13 in the French tree at that BR. This version does not have the short cannon.

  • Hummel should be in the 2.x bracket.

  • M113 (122mm) should be at 5.x bracket, it is currently higher BR than 2S1 for some reason.

  • T-34-122 should be at 5.x bracket, maybe 6.0 at most.

  • EE-9 (ZU-23-2) should be at 5.x bracket or 6.0 at most

  • T-55 (S-60) has no reason to be 8.0. It should be in 6.x bracket, possibly 5.x bracket even. Unsure why it was put higher than ZSU-57-2.

  • M113 (IRAQ) should be at 6.7 because it is similar to the SPz 12-3 LGS in game. 8.7 is way too high.

  • T-54 (D-30) should be at 5.x bracket, possibly 6.x bracket.

  • T-55 (130mm Type 59-1) should be at 6.x bracket.

  • M60 Phoenix should be in the 9.x bracket, 8.0 is way too low.

  • T-62 Smoke Rockets should be at 8.7 like the T-62 in game. There is no reason why it’d sit at a higher BR.

  • BMPT-62 should be in 9.x bracket, there is no reason to think it would be equal to BMP-2M.

  • Nile-23 should be placed at 8.7 or 9.0, there is no reason why it should be a higher BR than the superior Gepard 1A2 in game.

  • Centauro 105 should be 9.3 like the Centauro in game

  • EE-9 Cascavel should be at 7.x bracket, there is no reason why it should be at a higher BR than Centauro. The same goes for the one who has coaxial ZU-23-2.

  • Tariq 2 should at minimum be 11.0.

  • M1A1 should be 11.0. Not sure why it’s a full BR lower than the Abrams in game.

  • BMP (D-30) should be in the 5.x bracket.
    *T-55/122 should be in 5.x or 6.x bracket.


I say yes, and don’t give me the “Omg it’s a copy-paste tech tree” Bro idc, sooner or later Gaijin gotta add a new tech tree and the world got only a handful of manufacturing countries and those already have been implemented in the game, plus, this can’t be sub-techtree’d because it’ll be very inconvenient

I’d say add the Arab League as a new nation and balance it of course. And in that way we got ourselves a new playable nation which is really cool imo, and since I’m Arab myself, I’m 100% to pay for prems in this tech tree


There is some other inaccuracies that @Mahiwew missed that i’ll mention now mostly on some of the Egyptian equipment

  • The Rameses II tank shown in the cards is not a Rameses II, it is a T-55E (most likely a T-55E Mk.0). the Rameses II is an upgrade package for the T-54 that essentially turns it into a “M60 Patton with a modified lengthened T-54 shell”.
  • The M1A1 Egyptian Built & M113 IFV are technically correct however they should be renamed to the “Helwan M1A1” and “EIFV” respectively
  • The Fahd 240-30 was never equipped with the AT-5 ATGM’s since it was intended as an APC, Reece and Command Vehicle not an IFV, only the Fahd 280-30 had the Konkurs ATGM’s since that is the dedicated IFV variant
  • The BMP-1 with the D-30 is A: An Egyptian vehicle not an Iraqi one since it uses the sideskirts found on the BMP-1SE, Egypt’s domestic upgrade package for the BMP-1 & B: remaned to the “BMP-1SE (SPH)”
  • The T-62 “Smoke Rockets” are not smoke rockets, rather they are Ahrams ATGM’s, a licensed built Swingfire Missile. Also it is an RO-120, an upgraded T-62

I noticed that this list has quite a few vehicles missing in this suggestion but i’ll save that for another post


i dont hate arabs , arab league is bad idea totally add ksa or iraq or syria or … not a nation called league


bro idc, it certainly won’t be the arab league lmao don’t act as if there aren’t any (way) better options


Iran has drones

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Big yeess


There are a large number of tanks from Russia, America and France in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Arabs doesn t have unique vehices for top tier its useless but… we can put them to Russia or Israel as an side tech tree

it will be a cool tech tree then as saudi arabia not arab league

USSR doesn’t need a sub-tree and putting Arab countries as sub-trees in Israel is just begging for divisive action from the community


As a Member of arabic community i would to say No but for adding a skins or flags (Palestinian Flag) and roundels For The Arabian army i will say yes

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A few additions of my own I’d like to make (finally remembered this, may add more later):

  • The BTR-152A Egypt used actually mounts a quadruple DShK, not a ZPU-4. The exact model is the Czechoslovakian Vz.53 quadruple mount.
  • The turret on the Scorpion is KASTET, not KASKET.

@AspandaIV Could you DM me some more info on the T-55E and RO-120? I’ve looked everywhere for that and can barely find anything. Would like to suggest them at some point.

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There isn’t a whole lot of info on them on English speaking websites so it is best to either search on Arabic or Russian websites or in books about it but what this is what i gathered. It doesn’t help that Info on Egyptian armoured vehicles isn’t very well documented to begin with

There is 3 upgrade variants for both the T-55 & T-62 (T-55E’s & RO-115/120’s)

T-55E Mk.0 is the first upgrade of the T-55. The original Soviet searchlight and FCS replaced with the first subvariant having it’s Searchlight from AEG, a German firm and the Rangfinder is a Iskra rangefinder of Yugoslav origin. It also gets a roof mounted DSHK HMG, otherwise it is identical to a T-55A

T-55E Mk.1 is similar to the Mk.0 except it has a ballistics computer, it also has a improved engine in it as well and gets new shell types for it’s 100mm cannon

T-55E Mk.II is a further upgrade on the T-55 building on the T-55 Mk.0, giving it a new power package from MTU (producing around 840 horsepower from the Mk.1’s 650) and replacing the 100mm D-10 with a M68 cannon found on the M60. The FCS & Ballistics computer is also modernized with more recent counterparts of Italian origin. Finally they receive new smoke launchers

Here is a Ex-Egyptian Army T-55E Mk-II in Libya, the T-55E Mk-II is operated by Egypt and the Pro Egyptian & Syrian Tobruk Military Government against the Pro Iranian and Turkish Tripoli Islamist government

The RO-115/120 are similar to the T-55E’s in the sense that they are modernization of Egypt’s T-62’s though it has different upgrades

RO-115 Mk.I replaced the original Soviet engine with a British made diesel engine outputting 750 horsepower, some RO-115’s hade their original Soviet 115mm cannon replaced with a 105 L7. It also has a new FCS & Ballistic computer from NORICUM, an Austrian firm

T-62 Mk.II is essentially the upgrade package from the T-55E Mk.1 & Mk.II implemented. This is also where you find the Egyptian T-62’s with the Sakr unguided rockets and Ahram ATGM’s

Here is an Egyptian T-62E without the Sakr rocketpods or Ahram ATGM’s


RO.120 Mk.III is a further modernization/life extension to prolong the service life of the T-62 mainly giving it an more powerful MTU engine. There was a proposal to upgun the RO-115’s/T-62’s with a 120mm cannon made by a Russian firm that can still use NATO rounds however that gun was never fitted on the T-62E/RO-120 as far as i know. The cannon is question is called the M-393


Another vehicle that can be added or the very least considered is the M60 Marksman (self explanatory)

There isn’t a large amount of info on it other than the Saudi Arabian Army did trials on the M60 Marksman
