
What is your point?

There are no SPAAs at its BR range that are comparable besides the Lvkv 9040C which has much less penetration.

And no other vehicle has smokeless motors on 10km+ missiles, as well as an overdrive 25mm with APDS.
You also have immensely good anti-tank capabilities, being able to 1-shot MBTs and splash-kill some light tanks.


Which is why it’s 11.7 what is your point?

@Vamilad don’t to argue with this guy he’s pretty much razervon but russian.

Yes, and that’s why they are 8.7 and 9.0. They only fill 1 role, and that is anti-aircraft.
Well… The VEAK has good AP rounds.

Yes, that has far superior HE and APFSDS rounds. I would rather it be 10.7-11.0, but then what purpose would the SIDAM serve?

Yup, meant to say Lvkv. Swedes have weird names.


What is your point?

It’s at a higher BR, what is your point?

You don’t quite seem to understand what he’s saying… Let me help you.

He is saying that 3UO8, a proximity HE-VT shell, explodes by itself when close to a target that triggers its fuze.
AHEAD, a shell working on similar principles, has to be manually set to range before it’s able to explode.

3UO8 is implemented as it should be, AHEAD isn’t.

Yes, because it’s HE-VT. AHEAD works by similar principles, but must be set like it’s a 1930s AA battery.

Yes, as was the resolution that he had mistakenly been speaking of 3UO6 and its laser-bound fuse.

Nice hypocrisy.


The 2S38 is an SPAAG, and has been set as a light tank to give it a higher SP and scouting.


Not Russian, but alright. I guess you haven’t been around long enough to know Vamilad.

My point is that it is at a higher BR due to its better ammunition. Is it that hard to understand? Have you already lost track of the topic?

Both the VEAK and M247 are 8.7 and 9.0 due to their strict anti-air use and outdated designs.

If we’ve gotten to this stage of the debate where you start copy-pasting non-answers, it’s time to flag the thread.


What is your point?

This is not in contention. This is not why this thread was created. What is your point by stating this?

The hell are you talking about?

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You’re bringing up other vehicles without stating why you’re doing so. I’m asking you to explain why you’re bringing up random vehicles with various features.

I’m talking about your inane referencing of other vehicles which are not the subject of this thread. The 2S38 is the vehicle in discussion.

Obviously the vehicle with 311mm pen APFSDS and the highest velocity proxy shells in the game as well as radar is at a higher BR.

Why are you talking about it?

Imma have to stop you right there
While it might be technically thicker armor it’s not enough to make a difference at all i’d say
Hell, 2S38 will stop HEATFS and 600mm APFSDS just with the giant fuel tank in the front and turret will either survive because it’s empty or somehow ricochet a round

Look how dam centered this shot is on the turret but still somehow rico’d off something and didn’t hit the tiny bity breech, if this only happens once in a while i’d give it a pass but when it’s the majority of the turret shots than it’s kinda strange
War Thunder Screenshot 2024.03.11 -

If it didn’t have such a high chance to negate any damage or have such a high chance of this type of thing happening than maybe i’d accept the “No armor” argument for it but clearly this thing functions on magic
Rather fight 2 HSTVLs at the same time than a solo 2S38

I still don’t see how this thing is compared to the Strf9040, maybe if that thing had a baby with the HSTVL and decided to to just slap on some SPAA mutations, yeah i’d say that makes sense

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Yes, it is. You asked for vehicles with proxy shells, those are vehicles with proxy shells. The reason why they’re a lower BR is because they do not have gen 2 thermals or APFSDS.

As for the OTO being higher, it has a much more effective range and can fire past 4km.

If you had an attention span capable of remember text from 30 minutes ago, you’d understand the relevance of them and stop spamming the thread as you always do.

I’ve clearly stated why I’ve done so, as well as quoted your request to do so. Now you yourself as asking what my point is and why I’m mentioning them?

Jesus christ you’re stupid…

Seeing as you refuse to argue as to why the 2S38 shouldn’t be its BR and resort to whataboutism, it’s the only other topic to talk about. You yourself asked about vehicle comparisons, why stall here?

You felt the need to state its BR, and I justified why it’s higher than the 2S38. Simple as. Either stick to your rhetoric or leave, playing dumb will only collect reports.


I did not ask for vehicles with proxy shells. I already know every vehicle at the 2S38’s BR range with access to proxy shells. None except for the dedicated SPAAs and the Lvkv which has much less penetration has access to IRST tracking alongside high pen APFSDS.

If you do not state your opinion no one is going to read your mind to figure it out.