.50's deserve a buff

Factual statements you say? Let’s see that. Germany, Russia, Britain, Japan, US is the order.
German 20mm
Russian 20mm
British 20mm
Japanese 20mm
US 20mm
Looks like Germany is first, Japan second, US 3rd, Britain 4th, and Russia last in terms of explosive yield. So your “factual statement” is NOT correct for Russia, and therefore biased against them. Overall the US rounds are best overall because of the higher velocity and quite good yield compared to everyone but Germany. So no, Germany doesn’t have the best 20mms and the US planes that carry them carry more and thus have more firepower.

Prove that random number generators exist.

G forces are stress on the airframe. Airframe is moving forward with momentum, plane attempts to turn but force applied to wings is too great to shift the momentum and wing breaks because of the stress applied to it that it couldn’t handle. I’m sure you’ve gotten your wing hit and it suddenly sends you out of control and something along the lines of “wing ripped” appears as the methodology of kill. I have seen it happen many times because rounds weaken the structure of the plane and then the forces break the wing off.

Not discussing this with you any further, you obviously have no understanding of what desync is and the problems it actually causes.

TLDR of this post: You’re biased, you can prove nothing, you don’t know what flight stresses are, and you are wholly ignorant about desync. This will be the last time I will reply to you about any of this because you obviously don’t know how to actually discuss facts and just want to say “cope” and suggest things are “skill issues”. Good day to you.

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Mineshell moment. Love the MG 151 and MG 151/20, wonderful on the Mörko-Morraine and when used to shotgun on the G6 Erla while running the Mk 103.

Yes, they pack quite the punch. I quite enjoy the G series because of the cannon customization they have with the wing mounted guns and ability to swap the 20mm and 30mm nose cannon. Probably my favorite Bf-109s and German fighters as a whole.


They are probably the third most meta in AB, beyond the F-4 and cough cough Ki-61s…

please help me those things are all around me save me from their swarm

lol som1 has never seen an IL-2

The damage is random and determined by an RNG. Same goes for wings breaking to Gs or high speed.

Dude it’s not that complicated. it just calculates Gs, and if you go over the limit then it uses RNG (higher chance the higher the Gs) and applies a multiplier with speed or payloads. to rip your wing off. wing damage isn’t factored in.

I know what desync is and I know it’s not the reason you’re missing all your shots. unless you’re playing on hotel wifi or something like starlink or TMobile home, which in that cause it’s not Warthunder’s fault.

sorry but you endlessly defending 20mm constantly pushing the idea that it 1-shot aircraft is not OP or unrealistic in the slightest is bias. Yes, you are coping and yes you either have very bad wifi or simply skill issue.

But German, Russian, British, and American 20mm are all different with different ballistic and HE filled

My experience with latewar belt .50 Cals is that against props they are deathlasers of incredible power, and against jets they are only slightly better than packing peanuts or harsh words. I guess it’s just because your window for landing hits is smaller in jet combat, but I swear to god the Sabre’s .50s just bounce off of whatever they hit, regardless of belt.

I landed 4 bursts on a Meteor last night and when he eventually was killed by someone else I didn’t even get an assist credit. It’s not just me either, in the same game I got hosed by someone’s .50s while I was flying straight and unaware, and all it did was redden my nosecone. He must have hit me dead center if my nosecone was hit, but absolutely nothing vital was even touched. I think I’d even prefer to use the Me262’s exploding anvil launchers.

Meanwhile anytime I fly out a late Mustang or Corsair, planes of all shapes and sizes are deleted outright by the red streams. I’d swear the ammo goes slower too, even though I’m pretty sure all the M2s with late war belts have the same ROF (the earlier ones are slower though, I know.)

Are they that much weaker than 20mm? Depends on the bracket imo. For props, even though things like the ShVAK are (usually) noticeably more powerful, I think the gap isn’t even close to unfair. For jets the gap feels chasmic, but at the same time the Sabre is so great in every other way, especially now that it’s been downtiered significantly, that it may as well have the guns be its one weakness. It’s rival, the MiG-15\17, is similarly let down by its weapons, just in the completely opposite direction. The earlier USAF jets with M2s I’m less experienced with, but they also seem to be good performers in their brackets.

tl;dr: They’re kind of annoying to use in some cases, but I don’t think they need a buff.

There is no .50 AP shell in game with HE filler. They are all incendiary. In my experience, tracer belts do the best, lighting fires, and this is the most damaging thing you can really do. i don’t think they need a buff honestly, but I don’t agree that the tracer belt is bad. APIT is a powerful round.

In my experience, they do okay damage, but you need a lot of time on target. That’s the hard part when playing a sabre, unless you get a quick, easy pilot snipe.

I seriously wanna know who told you any of the American .50 belts contain ANY explosive fillers… they don’t. Incendiary is the best you have, and API-T both has tracer rounds as well as AP properties, so you penetrate deeper and cause fires more consistently. This is an all-around benefit.

lol, did you just look at the stats and assume that they have any relevance to the in-game performance?
How naive are you? 😂

From my experience .50’s are ok where they are. I definitely get some weird results in it in Air RB but that’s why you have a lot of them. And in Ground RB 50 cal against planes is pretty good

Next time could you please read through the thread before replying with things?

I already admitted i was wrong about it and why. Thank you for rehashing something already sorted out.

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My fault lol, I didn’t read the whole thread, admittedly.

I’m going to assume you have some sort of proof that the stat cards are inaccruate in regards to filler and velocities?

It’s cool, just another reminder for me to be better and keep learning.

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There’s something called protection analysis in the game, which can show differences in performance.

Filler is just a stat. If you’re familiar with Swedish 40mm Bofors SAPHE, you will find that they deal way more damage then any similiar APHE round with same or more filler.

One 20mm AP can deal more damage than another that has the same amount of penetration.

Then there’s the fact that some aircraft shells use realShatter and others don’t.
So the same or similar rounds can deal wildly different damage.

Stat card stats are for the most part meaningless for direct comparison of in-game performance.

The protection analysis is not quite accurate.

I’ll look at this later.

Mass and speed make a difference.

Is there a list of these rounds?

How do you think 20mm shells have the same penetration? It’s based on energy that consists of mass and velocity.

Same penetration should mean same damage. Also don’t just talk some theoretical things when you don’t even understand how damage is implemented in the game.

It’s just coded into a file. The only thing that is calculated is the fragmentation effect of AP rounds based on their penetration but in the end Gaijin can also tinker with each round regardless of stats.

Not that I’m aware off.

But it’s easy to test in protection analysis. Since shells without realShatter have a damage sphere, while realShatter creates less visible fragments and in random directions.
