2S38 to 11.0

The lvkv9040 and the strf 9040 only have spall liners on the sides of the chasis iirc, so shooting front basically always knock them out. The 2s38 can sit behind cover and peak its turret out without worrying so much so survivability wise its in favor of the 2s38. Gun wise the 9040’s have a higher firerate but worse pen and spalling. Overall the balancing factor of the 9040’s getting a spall liner is rendered useless because shooting the hull will almost always set off the ammo placed below the turret crew in the hull. The 2s38 will often survive shots to the front plate due to the fuel tank. Again i think itd be fair to place the 2s38 to 10.7 and see how it performs. Besides its a premium, its not ruining the free to play line up which is 10.0 if it goes up.

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Then i am sure you can explain why the stats and arguments i posted are not honest ?

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The spall liners on the strids protect them from every other IFV they face for the most part and the 2s38 crewless turret isnt unkillable anymore you can just overpressure it with HEAT-FS pretty easily id assume HE is even easier to kill it with

This is quite literally lying.
The 2S38 is a vehicle that I one-shot 99% of the time.
The Lvkv9040C has 5 crew (not 3 like other IFVs) and a full spall liner, not just the sides - everywhere (on the hull - which is where you will shoot if you wish to do any damage, shooting the turret will generally only kill 1 crew without impeding its ability to get away).

I have almost never one-shotted a C variant CV90, and especially not the 5 crew Lvkv. The strongest 10.0 IFV in the game. Which is also classed as an SPAA and gets SPAA spawn costs.

The 2S38 is a vehicle that I always one-shot because side-on, it has 3 crew in a row for an easy kill. And frontally, shooting in the middle either kills 2 crew, ending the vehicle - or destroys the ammunition carousel behind, also killing the vehicle.

I have never had trouble killing a 2S38, unlike a CV90 (C) with full spall liners - for very obvious reasons.
As I’ve said multiple times - this entire “2S38” rage is entirely based on delusion and downright malicious intent from the most unsavory of people. Just look at the breakdown happening before you.


If you’re willing to post your performance in the 9040’s and the xray showing the spall linner in the front that would be appreciated. Im not home currently so i have no reason to deny or accept your claims.

And again, dragging the topic off with arguments of other IFVs while claiming you’re “high skill”.

If you’re high skill, then 2S38 pushing up BRs won’t affect you (except, you know, no clubbing 9.0s anymore).


The driver is completely encased in a spall lined capsule in the front.

The other half of the front is covered by the transmission, engine, and an extra plate - which will heavily absorb spall. (But that one area does seem to have had its spall liner removed, indeed - but will still have decreased spall)

Not to mention that the driver (who is covered in spall lining) and commander are sitting in a line and would be the kill shot one would make - but that is the area with the most spall liner coverage.

If anything, internal plates generate MORE spall in my experience, see abrams fuel tanks.


Thats unfortunately not true for the case of the 10mm plate covering the engine as it creates more spall from experience though thank you for showing that the driver is the only crew member to survive in case of getting shot potentially due to the spall liner. In my experience playing other ifvs its not normally a turret shot i go for when shooting the 9040s as their gun is almost always knocked out or they die instantly. Regardless i dont believe this is enough of a factor of survivability. I do appreciate you showing this now i await your stats in them so that i can see more evidence to your claim that it is the strongest 10.0 in your opinion.

I dont believe the 2s38 is the best 10.0 ifv as i think the best 10.0 would go to the 9040 bill as its fast without the worthless heat armor and has decent top down missiles.

Against its own shell the stridsfordens are essentially frontally immune to being killed you’d have to aim for the turret which most of the time would kill only 1 crew compare that to the 2s38 which dies in one shot to just about everything it faces the strids are protected completely from every shell under 40mm unless they’re at point blank range

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Not to mention the top down penetration is actually present, unlike with the Tow-2B

I don’t give a crap about people obsessing over stats, all I know is I shouldn’t be facing something with those specs in a goddam chieftain mk10.

It’s stupid.


Guess its a good thing nobody would aim that low unless they are caught off guard and panic shoot.

You do realize that the engine and transmission can sometimes have enough health to almost entirely defuse an APFSDS shell? Usually the weaker ones.

105mm DM23 being shot at a ZBD04A can have its spalling reduced by the frontal engine and transmission so much so that the crew can even survive the shell hitting them directly with “orange” health. This can also be seen on the Merkava.

It’s harder to see this on the CV90s as their powerpacks aren’t as large or have as much health, so the effect on spall isn’t as drastic - but it’s certainly lower. Which will save it at times. This working can be much more easily seen on something like a ZBD with a far bigger powerpack:

Your Abrams example is completely void because fuel tanks have far less health than engines and transmissions - and the 20mm thick plate right after the fuel tanks is what creates the spall.

Eh, idk i like the 9040 for gun and mobility more but the top downs of both the tow and the bill are literally not noticeable imo. Besides i have tandems on my bradley but i am very slow, and the size of a house lol.

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I also see that you’ve deleted your threatening private message, but I don’t think you understand that I’ve already posted a screenshot. You deleting it does at least show shame, so I suppose that’s a start. Maybe you’ll reach self-awareness at some point.


Yea, thanks for agreeing with me.

Aiming that low is typically the easiest way to guarantee a one hit you’d have to be stupid to aim at the turret in an MBT itd only kill one crew and youd just get track and barreled right after by the 40mm like i said against IFVs the strids are completely immune to damage frontally unlike the IFV the strids are shooting

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I didn’t delete it. I have no shame in calling out a manipulative poster. Meet my block list.

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