2v2 and 6v6 Air realistic battles as seperate tabs

I feel this is a VERY necessary change for war thunders longevity. Adding a 2v2 and 6v6 tab in the battle selector could completely change the course of the game. It would add a competitive game mode for friends and groups of friends to actually play war thunder together, in turn bringing old and new players into the game. 16v16 would still be an option for people playing solo or just wanting to grind, but for those of us that do have almost every top tier I sometimes find it hard to even want to play because I want to test my skills in my jets and learn each one. Adding a 2v2 or proper 6v6 mode would give players such a way to really learn their planes. It would revitalize the competitive side of warthunder that has been missing for years. I feel a whole aspect of air-to-air combat is missing, being that of dogfights. Sure, you have sim but not everyone wants to be locked into a first-person mode practically playing a different game in order to feel they are having a competitive match. Also, 2v2 and 6v6 modes would fit flawlessly in the maps already existing in the game. games like for honor exist today solely for its competitive nature and sprinkling in 2v2 and 6v6 modes for top teir would bring a whole new aspect to the game and a whole new reason to play. and i feel its a pretty minor feature, obviously I don’t know how hard it would be to implement. Regardless I think it would be worth any cost in the long run. New players would buy the newest premium planes in order to play competitive top tier FREAKING jets, no game would have anything like this for the people that don’t want to dive into dcs or other hardcore sims. old players and the like would have more reason to spend money on the newest jets. they could even go as far as adding a 1v1 mode with specific rules such as guns only to help with IR missile balancing, all the while making 2v2 on big maps so they wouldn’t have to worry about balancing because the teams would have access to all the tools their plane has.

I want other people’s opinions on this because I’ve brought it up in public matches and every seems to agree. it seems like a no brainer to me but I’d love to hear your guys point of view!


I fully support this, 100%. I cannot understand why Gaijin wont do it. It cannot be that difficult to implement.


I agree. Now watch all the 3rd party capable only goblin monkeys shiver in fear and attack your post.

True. I have not spent a single cent on planes since they changed ARB into 16v16. In fact, I stopped playing ARB completely.

Here is what needs to happen to make War Thunder great again from a perspective of a +5000 hour / 2015 old player.

  1. Return ARB into, well, realistic state. Arcade is there for a reason, no need to have 2 arcade modes. And yes, Gaijin is trying to turn ARB into Arcade 2.0 for some strange reason.
    That means:
  • historical matchups - Axis vs allies and NATO vs Warsaw.
  • reduce ticket bleed
  • return back 45 minute match timer
  1. Scale lobby sizes according to rank.
  • Rank I-II 16v16
  • Rank III 14v14
  • Rank IV 12v12
  • Rank V 10v10
  • Rank VI 8v8
  • Rank VII 6v6
  • Rank VIII 4v4
  1. Add true ARBEC with expanded maps and missions.

  2. Add competetive 2v2 and 4v4 ARB (small map, 10 minute timer, air spawn, no AI units) into the events tab for people wanting to play WT more competetively.

And finally, once all this is done, BR decompression. Just delete BR and build from the ground up on a set of rigid and sensible rules, not some BS statistics.

There. Fixed. I just made you millions of Euros and brought in millions of new players. Thank me later, Gaijin.


I’ll only make one point: queue times are a non-issue, the WT playerbase is the largest it’s ever been, and improving Air RB might bring even more players to it. Splitting it up into a few different modes is not really an issue like it was back in the day.


I agree with the idea, but not how that is implemented. 6v6 is too small for higher ranks. Any stock plane will affect the match a lot more, and any decent squad would win every match.

I think it should be like this. 1.0-3.7=16v16, 4.0-6.7=14v14, 7.0-9.3=12v12, 9.7+=10v10, with a greater chance for 8v8 at top tier.

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The first step would be to just make the “small” map switch work. But alas, the devs again show that they do not play their own game.


Honestly, a 2v2 might be a bit too small, but maybe something for a new ranked thing would work out for this. I would love to see 4v4-8v8 as the new norm, and I feel it’s needed to help with top tier air rb.


I would say that this style + an EC gamemode for RB would make air much better than it is right now, and a lot more user friendly


I agree completely i feel adding these smaller competitive games would be a huge steppingstone into other changes.

Yes please this is 100% needed, 16v16 is unbearable


100% agree, i pray that the devs see your message. This would fix sooo many things.


Imho this sentence is expressing the usual misconception of gaijin’s decisions - they are simply not aimed to satisfy more experienced players, they are designed to keep the game and game play as easy as possible in order to allow everybpdy with money (=preferred) or time to participate.

As everybody knows: Less players & small matches require way more experience in order to participate successfully - therefore this topic is very popular within this forum, but very unpopular for gaijin itself, as the requirements to participate increase.

So even as i like most of your thoughts - it looks like you underestimate their intelligence. A lot of decisions which ruined the game mode for experienced players make economic sense, as they made it easier for rookies…


I like the game. I wouldn’t spend +5000 hours in it if I didn’t. I’ve spent 1700EUR in the past 9 years. Well, to be more accurate, within the first 7 years of playing it. Therefore War Thunder’s (long term) success is in my best interest.

Voicing my opinion on the forum and voting with my time / wallet are the only tools I have.
I’ve used all 3. All I can do is hope and cope now.

But I simply refuse to play 16v16 ARB, therefore I have no need to spend my money on planes.


+1 Good idea


Just make a squad…
War Thunder is not an arcade game like Counter Strike or Siege.

Current air RB is misserable, and while the minority of actually competent players want EC or switch to sim, many people lack the tike commitment to properly learn the game.the addition of a faster paced, smaller team size gamemode would allow those who only want some quick fun to hop in for a few matches, without the unendong RB waiting game.


Smaller team size requires more personal skill from you.
Larger team size means all you primarily have to learn is situational awareness.

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2 v 2 or 6 v 6 just isn’t going to happen. 2 v 2 would immediately be taken over by EXTREMELY good players. 6 v 6 would be taken over by squads.

Gaijins been very clear that these smaller teams are purely reserved for tournaments.

The smallest team size in an ongoing mode that we could possibly ever see would be 8 vs 8. 8 vs 8 would be nice as long as they dont allow squad stacking, which currently, they do.

They would need to modify the matchmaker to force squads to match with squads so that the entire mode isn’t taken over by abusive squads - see upper tier Air Arcade for reference.

Id be okay with anything smaller than 16 vs 16 at this point. Honestly they should just reverse the toggle so that if you want 16 vs 16, you can turn on the toggle and get the chance to see it. A max of 12 vs 12 should be the standard for BR 10.0+.

It’s also the most likely change to be actually heard by Gaijin. They’re just going to ignore these calls for 2 vs 2 mode or 6 vs 6 mode since they’ve outright rejected this several times before.

This doesn’t address the most glaring issue atm with Top tier - the stock grind. Currently, the stock grind is the worst ive ever seen. They could certainly add more stock missiles to these aircraft but ultimately i think they should add more PVE content so players can feasibly grind out planes without being forced into TDM.

Maybe this PVE is air RB EC. Maybe it’s something new. But they need more varied gameplay for Air. They needed it years ago but better late than never.