2024 was bad, and 2025 is likely to be worse

In 2024, many air vehicles were introduced, such as “meta” helicopters and planes capable of engaging enemies from ranges that cannot be effectively countered. This trend has persisted since 2024, and despite the clear imbalance, little has been done beyond adding even more vehicles without addressing the lack of counters. By the end of 2024, the developers finally acknowledged the issue, stating, “We have a problem. We have data, and we’re working on it.”

The issue is that this problem has already existed for over a year. Players aren’t blind—they see what’s happening, they’re unhappy, and it feels like the developers don’t care. Waiting for a solution that might be deployed in 2025 or even 2026 isn’t acceptable. Meanwhile, there’s no roadmap to reassure players, likely because the last roadmap failed so spectacularly. The roadmap was introduced as a response to negative Steam reviews, but as soon as things calmed down, it was quietly abandoned. The company seems to be failing to meet expectations and struggling with internal communication.

From many players’ perspectives, Gaijin appears to be a large company with fragmented teams that lack coordination.

What need to be addressed asap.

For over 10 years, the in-game chat system has had issues since it launch. Despite numerous posts and feedback from the community, no meaningful improvements have been made.

The New UI

Who asked for the new profile UI? Why were most of the old features removed without adding real value? A simple solution could have been to include a toggle button: Show New UI (Toggle On/Off). After restarting the game, players could decide whether they wanted to use the new UI or stick with the old one. Till you manage to launch new UI in same working state it was before. Because now in every update you just add a small portion of functions there. How hard would it have been to implement that?

BR Balancing

Since 2019, BR balancing has been a persistent issue. Reducing the BR range to 0.7 or 0.5 (from the current 1.0) would alleviate many balancing problems.

Additionally, high-tier planes and jets should require more spawn points. This simple adjustment could mitigate the issue in the short term while your team works on a more permanent solution—which, judging from past experience, might take about a year to implement.

Map Design

Stop reworking current maps. It’s a waste of time. Instead, address the glaring issues with map design:

  • Some maps allow players to be easily spawn-killed or surrounded from multiple angles.
  • Matches often end in under 5 minutes because of poor map balance. The person responsible for these map designs or decisions should be replaced. These designs are unacceptable, especially at the top tier.

Vehicle Design

Stop focusing on adding unique vehicles at the top tier without considering game balance. Instead, introduce vehicles that counter the vulnerabilities already present in the game. For example, jets that can attack ground units from ranges outside of AA coverage create a significant imbalance. Focus on addressing these gaps rather than exacerbating them with new vehicles. Don’t add more aircraft which wont solve problem but add more and more issues.



Maps do need to be reworked, because many of them aren’t very good. The hard part is knowing what exactly to change, and how to make them better.


Better to keep the not particularly good map design rather than ending up with the clusterfuck that Gaijin has made so far every time they’ve tampered with one of the maps.

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If they rework like they did last one. Just adding more graphics and that’s all . We don’t need that kind of “REWORK”. Spawn points wasn’t changed. Range of map wasn’t changed. Nothing Just visual effects. Is that Rework?

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From the devs perspective, this is actually very simple:



Correct the game is going downhill fast! I see ZERO efforts in correcting the games downfall!



1- Aircraft were introduced in 2022 that out-ranges SPAA. This is not new.
2- There are many announcements of new SPAA, etc. No roadmap ndecessary.
3- Compressing matchmaker BRs is the problem, not the solution.
4- They’ve been adding vehicles with counters for years at this point. F-15C is an exception to the rule, not the rule itself.

AA needs to be worked on immediately. Japan and Israel shouldn’t be using Mk1 eyeballs at top tier and completely unable to engage helis unless they come flying over the field(stupid). It’s unacceptable.


Perhaps we should also suggest Gaijin to remake or delete the current weather system. I dare say no one likes annoying clouds like this

  1. 2022 didn’t have plane who can shot anyone from 15km.
  2. Roadmap is not necessary but adding more SPAA which are same as now isn’t helping.
  3. BR balance is a good thing, and is one of many solution as short term fix. Also it will increase spawn cost.
  4. They deflecting POWER WITH POWER. Adding Salt to Salt doesn’t makes any sense.

1- Yes it did: Harrier GR7, Mig-27K IF your eyes were good enough, and soon to be F-14B.
2- They aren’t adding SPAA that’s more of the same, they’re developing new SPAA as we speak.
3- No, the short-term fix is decompression. Your idea not only compresses the matchmaker, but requires ALL THE SAME WORK as decompression itself, so you might as well can your idea and support decompression itself. Decompression itself requires less work.

  • Yes, but there were only a couple of them; it’s not like every nation has five.
  • They’re creating new SPAA while also working on a new system for CAS ground unit rockets, which have now been nerfed—NERFED. Once they figure out AI calculations, they’ll likely unleash the full potential of these rockets. These weapons can hit targets from 40–60 km, with self-tracking and other advanced features. Instead of balancing the system properly, they’re just countering power with more power.
  • The BR changes and spawn cost adjustments are just short-term solutions that don’t require much effort and can be implemented quickly—within a week or so. But right now, top-tier gameplay looks like this:
  • Spawn in a light tank, rush to an objective, capture it, and use the intelligence feature to target enemies.
  • This allows you to respawn in a fully loaded top-tier plane or helicopter with all equipment.
  • If you get two additional kills, you can spawn yet another flying vehicle. The only reliable counter to this is the Pantsir, but even that is limited to a 12 km range. It can only deflect rockets temporarily, giving you a small window to act.

This issue has been around for over a year, yet the solution seems to always be: “Let’s add more power.” But it’s not about adding power—it’s about improving gameplay. Top-tier vehicles have turned into laser-shooting monsters capable of ending a match in under five minutes. There are only about five AA systems that can effectively counter planes within a 10 km range. Meanwhile, there are far more planes that can engage targets from 10 km or beyond.


Here are all the aircraft that existed with 16km range air to ground munitions by the time Pantsir was added:
F-16C, F-14B, Harrier GR7, Mig-27K, Tornado IDS x3, Mirage 2000DR1.

They are not creating new systems for CAS. AGM-65Ds are not new, they’ve been in the game since 2022. They have not been nerfed.
No weapon in WT has a 40km range against ground targets currently. ALL top IR guided munitions use the same 20km seeker right now.

That does not grant you 900 spawn points.
Pantsir also can’t counter these.

They are not creating new systems for CAS. AGM-65Ds are not new, they’ve been in the game since 2022. They have not been nerfed.

They are. Currently Brimstones are work in progress when they found a solution and all of these will be also with right data but it will take no less than 2years judging from past experience of their “Projects” :

AGM-114 Hellfire 11km.
JAGM 16km
Hermes Missile from 15km.
HJ-10 10km
NLOS 25-30km
Brimstone 10-20
Brimstone 2 40-60

All of rockets currently are nerfed or doesn’t work as they suppose to. Only Russian are working correctly, Because you Know Gajin logic

These weapon types present several issues all at once, they require no challenge to use effectively and have no counterplay options for those being attacked. The attacker can operate outside of the range of any anti-air system in the game, Brimstone is also immune to smoke, so this won’t help either.
ARH modes for air-to-ground weapons won’t be workable until natural and artificial interference to these guidance systems can be implemented, as there are no electronic reconnaissance and electronic warfare systems in the game. Adding these weapons now would allow them to operate perfectly without any counter, which we don’t want to do. Additionally, at closer combat ranges ATGMs with ARH cannot distinguish between allied and enemy targets, and this would lead to a large amount of accidental teamkills as well.

After they make it. All of these rockets above will be operational in real range. Not like now. Which they are jokes.

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There are plenty of videos from popular YouTubers discussing this issue, as well as guides from players sharing event-grinding tactics to make the process faster.

A large portion of the maps should simply be removed. There’s no point in trying to save them.

The game will never change for you or revert back to anything that it may have been.

The lower BRs of WW2 are now spammed with the M44 post war junk and called an end to the idea of WW2 game play and any vague form of immersion that may have been there for the WW2 game enthusiast.

What attracted me to this game is gone now.

Time to walk away, not pretend anything will change back to how it once was.

M44s using <1940 howitzer technology.
WW2 game was invented by players, no the devs.
That and custom battles exists for reenacting historical events.

Dont bore with that bullshit Alvis ,the M44 was never WW2 and never ever will be.