2S38 to 11.0

Well, seems like you have never heard that there is such a thing as a repair mechanic during battles

You mean time for me to move in and finish them off…
Granted, 99.99% of the time they don’t have the gun depression to only show their turret, so I just shoot their hull and one-shot them.
Edge cases are cool to talk about, but they’re edge cases.

Yes, I one shot Strf 9040s as well…


The last time i played this shitbarn 2S38 i shot an early ZTZ or Type 69 in the side hull

Welcome to low calibre KEP? The story’s the same for solid shot. Also argument from anecdote.

not against all shell types

Right, i’ll wait for you to prepare & carry out a comprehensive test of both vehicles against all types of shells & of varying calibres, then.

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Have had a lot of issues trying to kill this thing hiding behind the rock with its turret peeking out in Mozdok, I wish I had the HE in my Leopard 2 lol it was a breech repair simulator, the issue is 2S38 faced a lot of things that doesn’t carry HE. The turret is almost similar to AGS where hitting it with non-HE ammo is just wasting time, then at the same br we have the PUMA at the same br which is a fireworks design to be used for the Chinese New Year celebration, they are clearly not equal.

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He loves his 10.0 Russian line-up. Of course, he isn’t going to say that either 292 or 2s38 needs a BR raise no matter what


You meant to respond to me.
Since I said that 2S38 should go to 10.3.
Next time you should click reply on the correct post.

Light vehicle that can be machinegunned to death, has no speed advantage over mbt’s thus it has a hard time flanking, thus it has to carry the APFSDS no matter how nerfed it is, APHE is not the second coming of Jesus, thus u fked.

The only thing the 2S38 surpasses the Begleit in is SPAA duty. And than lets take a look at the Swedish 40mm STRF IFV’s vs the glorified SPAA .

The 2S38 at the end of the day is an overhyped, over-dramatized, spammed-out shitmobile SPAA. Which makes people cry about it when they get killed by a flood of it post-sale.

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I didn’t mean to respond to you at all

Then your post means nothing… that or you’re the one that wants 2S38 to remain 10.0…
Either you’re in 100% agreement with me, or you want 2S38 to remain 10.0. Which is it for clarification?

ehhhhh, arguing with you is the least productive activity in the universe

What are you talking about?
That doesn’t answer my question.
Do you agree with me that 2S38 should be at least 10.3 or not?

first you said that strv 9040C is better than 2s38, now you say that 2s38 needs a BR raise, which is what I was trying to prove the whole time here. Why are you switching from one viewpoint to another? is this a special tactic of trolling?

Machine gunned by what?

.50 cal can kill both AFVs from the side, a 7.62 ain’t doing anything

thus it has to carry the APFSDS no matter how nerfed it is, APHE is not the second coming of Jesus, thus u fked.


I’ll also add to perform spall tests of the solid shot and the KEP to that. So far you’ve made numerous excuses as to why KEP is “worse” but solid shot is “better”, additionally making up some more just to discredit the fact APHE with its superior post-pen lethality exists.

And than lets take a look at the Swedish 40mm STRF IFV’s vs the glorified SPAA .

CV90s are even slower, lol. Their only advantage are the spall liners & momentary fire-rate.

has no speed advantage over mbt’s thus it has a hard time flanking

Right? Because flanking & playing the waiting game has never a concept! If a vehicle cannot just bum rush it’s bad, isn’t that the truth?


I never said Strf 9040C is superior to 2S38, in-fact I stated the opposite:

Oh look, me justifying my reasoning on why 2S38 should be 10.3.

I always stated that 2S38 needs a BR raise to 10.3.
My statements never changed in this regard. Nothing switched.

Also people aren’t trolls for wanting 2S38 to be 10.3.

If you really want the BR raise then you shouldn’t be ignoring the uninhabited turret, because of that it pretty much deserves 10.7

Also, saying that 2s38 has only slight advantage in pen sounds more like BR raise isn’t justified enough. In fact the pen difference has substantial magnitude in this case

Sure, and Strf 9040C can go to 10.3, with HSTVL going to 11.7.
Begleit to 9.7 as well.
That or have all 138 rounds be firable without reloading first stage of 2S38 and 2S38 to 10.7 with no changes to its analogues.
This take of mine is from August of last year BTW.

The turret difference isn’t strong enough to warrant its own increase in BR.
IMO PUMA would be a higher BR as well if unmanned turrets on auto-cannon platforms mattered so much. While no direct comparisons, it has far more armor and speed than CV9030 FIN, which is what primarily makes it 10.0 instead of 9.3.

AGS has 10 degrees of gun depression by the by.

HSTVL has a KD of 0.84 according to thunderskill.

K. Thunderskill is an anecdotal website that measures player skill, not how powerful specific vehicles are.

you presented a stellar lack of reading comprehension , cherry picking and the complete denial of side effects of certain drawbacks and how those affect other aspects of the vehicle’s capability.

Its overhyped, over-dramatized, spammed-out shitmobile SPAA. Which makes people cry about it when they get killed by a flood of it post-sale.

And it is not significantly better than other IFV’s at its Br or bellow it

Always amusing to see the spergoids that depend on Russian Bias to perform well commit to such insane mental gymnastics to defend their bullshit vehicles.

Cute flag. I know you’re salty.