2S25M 10.0 vs Boxer MGS 10.3

2S25M has a 125mm gun with 3BM42 and 3BM60 at 10.0 (580mm max pen)
Boxer MGS has a 105mm gun with DM33 and DM 63 but is at 10.3 (430mm max pen)

Putting aside the obvious differences in size and speed, how in heck is the Boxer, not 9.7 or at most 10.0? Its a worse vehicle in every aspect compared to the 2S25M and only better in armor penetration compared to some other 9.7 wheeled tank destroyers.

How is this anything but bias or huge oversight from the developers ?


Probably because its faster than the Sprut, has WAY better gun handling than the sprut, and all the other characteristics that aren’t one simple gun statistic taken out of context and nuance in a vacuum…


When the thing you’re playing can easily be penetrated by a 12,7 mm round on the front, it’s more than enough proof that the vehicle is not that armored.

People tend to forgot that 2S25 is a tank destroyer. It’s not a light tank, despite acting as, it has only enough for offensive positions. Can’t hold much for long in defensive. The good point of the 2S25M, a tracked vehicle, is the mobility. But when you need to look for a enemy in a slightly higher position, the Boxer MGS is better, and that’s it.


Its not. Boxer has better depression, reload speed, gun elevation speed, gun traverse speed.


You conveniently forgot about stuff like gun handling, gun depression and reload speed.

I think it’s nothing more than a huge oversight on your part.


Mobility? Boxer wins.
Surviveability? Boxer wins.
Gun Handling? Boxer wins.
Optics? Boxer wins.
Reload? Boxer wins.
Pen? 2S25M wins.

But yeah. Sure. ‘Bias’.


People aren’t playing the Sprut, and that just is down to map selection as well as preference.
Urban maps are better for wheeled vehicles than light tanks.
And open maps tend to prefer gun depression which Sprut lacks.

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typical bias accuser, blinded by hatred

Being larger isn’t strictly a bad thing. Boxer can hull down in places that are unusable slopes / impassable walls to a sprut. Not to mention big body AFV’s have remarkable survivability against APFSDS depending on enemy’s shot placement. Spruts are good tanks, but they’re not exactly dominant in games.

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you also see more boxer per-game compared to sprut

But for a Light it is , it is literally one of the biggest weakness that the sprut have compare to other tank.

This is also pretty much false. I have not encountered a Sprut that can “tank” a shot from literally anywhere. Even at the most empty place

It is not a good tank , it is so bad that gaijin have to give it the best shell that the russian have and it is still one of the worst light at top tier

I only played the lower ended 9.3 sprut, it has no armor but unlike its counter part TAMs, it doesn’t have ammo inside the turret, more often I survived the first penetrating shot to the turret and not die while the same shot will usually kill TAMs. And not too many spots I can hide my hull and still fire the main cannon, that’s Russian character.

I get where you coming from but the thing with light is , armor is the least of their concern. Mobility, gun handling , the ability to rush flank or just camping in general is more important. The thread is about SprutM so I gonna go with that. And realistically , the 2S25M is free food. As long as you pen it , doesn’t need to hit ammo , it will die and the fact that it is bigger than MBT should tell you something right. Cause if we going by it counter part , all the sprut have is the highest pen at it BR. Which is irrelevant when you have so many downside

I do not think you are understanding what I am saying.

I was calling the boxer big, and I was saying the boxer has big-body survivability, and I was just saying the sprut is good, not that it’s OP or anything.

I don’t understand what you are arguing with me about.

I am disagreeing with everything you said , especially about the Sprut being a good tank , cause it is not. And

This is just outright wrong even if you said that the Bozer big , in no world it is bigger than the SprutM. Which it is one of the biggest downside of the vehicle itself.