
Just don’t bother answering and wasting your time. They will whine until it’s gets nerf cuz “rUsSiaN bIAs”

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Is the top tier US win rate really that bad in general?

Clickbait was a welcomed addition to the game.

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The vehicle needs to be nerfed because of its characteristics, not its nation of origin.

And what’s with her characteristics? 2c38 is not op

GRB US has been sitting at a 40% or lower WR since spall liners got added, with the lowest being 31%.

Either way, it’d be a team skill disparity, nothing more.

ând that has nothing to do with the clickbait and aims ?
and all those … that press W expecting to tank everything ?
Clearly they are just bad vehicles /s

9040 doesnt have IRST

Do you have a video of the 2S38 hitting air targets at high speed/distance with pinpoint accuracy? LAV-AD can’t even shoot scout drones out of the air with its minigun.

2S38 is just pay2win + RussianBias™ I use it at 12.7 as a scout vehicle, but at 10.0 it’s amazingly strong at every role.

US WRs went up after the implementation of the Clickbait indecently, from the low of 31% to 37%.

But please keep going on about how its exclusively a skill issue when your main scapegoat flat out made the US WRs better.

I doubt that. I’ve been playing a lot of 12.7 USA over the last two months, and I have a win-rate fluctuating between 10% and 30%.

The current tracked WR is 43.427% for that bracket, but it was for a long time way worse, mainly around January of this year, which, indecently also correlates with Germany and Sweden’s highest WRs.

By comparison Sweden is at 72.027% and Germany at 64.144% and Russia at 49.9%.

Yeah just goes to show hard it is to read into win rates. Sweden might objectively have the best 11.7 tank, but I don’t think it’s good enough to explain a +22% difference with Russia, who in my opinion are overall strongest considering the wealth of great vehicles they get in every category.


One could say russia got handheld years long so they forgot how to play…
And now they need constant handout’s to perform good…

Damn son flagging AGAIN ? truth hurts i guess


If you go by GRAU classifications it is a Self-propelled Artillery unit, funnily enough.
2S is for Self-propelled Artillery units,
2A is for Self-propelled Anti-aircraft unit, hence ZSU23-4 being 2A6, but Tunguska is 2S6 most likely due to presense of combination of rockets and guns on tracked platform.

Am i supposed to be impressed or something ? Cause i don’t see reason to.
I stand by it, if you have problems fighting 2S38, skill issue.

Gaijin has denied it multiple times despite evidence and such, only thing we can hope for is newer models of light tanks to have that capability.

You’re saying “skill issue” without telling me what skill I’m having an issue with. Is it my K/D? My win rate? My ground vehicles, my helicopters, my aircraft? What skill is having an issue?

How do I improve so I no longer have this skill issue and can deal with the 2S38?

I don’t know, post a gameplay video where you struggle against 2S38 and i will tell you.