38.5% win rate with RU top tier teams

What happened to the win rates? I have a 38.5% win rate in my T-80BVM…Could that simply boil down to bad luck on my part?

Or have the brimstones and other nations gotten so powerful?

Tank RB btw.

In before someone blames me for losing games, I have a 53% something win rate with the T-80U and T-90A despite having 0.2-3 KB in them.

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The Russian bias in its real form.


Given the Brimstone is one of the weakest AGMs at top tier and the Soviet KH-38 is the best by far. I have no idea why you are bringing that up as its largely irrelevant.

NATO CAS has now gotten to the point where the Pantsir no longer provide universal protection and the soviets are just as hard-pressed by CAS as everyone else is.

The more likely cause is that tanks like the Leopard 2s outclass the T-80BVM, where before, the BVM was untouchable, its now vulnerable and most other tanks have gotten decent buffs that close the gap (like better shells and faster fire rates)

Overall nearly everyone has slowly begun to catch up to the soviets in terms of IFVs and MBTs leveling the playing field in terms of raw performance but nations like the US and USSR have a large playerbase and so is a mix of skilled and unskilled players. Most minor nations only have people who persisted with the usually much weaker vehicles to get to top tier.




lmfao no. they are nothing compared to a KH38

Russia got T80U E1 and you guys got M1 clickbaited with the winrates.

The russian T64 family is also just outclassed by the leopard 2 spam there is at top tier so that really doesn’t help. USSR is reliant on CAS to win unfortunately


Are you ready for another supersonic KH-38 slinging platform?


Ah… But Russia has the weakest SPAA so its 100% justified they have the best CAS


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Their CAS is far from best. Best is Rafale wit hammers and EFT with brimstones.


If there’s other SPAA up the Su-34 is the best, and if there isn’t, the EFT is the best.

Overall both the Rafale and EFT are a better package than the Su-34 due to a superior A2A armament and better flight performance.


Not really.

EFT lacks the ability for multiple target engagement and what guided weapons it does have are far weaker than they should be. (like Brimstone 1 instead of the correct 2s, FnF for those Brimstones, DL for the PW4s, no GMTI, etc)

EFT can put down a decent amount of sustained CAS if it has air superiority and SEAD, but so can aircraft like the F-15E.

The Lack of FnF heavily inhibits how you can play it. No such limitations exist with the Rafale, F-15E, Su-34 and now Su-30.

They all have FnF AGMs and the best of them all by quite a margin is the KH-38. I agree the Rafale is very good, and probably does beat out the Su-34/Su-30, but barely. The ability the Su-34, Su-30, Rafale, F-15E and F-16C have to just fire off a volley of missiles and turn cold completely outstrips the abilitity of the Typhoon to make single target hack and slash attacks over an extended amount of time.

Even when factoring in CAP as well. the EFT isnt even necessarily the strongest due to all of its radar issues. Rafale, Su-30 and F-15E can provide more effective CAP at the moment, heck even the Su-34 can to a certain degree because its radar will find targets and GRB maps are small enough for R-77s to remain effective.

EFT is in desperate need of buffs to bring it onto parity with the others. Like FnF Brimstones (with quantity mitigation), Brimstone 2s (either SAL or FnF), Its full range of GBUs and GMTI radar modes. And that doesnt include improvements to the radar to actually make it competitive with the AESA/PESA radars that are becoming the norm with top tier (CAPTOR-M should be very much able to keep up with them in most respects)

TLDR: EFT is good, but Su-30 and Su-34 are WAY better at CAS at the moment, epsecially as they never have to deal with the Pantsir like everyone else does.


Right now, I’m not at my computer, but if you could check and compare my win rate between the American top tier and the Russian one—if I’m not mistaken (or at least it seems that way to me)—my win rate with Russian tanks is higher than with American ones.

Bare in mind, that the eft simply has much better performance. Gaijin yet didnt nerf their energy retention like they did with gripen(it is overperforming as of current) and better(nearly the best) ARHs, unlike the overnerfed R-77.

Going back to the topic, the issues for such a winrate are:

-RU is one of the big three, so naturally, winrates will be lower.

-premium one death leavers(there were discounts for USSR premiums on the 23-rd of february).

-SPAA doesnt matter that much(even the pantsir), since CAS capabilities currently exceed the performance of SAM missiles(just climb up high, and missiles from below will struggle to get you).

-the current actual SPAA in GRB are other jets.
While other countries have jets that can both do well in CAS and anti-air, RU right now is basically stuck between a fighter with meh CAS capabilities and a strike jet with meh ant-air capabilities.
Should fix that when SU-30SM goes to live.

-Said other countries have aim-120, while other missiles are plagued with with issues, which gaijin failed to fix so far(mainly the R-77 family of missiles, pythons and MICA-EM).

  • Gaijin made modules for autoloaders, while not balancing this change with nerfs for non-autoloader tanks.
    Now they decided to balance it by fixing the issue with Nato mbt’s crew compartments eating apfsds without damage.

Winrate of Russian teams is currently above 50%? StatShark - See All Player, Missile, and Vehicle Statistics

I assume your own playstyle plays a part in your performance?

The T-80BVM stats for March 2025:




Bvm never was untouchable what are you talking about?
Its like t-72 with era strapped on it.
With current jets and spaa, russia has the best a2g and spaa for grb.
Even with nerfed parts, unrealistic ammunition, leopard will stomp every tseries.
Its not gaijins fault that leopard is the better tank, they make up with other stuff that gaijin was so generous to add.

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That doesnt seem right. Italy on wt data project had 75% WR on top tier,France about 70%. The only right thing is US having lowest.

That’s because the Data project is based on thunderskill, which can only use data of players that have clicked on the ‘allow my data to be used’ and because thunderskill has had a wipe. Thus the data project and thunderskill are better representations of the more experienced and the more involved player base that cares more about stats (as you need to visit the website to allow your data to be used). An example of someone showing how inaccurate thunderskill and the WTDP are: Data Analysis #2: What are the real win rates by BR, and how good is Thunderskill really?

They do not use the same dataset. Statshark is based on replays iirc. And statshark thus is a better (but also not time-dependent) representation of the average player base.

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Just get good?

Try learning the game.

When do you spawn the T-80BVM in?

Last spawn vehicle - likely you keep spawning it when the odds are your teams done for, this happens when people often have a “lineup” where they are dedicated to using X vehicle, then Y, then Z.

First spawn? Do you leave battles after being destroyed once a lot? Again, this leads to a lot of loss ratio because it causes a chain reaction in the team to all do it and then lose.

I loll’ed at calling the Brimstone good though. Its good in a niche situation when the enemy SAM systems got too used to point and click adventuring.

I don’t really play RU much, but whilst i’ve been grinding Italy 10.7/11.0 lately, I have noticed that the RU teams at this BR are just… something else man.

I check the scoreboard two minutes into the match, and it’s just a bunch of 2S38 / T72AV / T80UD who died once and went back to hangar.

Getting on RU team at 10.0-11.0 feels like being on US team at 11.3-12.0 lol.