2S38 to 11.0

I dont believe the 2s38 is the best 10.0 ifv as i think the best 10.0 would go to the 9040 bill as its fast without the worthless heat armor and has decent top down missiles.

Against its own shell the stridsfordens are essentially frontally immune to being killed you’d have to aim for the turret which most of the time would kill only 1 crew compare that to the 2s38 which dies in one shot to just about everything it faces the strids are protected completely from every shell under 40mm unless they’re at point blank range

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Not to mention the top down penetration is actually present, unlike with the Tow-2B

I don’t give a crap about people obsessing over stats, all I know is I shouldn’t be facing something with those specs in a goddam chieftain mk10.

It’s stupid.


Guess its a good thing nobody would aim that low unless they are caught off guard and panic shoot.

You do realize that the engine and transmission can sometimes have enough health to almost entirely defuse an APFSDS shell? Usually the weaker ones.

105mm DM23 being shot at a ZBD04A can have its spalling reduced by the frontal engine and transmission so much so that the crew can even survive the shell hitting them directly with “orange” health. This can also be seen on the Merkava.

It’s harder to see this on the CV90s as their powerpacks aren’t as large or have as much health, so the effect on spall isn’t as drastic - but it’s certainly lower. Which will save it at times. This working can be much more easily seen on something like a ZBD with a far bigger powerpack:

Your Abrams example is completely void because fuel tanks have far less health than engines and transmissions - and the 20mm thick plate right after the fuel tanks is what creates the spall.

Eh, idk i like the 9040 for gun and mobility more but the top downs of both the tow and the bill are literally not noticeable imo. Besides i have tandems on my bradley but i am very slow, and the size of a house lol.

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I also see that you’ve deleted your threatening private message, but I don’t think you understand that I’ve already posted a screenshot. You deleting it does at least show shame, so I suppose that’s a start. Maybe you’ll reach self-awareness at some point.


Yea, thanks for agreeing with me.

Aiming that low is typically the easiest way to guarantee a one hit you’d have to be stupid to aim at the turret in an MBT itd only kill one crew and youd just get track and barreled right after by the 40mm like i said against IFVs the strids are completely immune to damage frontally unlike the IFV the strids are shooting

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I didn’t delete it. I have no shame in calling out a manipulative poster. Meet my block list.

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The chieftain mk10 is great thats just a bad matchup you should be playing hull down and abusing your 500-600mm thick turret not driving around exposing the 100mm hull

Eh guess its a difference of luck, i normally kill their breach with a turret shot so i dont have a problem killing them. Like the 2s38 i dont have a problem killing them, sure you get the occasional fuel tank eating your shell but its not often enough for me to care. Now them hiding their hull can be annoying when my he doesnt kill them but sometimes itll knock their gun out so i can push.

2S38 should go to 9.3 because there aren’t enough maps to cater to its playstyle.

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“Meet my block list” i think i just visibly cringed please go back to reddit

Keep the private quarrel out of this thread if you can. It’s off topic man. If y’all have problems like this, then you should take it up with mods, flag, or discuss it somewhere else or in private, we’re here to discuss the 2S38, nothing more.

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Why don’t you tell me? You seem quite capable of trying to justify why the 2S38 should stay at 10.0, why can’t you justify me that?

As far as I’m concerned MBTs should be able to tank shots and light tanks really shouldn’t? Apparently a good number of people in the 2S38 think they have stalinium armour (they don’t) and run head on into a bunch of enemies? idk i’m trying to justify your “statistics” that show how it performs much worse than a Leo 2 premium… and explain to you that your statistics mean absolutely nothing if the people who form those statistics prove hopelessly incompetent.

My guy, does it look like Gaijin cares? One rule for one, one for another. various Typhoon concepts and designs have been denied yet something like the Yak-141 made it to the game. Are you surprised?

In my experience that is precisely what Chieftain players don’t do. Doesn’t do them any good though.

Yep, two of mine got flagged and I’ve changed them already. Plus I’m ignoring Nano and Sneed. They’ve proven themselves incapable of good faith arguments. The whataboutisms are astonishingly decisive when we discuss any sort of change that might affect certain nations’ “performance”, even though this game is supposedly “just a game”.

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I dont care, i dont have proof and im here to make an argument on why i believe the 2s38 should be placed at a higher br to see how it performs. All ive seen so far are people showing how much they panic when they see a tank and aim too low or that players cant understand that the 2s38 is easy to kill if the fuel tank doesnt eat your shell but thats poor coding on gaijins end not just a 2s38 thing. Regardless i think remote control turrets can and are overlooked. Example the french ifv, was the same br as the cv9030 but only the cv9030 stayed at 9.3 where it still performs poorly, poor pen, poor spall, and fire rate. To peak and shoot is to immediately get crew knocked. The vilkas and vbc dont have this problem and are fast enough to escape. Remote control turrets are very powerful and if used correctly are very potent. Thing is i belive having aphe and apfsds with 200mm pen is too strong for the majority of 9.0-9.3 tanks


This is the difference between someone weaponizing passive aggressive manipulation, sarcasm, and therapy-speak, versus actual experience.

When dozens of players state that a particular vehicle overperforms regularly for a good portion of the playerbase, but only a couple loud ones declare those arguing are “just raging”, it’s usually the smaller minority that’s the problematic ones.

The 2S38’s performance is acceptable for an increase to its BR.

And IF it suffered (if the players win rates and kill counts dropped dramatically as a result), it could then go back down and that smaller portion could say they told us so.

So why don’t they?

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