2S38 to 11.0

You can’t use logic to help someone out of a hole they didn’t use logic to get into.

So according to your post there’s no system of judging if a vehicle is more powerful than another in matches…

If the 2S38 wasn’t a Russian vehicle it’d still be 10.0, see Strf 9040C, see M24 light tanks which are notoriously under-BR’d.

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Try reading just once for a change.
I said kills/deaths from individual players are not a good way to judge balance.


M24 is under-BR’d? How?

225mm APFSDS versus 170mm APFSDS

IRST tracking versus no IRST tracking

Access to APCBC shell with 151mm penetration

but hey they both have a funny gun that shoots fast

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It’s a fast stabilized Sherman gun.
Its equivalents are all at 4.3 as well, which includes AMX-13 FL.

1- It’s IRT not IRST.
1a- IRT doesn’t impact BR, see M3A3 Bradley.
2- APCBC is drastically inferior to APFSDS, and is at 8.3 and 7.0.

So you believe that performance comparing singular players and giving them ratios for like-equipment, and comparing those ratios to other players is superior?
Cause I certainly do.
It’s how I’m able to determine over-performing vehicles in the BR system when cross-analysis can’t answer my questions.

The M24 doesn’t have a stabilizer.

The AMX-13 FL is much smaller and has better armor sloping.

Using a sample size of one for anything is stupidity. That should have been taught to you in highschool maths.

Thank you for confirming what we already knew.

The M3 Bradley has 101mm penetration.

So yeah it does?

“It’s bad because I am bad with it”.

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In what world does multiple equal one?

M24 has a superior turret and gun handling, and yes M24 does have a stabilizer.


I see.

As they’ve been increasing the entire BR range it can certainly go up to 4.0 / 4.3

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They are a troll, but moderation won’t do anything about it. He’s probably on GJN payroll at this point.

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I’ve done none of the things your post accused of I, and in-part the WT community, of doing.
The fact your post is claiming, at least implying, that WT critics are subhuman parasitic gaslighters is astonishingly insultingly genocidal.

War Thunder’s critics are good people. If you think criticizing War Thunder is annoying, then all I can say is tune the critics out.
No one is forcing you to listen to Oddbawz, Flare, TEC, Tim’s Variety, myself, XShini, and thousands of others.

The fact your post calls War Thunder’s improvements, especially the roadmaps thousands of us players caused “stupid” is insulting.

And the fact you have the gall to imply those I discuss with are crazy is itself insulting.
ZERO, I repeat, ZERO, people on this forum are insane.
Every single person on this forum is of sound mind, and all get my respect.

It’s truly disgusting the pure anti-WT community provocations in your post.

Oh, and BTW accusing people of being “delusional” is gaslighting, but I never see people ever accuse people who post those accusations of being gaslighters.

I am not talking about you yourself BTW, I’m talking about the content of your post.

That AMX-13 is overtiered, and should be lower or at the same BR as the M24.

I will Respond to this once and for all to no create drama be cause i couldn’t care less,no one Claimed that WT criticis are Subhuman parasitic gaslighters,I claimed YOU are like this and you are proving my point about being a gaslighter by accusing me of claiming ALL WARTHUNDER CRITICS are like this,and no i didn’t say Warthunder’s improvements Are stupid I said Gaijin’s Actions are, gaijin can literally go and remove the entire Nation of the USSR is that considered in your opinion a so called “improvement” ,what i mean by “gaijin’s actions” is their actions that they have ben doing since ages that is ruining the playerbase the community the game’s health over an extended period of time by milking every penny from players who just want to have fun with their friends in their fav game,and you don’t have any buisness with my squadron at all and espcially when you falsely accuse me of thinking bad of them,and who told you i find criticizing Warthunder is annoying? that what this post is about literally criticizing,matter of fact all i see you do is glorify gaijin’s decisions starting with the new event i don’t want to distract this Conversation more be cause it’s purposely made to discuss the 2s38 and express our thoughts on It. so again don’t act literally be cause you are not a child. I hope the admins do something about you if you are gonna continue with this Behaviour of trolling be caue Alvis it’s not this time you have quite a reputation here as far as i was reading in the past 3-4months.

Edit 1: my apologys for my bad english if it was hard to read


Spawns OTOMATIC at the start → gets a kill or two on brainless heli rushers → dies to the first plane with guided ammo → stats still look okay-ish

Not many people like to use AAs, especially as their first spawn. Those few brave people that are still left playing Italy obviously know their best bet is to use OTOMATIC at the start, since later on if they have to compete with SAMs they’ll be close to useless and won’t see any action.
I wonder why higher tier AAs get a BR decrease once in a blue moon, all the while other vehicle types are constantly shuffled ?

You gave backlash to me, and in my view I’m stating things that other community members have stated, as well as my few other thoughts on how to improve WT.

That is why I think you’re accusing the entire community.
My reading of your post is not gaslighting, it is my inference based on the extreme toxicity in your post.

And I apologize if the way I worded things had you feel any differently.

I, just like everyone else, want War Thunder to be its best self.
And being accused of negative toxic things because I want WT to be the best it can be, because I endorse roadmaps and so forth, leads me to the conclusions I stated previously.

You can say this exact same thing about all the vehicles that have been listed in comparison to the 2S38 excepting that the 2S38 has more penetration to its cuonterparts and is a full 1.3 BR from the OTOMATIC.

The basic fact is the 2S38 is undertiered for the features it has. I don’t expect Gaijin to ever raise its BR to what it “should” be because they believe player stats are a better judge than actual performance.


Most of the comparisons are with OTOMATIC or HSTV-L. Former is the SPAA which obviously has easy ways to pump it’s stats while using zero brain at all, spawning it first and shooting at clay pigeons that are heli rushers. I’m pretty confident that even 9.7 IR AAs would perform decently well at 11.7, at least K/D wise, by just doing this every match.

As I said, this behavior will lead most higher tier AAs to have decent stats, thus seeing them go down even by a notch is a very rare sight.

I have never compared the 2S38 to the HSTV-L lol

One is an SPAA one is a light tank.

The OTOMATIC can’t go down from its current BR because it would make 10.0 helicopters unplayable (ignoring the undertiered ones with access to Hellfires / Vikhrs). Likewise the 2S38 makes every vehicle at its BR trivial. It can easily tear apart MBTs, light tanks, and air alike. The only balancing feature it has is that it’s a tinderbox, but by this balancing measure alone there’s no reason the OTOMATIC couldn’t be placed at 10.0 .