6.0 unplayable now?

I mean, it might be big monitor bias, but you can tell when they are looking at you and tracking you. You can also bait them/work with other aircraft to engage. Though teamwork is OP I agree when it actually goes in (I personally love to work with other aircraft engaging SPAA/radar SPAA and M109s/equivs in a strikemaster using SURAs, very fun).

Do remember they take time to lift the gun unless they have an amazing crew/spaded the vehicle often times, take advantage of that by flying over them and attacking from an angle they are not ready for and firing small burst and pull away, not over commit like most planes like to do.

I have complained about this before as well. It does make playing WW2 armour pointless in a WW2 game

That thing any good? Have had it since 2020 but have rarely used it. Too busy with 279 and others.



No worries - nuke them in orbit.

Seriously, though. I’m not saying it’s the easy way, I’m not saying it’s the most efficient way - and you shouldn’t just sit in spawn trying to SPAA in them. But people act like they’re totally defenseless. Generally, I’ll be on the front line with the SPG taking on ground and always keeping an eye on air spawn. As soon as someone air spawns, I’ll pull back and position myself to stealthily nuke them as they make their run. That’s the ideal way. Don’t expect to be able to do anything if your spawn is being strafed by 5 air at once. Thankfully for nations like USSR and Germany, they have very effective SPAA in the SPG’s line-up, anyway. Maybe the Skink is actually really good, but I just haven’t given it much of a chance. From what I’ve seen, USA/British M109’s generally breath easy because air is flooded with their planes.

Why is a 109 even in a game with WW2 armour? I mean really WTF on a most basic tank/tank game loving level.

I enjoy that one too, although it appears yours has come with some aftermarket spaced armor :)

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Oh, my bad, lol. You said KV-220, not KV-122, haha. KV-220 looks like KV-5 from WoT.

KV-220 is definitely not as broken as it used to, but it’s still very fun as hardly anyone knows how to properly engage it.

If those APHE changes proposed some time ago get implemented though, it will instantly become garbage

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now? 6.0 was destroyed the moment HEAT-FS came out.

I just played USA at 5.7 using mostly the armour of the Cobra King and then Germany in the Porsche Tiger again using Armour. I am shocked at but a truly broken game it is.
Totally ruined and made point less by the Bakaan ,The M109 and Russian artillery ignoring WW2 armour.

What a stupid thing to do putting that rubbish in WW2 and ruining your own game 🤣
Which complete ass hat thought that was a good idea? I remeber now why I have ignored 5.7 used so long now.It used to be my main home in this game but its dead now and a joke.

2S3M and 2S1 aren’t an issue, neither is Bkan. Nor even the probably most annoying pre M109 SPH the Type 75 SPH was too problematic.

The reason for that was the fact that there were limited number of them. 2S3M and 2S1 aren’t very good, Bkan is very situational and Type 75 comes from a nation not many people play.

It all changed with addition of M109s tho. They are literally everywhere in stupid quantities and they get one of the most annoying features a tank can get which is being thin enough to not fuse majority of APHE shells coming at them.

Due to the fact that they were copypasted into nearly every nation in the game rather than an occasional threat they are now a constant bane of anyone who plays a heavy tank without a 12,7 hmg.

Sure they aren’t overpowered, but they are extremely annoying. M109 should have never been added to all the nations it ended up in. Only nation that should have received it was USA. Period. Not only doesn’t every nation need an SPH, even if they did all of them have some domestic counterpart that could have been added instead.

Kings of battle update with M109s and recent update with M44s were both peak of Gaijin’s laziness

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You are missing the point really.They are a problem.They are such a problem that they make venturing out in the Cobra King utterly pointless.They make it totally obsolete which is what they would have been if they faced those vehicles in WW2. Its like taking a BT5 into 7BR as far as armour goes.
A couple of years ago we all knew what to expect when playing such a vehicle as the Cobra King or maybe Panther. Good protection was first.From the front very good protection and a chance of bouncing some shots.Maybe damage but a chance to see the enemy before you died and maybe take action.Maybe an instant death in rare case or if the enemy flanked you.

That was fine,frustrating maybe but that was how it was.
Now ? Boom dead ,thanks good bye.wasted your time going out in an armored heavy.
Artillery no problem? Not good ? What do I say to that statement without extreme profanity? 🤣

They are reason for the OP . Dont be fooled by the fact something has thin armour, it can still ruin a whole BR or tier.
You forget that those who use armour pay a severe weight penalty of speed but why do that when your Cobra King or Panther now has the protection of an M18 as far as the spam of artillery is concerned.
Sorry Gaijin ruined their own game. It might be slightly easier to take when the vehicle sin question is at least factual and not a sci fy time traveler .GRB is not an april fools event.

I agree with the numbers but that is out of our control and varies.
I have enjoyed War Thunder lately at 6.7 and looked past the WW2/Cold war mix
but at 5.7 -6BR it makes the game pointless and zero fun.I remembered why I gave it up.

Spot on there ,it is laziness and its a new breed of dumb dev with no knowledge of armour or understanding of much of the fanbase.

I have around 1500 battles in Cobra King and i think it’s a pretty bad example, SPHs are one of my favourite things to go up against in this tank. Sure they can one shot you without any issue, but you have vertical stabiliser and they don’t. And as soon as you cripple them with 1st shot, you can follow up with 12,7 and eliminate them.

Unless he notices you first, by which point it’s kinda your fault, you always have an upper hand in direct engagement which is fine.

And with how scarce the SPHs used to be before M109s were added i was actually supporting their presence in the game. It was a nice interesting addition that added some flavour to the overall game experience.

Well, not really, not even a single SPH in this game (except for VIDAR maybe) is actually overpowered. They are just annoying. I surely have nothing against occasionally facing a Type 75 or Bkan, but having to deal with at least 3-4 M109s every single game regardless of which nation i play, especially if i don’t have an HMG is infuriating.

You hit him in the turret, kill multiple of his crew members, but so what? He will just run away and he has like 4 more guys sitting in that turret anyway. And unless you knew you will be facing him and had time to change ammo to HE it’s hard to reliably kill them in one shot.

No I dont buy that.You cant see everybody and heavy armour is there for a reason ,its protection and its relative to an era.The idea of warfare is a race .If it is not a race then its a whitewash like the Gulf war and who wants a game representative of that?

I cant begin to imagine artillery in the 40s with the sniper rifle like precision we have in WT.
I picked the Cobra king because it has such good armour …should I say had good armour because now it does not.It has no amour when facing Bakaan and if it did survive the one shot another is a few seconds away.
Its all fantasy.

I don’t think it matters what type of later cold war artillery you face in a WW2 tank to be honest any more than it matters what type of nuke somebody drops : )

I can accent missiles in their time line,I can accept fast jets or HEAT FS etc in its right place WW2 is not the place and I still feel the first 6BRs are or should be WW2

Luckily the playerbase went “DON’T TOUCH MY APHE” like America goes “DON’T TOUCH MY BOATS”
and didn’t even entertain the idea of them testing it, much less implementing it. With gaijin’s past track record when they poked around under the hood of other shells, I agree with the community Don’t touch my APHE.

because they are annoying as hell to face for a couple different reasons, and they invalidate armor like HEAT vehicles so armor became even less valuable with their addition (armor was already the weakest of the mobility/armor/gun triangle by far before these were added, they made it worse)

They’re also just… offputting in that they are clearly too low of a BR for their era IRL. Meaning, you can be driving a Tiger 1 and see a 1980s SPG, which is more than a bit immersion breaking

Not the word I’d use, community voted for worse mechanics.

and yet they bring a whole new level of significant drawbacks. If anything, its FAR harder to aim an arty vehicle than aim a 122mm. Both for ballistic velocity and area of damage. A 122 rarely fails to kill. A 155mm will often do no damage, sometimes just blow out an engine, transmission, or gun, and has to aim significantly higher and significant more lead.

I find it amusing people think armor is so bad around br 4-7 when its nearly universally armored tanks that have been upteired. KVs and KV85s, IS2s, Tigers, Tiger 2s, Pershings, super pershings, Jumbos, T44. Only a few mobility vehicles ( Hellcat, R3) have seen similar. So if anything, it has been armor overprerforming.

This is a multiplayer game. If you bounce ONE shot, your armor has already done all it needs to. The idea that you can tank multiple shots with any tank is just a delusion of power. That isn’t how balance works.

More APHE fail to fuse than APDS shell shatter. Yet APDS is both a weaker round than APHE in game and still has shell shatter. If shell shatter exists, APHE should fail to fuse. APHE nations are universally the strongest nations. APHE either needs a drawback or a rebalance. Currently its the best of ALL worlds. If there was a 600 pen APHE round at top teir, i’m pretty sure many nations would main it over apfsds.