6.0 unplayable now?

is it just me or is 6.0 trash br now?
I used to enjoy this br but now I struggle to get a single kill
I see so many troll vehicles like howitzers made in the 1960s one shotting heavy tanks from ww2 without even aiming…


The doom cannon thing is kind of annoying heavy tanks were already struggling with constant uptiers but now they have lower down doom cannons that can easily send you to jesus.

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Yea its really bad now with the post ww2 artillery.

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6.0 Always been that awful spot in most trees where uptiers were just horrible even in arcade. good luck killing a kingtiger with a panther or a jumbo against a tortoise and the uptiers are extra common due an overabundance of 6.7 players. 6.7 is among the best BRs to play at after all

Why do ppl complain about the arty vehicles? They are nearly universally bad.

Yes, they can kill you. But you can kill them back just as easily. They have very low velocity and struggle at ranges beyond 500m. They die to AA and planes constantly. They aren’t particularly fast and are universally large profile vehicles.

6.0 was only viable when 7.7 was eating the hordes of 6.7s. Now that most 7.7s went to 8.0 you end up with 6.7 seeing far more downteirs.

No one is playing 5.x. Nearly no nation has a strong list and with things like the IS2 getting upteired to uselessness you don’t have nearly as many ppl playing around that br.


In a panther that’s an easy job as the tortoise is missing an average of 30mm armour across the whole vehicle. Shoot the MG turret and then the hull MG and its ideas 100% of the time. its doable with some of the weakest APHE shells of the BR too.

King tigers are more of an issue but barrel and track torture is always an option, its how I cripple maus tanks in a fox for someone to kill

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Fair but my point still stand. Uptiers to 6.7 still sucks and that’s not counting for the folks who bush up their vehicles specifically to make that harder

After a while you can identify tanks even when they are bushed all the way up, plus you mentioned arcade which literally tells you where to shoot.

You would think that, then volumetric decides your shell gonna also hit these 2 weird plates or something that overlap a tiny bit the aim assist didn’t take into account and get greeted with a nonpen.

I only ever have that issue with a couple premium russian vehicles and T34s because I’ve learnt the weakspot on most vehicles in game now. the game is just very wonky at times and even the best player cant beat that

For me it was trash for a long time now. But I also only ever use a Germany 6.0 set up. On the other hand that lineup does not care about uptiers. It makes it more annoying, yes. But not difficult due to me not using heavy tanks often. Now… 5.7 does not yield much better of course. Still plenty uptiers.

Might just be you

During the event 6.0 was pain in the… you know where. But not only 6.0, lower BR’s even worse for me.
Yesterday was different, better and more fun. I play Italian tt right now.

Someone aught to setup a discord server for people having shitty games who need a squad buddy to lighten the mood and the load.

Me in my T29,M551 76, and 7.0 Jet lineup: What? noooo… it’s fiiine. On a more serious note german heavies hard counter w-key pressers of other nations so they will keep overperforming because of bad players while also still under performing against people who can read maps and aim.

I play a lot of 6.3 (Super Hellcat lineup) and frankly the only “issue” I have with the big M109 stuff or related is that they keep giving copy paste vehicles to like 5 different nations all at once.

As for the actual vehicles themselves, I dont have any problems honestly. They are easy to kill, big targets, and most of them can be .50 cal’d.

Also they are easy meat for strafing in my planes.

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People saying the M109 and others are easy meat for strafing obviously haven’t met some HE-VT lovin’. That’s driver error rather than the fault of that artillery piece that can swat your ass out the sky. I do agree that there is nothing OP about the SPGs, but they sure are fun to use and they do kill everything.

Yeah, that’s a good line-up. But I have an addiction to a certain US 6.7 vehicle…


Totally agree about German players around that BR. So I typically get my KT fix by playing the Swedish one or I’ll use the KT 10.5 at 7.0. My bread and butter is nuking German players by shooting them sweet sweet turret cheeks.

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why are the worst players using german Tanks?

Ah yes, The spoiler’d bane of a very, VERY unlucky 5.7 full uptier. I’d rather face a Kv-220 with a 5.0-5.3 vehicle

Let’s all forget about biggest problem on that BR …M 51