2S38 to 11.0

They are both light fast-firing tanks.
Also if people don’t call ADATS SPAA, then here we are.
There are no helicopters with VIkhrs below 11.0.

I stated Hellfires. Vikhrs should be 11.7, they can shoot through smoke. Apparently too strong of a feature to justify Hellfire Ls being added.

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One is 11.3 one is 10.0 imagine which one is the issue.

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All SACLOS can shoot through smoke, but they’re limited to one at a time so it balances out.
Laser you can have up to 7 separate-target missiles up at once, it’s 6 with Mokopa since they’re too fast for 7.

As for my experience against Strf 9040, HSTVL, and 2S38, they all kill me about the same, and I them.
Meaning I kill far more of them before any of them kills me in return; engine sounds.

Cross analysis dictates HSTVL’s superior speed, armor, optics, size, and armor profile makes it more powerful than the other two.
Cause their ability to kill me on the ground matters more than their inability to kill me in the air [yes inability].

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I’m pretty sure the Vihkr missiles can chain missiles.

Subjective as well as player skill.

I don’t compare the HSTV-L to the 2S38 nor do I think they should be the same BR. I do believe the 2S38’s BR should be raised to 10.7 minimum.

Not anymore since the rework of Beam Ridings missiles.

Fair enough.

skill issue

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The CV9040C has some tiny streaks at the hull in front, but nothing really worth talking about. that is however at 0m. anything further and those tiny areas starts to grow whilst the 2S38 is still 100% green over the entire hull the entire 2000m the protection analysis allows to test for.

I wasn’t talking to just you, it was a more of a general observation from reading many threads on this topic over the last several months.

10.3 and above is already heavily infested with longer range ATGMs, so 10.7 OTOMATIC wouldn’t be such a threat to helicopters.

You’re still missing my point, if 2S38 was such an undertiered mess that deserves to be 11.0 or higher, it’s stats would be really high and this should lead to at least minor BR change.
Your try to dismiss this logic with OTOMATIC being overtiered and still not getting BR drop wasn’t the greatest, since as I already told you, AAs can farm brainless kills on heli rushers and you only need the vehicle to perform okay-ish in order to stay at the same BR.

Yes you can…you just can’t have a long gap between them. So if you ripple fire 2 or 3 they will stay on target and the first one will proxy on any SAMs heading your way whilst the others continue on target.

There is no other ATGM which can kill planes with the autotracker, but the vikhr does it easily still.

You lose control over the first missiles the moment second one is launched, unless the SPAA plays on the most brainless way possible, you aren’t going to trade missiles like in the past.

Vikhrs barely pull 10g before suffering from uncontrollable oscillations, again, could work in head-ons; but that’s all, Iglas are unironically better dealing with air.

Helicopters meta died with the Mirage 2000-5F and later F-16C.

Did you not read? I just said that if you launch them quick enough the first one doesn’t lose control. You just can’t fire one, wait a few seconds, and then fire another like you used to be able to.

Yet I still get plenty of kills on F-16s with the Ka-52, when in real life it wouldn’t be able to hit an F-16 unless it was parked.



Yet it sits at 11.3 due to its killing “potential” while the 2S38 gets a pass because [insert reason]

You’ve once again failed to read

Your excuse is the exact same one Gaijin makes. If you want to argue this is acceptable for balance then agree the OTOMATIC should be lowered in BR and move on. Don’t respond to the threads where people complain about the 2S38’s BR being too low. If you want to defend its current BR then do so. Player statistics aren’t a measure of vehicle effectiveness, they’re a measure of those player’s skill. Balancing around something fickle as that is asinine.

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Vikhrs are the only helicopter ATGM that can effectively kill other helicopters because of how Gaijin has chosen to model ATGM physics.

That’s literally their job so yes?


Eh…No. AH Mk.1 with Starstreaks or those armed with F&F ATGMs can do it better nowadays. With most top tier helicopters having MAW and Vikhrs travelling at <600m/s; they aren’t too difficult to evade at distance.

Apaches are fucked tho.

I just tested it and you are right, the exact interval is 3s since the first launch.



Slamming to the deck with no chance of returning fire you have complete dominance.

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Do be faster than an Aim-9B. Pulls harder aswell. Some datamine said 15G iirc. Dunno how accurate it is.

Also, starstreaks arent ATGMs, its a AAM.

Like some AAM, they can do damage to ground targets.

Edit: and honestly i just accidentally dodge the FF missiles when doing my regular helicopter maneuvers.