
I argued in the original title post why the vehicle should have its BR increased.

No one stated the OTOMATIC wasn’t 11.7

Thicker, and able to ricochet main-caliber APFSDS. The entirety of the HSTV-L is effectively an S-103.

It shows a penetration of the mantlet. As it did not hit any components due to its heading, it had ricochet off of either a following plate or the barrel, leading to a ricochet message.

That’s what happens when you shoot a crewless turret or a remote weapon.

The Lvkv 9040C comparison was due to a request of similar vehicles.


Where did I ask you to list every vehicle with access to proxy shells?

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The Lvkv 9040C is the only valid comparison at its BR range, and it’s much worse in its anti-tank role. Hence the 2S38’s BR should be increased.

The 2S38 also ricochets main caliber APFSDS to the hull alongside stopping them using the fuel tank

Due to it’s heading you’d suspect some fragments to hit right at the breech which is pretty much kissing the shell from that position
It never touched the barrel

So a crewless turret that’s empty gave it a significant survivability over IFVs in the same BR, don’t you think that should affect it’s BR to a certain degree?

I’m refeering to the normal Strf9040C and not the SPAA variant, most people defending the 2S38 tends to use that over the Lvkv since it doesn’t have the good round and “IRS-T isn’t important and should have no effect over BR”


Is classified as an SPAA ingame.

You didn’t. I’ve already shown you. Quit it with the spam.

Yes, because it is also a multirole vehicle. It has smaller rounds with a much higher fire rate, similar survivability with full spall liner coverage, and a search radar.

They are both 10.0, and both have tradeoffs for their capabilities.

Please refer to:

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What relevance does this have? I’ve already stated what dictation is followed for putting a vehicle under what role. Both the Lvkv 9040C and 2S38 are SPAAGs, though the 2S38 has faced balancing in its BR by raising its spawn cost.

Then please refrain from referencing vehicles which have no bearing on the 2S38’s performance.

The same which places the ADATS at 11.7 despite having underperforming missiles for AA / ground attack.

Vehicles which can act as both anti-tank and SPAA are placed at a higher BR. This is found on the OTOMATIC and the ADATS.

The 2S38 is the exception. It is placed at 10.0 despite having IRST tracking with proxy shells and the second highest penning APFSDS for a light tank using an autocannon in the game (assuming we consider the HSTV-L’s cannon an autocannon due to its rate of fire).

I asked you to explain your opinion if you have one, it is not my job to read your mind. I will answer what you state.

How is having marginally higher spawn points a balancing measure for a vehicle capable of playing at 12.0?

Let’s be honest, it’s a premium that probably makes them a nice amount of cash so a BR increase wether needed or not would probably lower Gaijin’s financial gain and therefor be a deal-breaker for them until they come up with something

Maybe if they add the version with missiles on it they might decide BR increase since they can justify it at that point

Over a hull twice as large, with a crew stationed closet together, and with ammunition directly behind it.
You can still kill 2 crew through the fuel tank, you can still ignite ammo. It’s situational and arbitrary.

Fragments? Of what, its tin-foil turret?

Yes, I do… If it weren’t for a hulking amphibious hull and a fairly low-profile turret with bad depression.

Ah, I was meaning to mention the lvkv initially

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You just made a comparison between the two.

Jesus fucking christ, another 2S38 whine topic ?

Skill issue, nothing else

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10.3 since it’s slightly better then Strf 9040C.

Literally the same firepower against 90% of targets.
Anti-air doesn’t impact 2S38 performance cause it’s above 9.3.
Other than that, yeah the 2S38 should be 0.3 higher than Strf 9040C due to the slightly improved ammo.


This I can concur with.

As stated, it’s overall capabilities mirror the 9040 quite well.

10.3 seems fine, although it does still have IRST and gen 3 thermals while the 9040s do not sadly.

Would be nice if the 9040s would end up getting their tracking system too.

Which skill do I need to work on to better understand the 2S38?