2S38 is too OP for BR10

Except its a 125mm gun vs a 105mm gun which is substantial, and its a lower BR lol

the caliber difference doesnt make it any better by itself… the difference between the m900 and 3bm46 is like 20mm extra pen, it is not that much difference, it is only an advantage if you use heat or he, otherwise these two guns are really similar

So can the wolf pack. Maybe the wolf pack should go to 13.

That’s not a good reason. The VBCI-2 is at 9.7 and it can’t pen the front of most tanks at 7.7BR.

I fully agree that the 2S38 needs a dramatic increase in its BR. We’re talking about an amphibious vehicle that still manages to have a plow. Second generation thermals, for both commander and gunner. Laser range finder AND laser warning system. Oh, and a UAV. All in support of a gun that can spray-and-pray through the front of MBT’s with a .5 second reload. Even if its first shot doesn’t kill them, the next 20 will dismantle whatever it looks at - all while the target is blinded by all the smoke and explosions of it.


Thats not true at all. Otherwise the US wouldve used M900 and 105mm for much longer, its almost even more pronounced for KEPs. Having a larger mass KEP helps in so many ways, and youre not even accounting for angle penetration. A heavier KEP will have substantially more KE and post pen damage

who said that the us stop using the m900? they switched to the 120, on the abrams, they kept using the 105 to this day, and in game both have identical damage, and i dont think that it has gotten a replacement so the booker will keep the m900

Good thing the booker isnt meant to kill tanks though!

And on that note, really neither is the M1128 MGS.

The US does not use the 105 for tank killing, it uses it for fire support. I dont understand what semantics you are trying to disect here.

Irregardless, a 125mm KEP will always be substantially more effective than a 105mm KEP

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Yes, I killed M1A2s and 2A6s with ease. 11.7 tops.

TAPNA has even more pen

The 2S38 is an AA vehicle in real life. The closest vehicle is compares to is the OTOMATIC which is an 11.3 SPAA with limited dart round capacity.


They should limit 2s38’s apfsds rounds as well. That should fix most of the problems. Limiting it to 100 rounds would be enough.

The capped rounds are good enough for Anti-Tank killing. If you really want to fix the problem, just remove the made-up dart round altogether.

Isn’t that a real round?

As far as I’ve been told, the round is basically made up.

It might have one, but we know nothing about it to my knowledge.

It doesn’t make sense to me for a vehicle shown off as an AA to be dealing with tanks primarily.

3UBM22 does exist.



But whether 2S38 had this round is debatable since it’s a spaa. It may have apfsds rounds but certainly it wouldn’t carry that many apfsds rounds in real life

I figured it would exist, but I’d never seen it.

You don’t get a sense of scale for the calibers in this game until you see the shells next to people lol

But yeah, I think the round should be heavily limited.

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they should remove that vehicle from the game and fire the person who gave the idea to put that tank in the game


What type of drugs are you on?

“Cv90(all)-11.0” i’d understand if you compared the CV90C and Lvkv90 to it but somehow you’re under the impression that the 90FIN and 90B is somehow on equal ground while having less armor and a worse gun + ammo? while all 3 of those can be penetrated by a 50cal, you’d have to go for the side or rear of a 2S38 meanwhile the FIN and B can have the engine and gunner killed from not only the side and rear but also the front
Not only that but the 2S38 is also a lot more empty which means you’re less likely to actually hit anything

Let’s not forget that out of these 3, only the 2S38 has IRST meanwhile the real life functions of the UTAAS is somehow still not in the game yet
straight of the bat you’re already talking nonsense

Freccia is only 10.3 because of the spike missiles and i do agree that they are kinda a pain to deal with, they have the worst armor out of all the vehicles mentioned and their cannon is only 25mm which won’t useful on most top tier maps and vehicles which is why you got the VBC at 9.0 wich is the same vehicle without spike

Let’s move on to the PUMA and KF41
Puma and KF41 suffers from the same type of issues, huge vehicles that can be spotted a mile away
Puma is slightly better off with the turret being crewless compared to the KF41but being that big still makes it easy to spot and hit compared to the 2S38 which is much smaller while also having a smaller turret that’s also unmanned

KF41 has a manned turret which can be penetrated by a 50cal in the side and even the hull is worse off in protection compared to the PUMA, that + the big size leaves it extremely vunerable if left in the open

all 3 of these vehicles have soft APS but the KF41 also have hard APS tho each plate is single use and will be destroyed by small cannons so you could easily kill it with 2 missiles or 1 if the plate is gone
2S38 is obviously more lacking in armor but it makes up for that with a smaller size and somehow tends to stop tank shells with the fuel tank or straight up ricochet a flat hit

they also tend to hide behind cover so only their small unmanned turret is showing up which is hell to actually hit dead center and even the smallet mistake will prevent any shapnal hitting the breech as while it’s long, it’s definately not wide meaning your shots needs to be a bullseye
PUMA does not have this advantage as the turret andgun is much bigger, the breech + ammo are pretty much the only thing you can hit

Eitherway when it comes to the KF41, it’s 10.7 with no other vehicle in that BR which means it’s gonna end up in at least 11.3 and probably 11.7 either way so you could increase it’s BR but it would have 0 difference in who it fights so you’d have 0 reasons to be annoyed with the BR on this thing

Now, lets move on to the other CV90s
C variant has better armor than the 2S38 but the increase really only effective against side shots from 50cal meanwhile the turret is mid sized and manned which means it’s a good place to shoot and will usually only survive from overpenning + the crew is sitting tightly which means 1 shot will usually insta kill it as it’s only 3 crew members
while the 2S38 also has 3 crew members, they are all lined up side by side in the front meaning you’d have to have a clear angle from the side or shoot between 2 of them and hope it creates enough spalling (which it usually won’t)
The best round here is a 170mm which costs 105 SL meanwhile the stock APFSDS is like 140mm
meanwhile the best round on the 2S38 is 225mm which costs only 85 SL while the stock is an APCBC meaning it’s filled with explosive filler while having 150mm of pen

Lvkv90 has the same type of cons and pros but it also has the benefit of a radar with IRST + more gun elevation however that radar makes it a bigger target once again so it’s easier to spot + a HE shell hitting it can take out the vehicle, gun elevation is increased but only up to 50 meanwhile the 2S38 has an elevation of 75
Lvkv90 also loses the the good shell from the C variant so you’re reduced to 140mm pen and the HE-VT shell has both less trigger radius and explosive filler compared to the HE-VT from the 2S38, only advantage the cv’s HE-VT has is being less expensive

Finally, lets end it with the CV90 BILL, here you lose the additional armor and good round of the C variant but you do gain that launcher which can be used as a backup if your gun is broken or if the enemy is hidding behind cover
honestly this is the only vehicle i can see getting uptiered but not all the way to 11.0 but rather 10.3

The 2S38s greatest disadvantage compared to every other IFV is the fact that it only has -5 gun depression compared to the rest which has either -8 or -10

anyways, you got any other words of wisdom to spread or is this your one and only BS post?


Okay pal, literally 2S38 needs to be 11.0 due to the fact that an OTOMATIC is at 11.3 with similar stats. Not only that the 2S38 doesn’t get capped on APFSDS rounds. HSTV-L with a auto firing 76 is at 11.3 with the bonus of just additional gun-depression.

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