2S38 to 11.0

Those that resort to insults during civil conversation…

so, when are those numbers coming?

I love how hard he try to prove a vehicle is not op by fighting against almost everyone in this topic
he deserve a reward
btw my DM33 just jumped away to the front of a 2S38, and the second hit did nothing but destroyed the fuel part and cause him on fire, which just delayed a few sec for him to keep firing and kill all of my crew
able to fight in higher BR? yes
need to go to 11.0? YES

My first time playing the 2S38 at 11.7 (after dying in my T-90A) got me 5 kills within mere minutes, if you struggle with this thing at 10.0 which most people say then you are silly (no way else to put it).

I agree with Dinfire basically

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So you want Begleit at 10.0, Strf 9040C at 10.7, and HSTVL at 12.0.
Otherwise you’re adopting double standards.
Dinfire shouldn’t be fighting all of us. He should accept facts instead.
Dinfire has never played the 2S38; However in their experience among its compatriots: They have a 0.75KDR in HSTVL, 0.57 in Begleit, and 0.55 in Strf 9040B. They perform best in the HSTVL, otherwise statistically the same.

@TPS_Hydra Never played the 2S38 nor its compatriots the HSTVL, Begleit, or Strf 9040C.


I don’t see how you “getting 5 kills within mere minutes” means much when you average 1.3 K/D…

I also didn’t actually even see the 2S38 in your stat card, as @AlvisWisla mentioned.


Never played the 2S38 nor its compatriots the HSTVL, Begleit, or Strf 9040C

May or may not seem crazy but there is something called playing at my friends house lmao.

Rare sighting to see a War Thundarian leaving the house

I don’t see how you “getting 5 kills within mere minutes” means much when you average 1.3 K/D

My “poor” KDR which is decently fine and especially in this premium era was due to me being horrible back in 2020 with my UK tanks. I’ve significantly improved and this can be seen in my newly acquired Chinese tanks.

We also shouldn’t bring up your performance in 9.7+ vehicles, please don’t be a hypocrite.

You can tell from player stats if vehicles are balanced or not. If a casemate has a significantly higher KDR than other casemates it’s probably OP.
Such as looking at my Jagdpanzer IV and comparing its ridiculous KDR to other casemate tanks.

I wasn’t replying to you when I was referring to 9.7, my apology for the mixing up (I was talking to the guy who decided to bring up KDR for some reason, aka Sneed).

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I shall edit my post to remove that portion of my statement then.
Thank you for the clarification.

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The irony of confirmation bias when they say it shouldn’t be counted for the USA, but also when it’s against Russia.

I was under the impression anyway that many people claimed Thunderskill and the War Thunder heat map weren’t to be treated with any seriousness (at least if you listen to the likes of The European Canadian).

The other irony I have with the nay-sayers is that we already had a main battle tank that went to 11.3 as an entry-point vehicle (Clickbait), and they never complained about that, other than to say, “Let US players suffer with new players.”


Isn’t it crazy that everybody crying in here claims they played 2S38 at a friends house and obviously did incredibly well in it.
Convienently no proof of that of course.

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Is this the only gambit you have? Bringing up all time player statistics? From what I can see they are a much better player than you, so you really shouldn’t be throwing stones at anyone.

You don’t have to own/play every single vehicle in the game to know which ones are OP. You don’t need to own the 292 to know that it’s OP either.

It’s pretty crazy that people keep using the KD ratio of a premium light tank/SPAA on ThunderSkill to justify it not overperforming. It’s about as disingenuous as you can get.


How is it crazy when the stats are similar or even worse compared to other vehicles of it’s BR.
You literally can’t have more proof of it beeing not op than that.

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you guys do realize it would have a way better k/d etc
if it would not be a premium but a TT vehicle right ?

right now everyone and his mom can buy/play the 2s38 after downloading the game, compared to ifv’s
that you need to unlock first…

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So what ? That applies to every premium in the game and we were comparing it to other premiums, so a fair comparison.

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What ?
All i see is it being compared to bagle the 9040 and the hstvl…

I mean the numbers/pictures i pulled from my post, i thought you were talking about that.

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Yep. It’s quite insane just how deluded these swaths of “western” - oriented players are.
And whenever it’s someone claiming the 2S38 is OP from “their experience” - it’s usually an extremely mediocre player which hardly ever averages above 1 K/D.

My most played BR bracket is 10.0 and I see the 2S38 all the time - and I’ve never seen it as anything else other than an extremely average vehicle that’s extremely easy to kill. All known statistics agree.

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2S38 (10.0 Premium):

Leopard 2 PzBtl 123 (10.3 Premium)

I’ve also seen some insane copes such as people saying the 2S38 is a “light tank” and so kills don’t matter as much - even though these threads have all been created in order to imply that the 2S38 is equivalent to the 11.7 HSTV-L and kills everything so easily!