2 months after release and the Eurofighter is still an unfinished mess

So the EuroFighter has almost been in the game for almost 2 months and it’s still a flying placeholder. The radar is just some made up gajijn radar missing its GMTI ground modes, scan speed and it still locks random ghosts. The MAW system still detects flares and missiles. People have reported 30 times and they have accepted it multiple times but they just keep ignoring it. Even with proof they just say they need more data or just don’t add the fixes at all. The Captor radar is one of if not the most advanced mechanical scanned radar ever made, and it’s modeld like a 60s pd radar from the F-4S.

Some weeks ago gzabi did a data mine that they were actually working on fixing the radar. It said in the files that the scan speed and power/ lock range would increase but the spotting range would slightly decrease. Many people were happy about it, but guess what? They never implemented it for some weird reason. And On every single youtube video and social media post that gajijn makes about the eurofighter every single comment is “fix the radar” or “fix the eurofighter”.

I know its not only the eurofighter, it’s just that it’s extremely annoying when gajijn clearly sees that something in the game does not work as indeed and they choose to simply ignore it. Sometimes gajijn is such a weird company, sometimes they communicate well with the community and sometimes they just ignore everything. It’s so 50/50. I feel like every modern gaming company does that but it’s still so annoying.

Like remember the economy changes that they wanted to implement. We needed to review bomb the game just to make them not implement it. It’s pretty insane that we need to take that much action to change such a simple thing, but that’s just gajijn i guess.


First time?


And now the Magic 2 got ANOTHER BUFF that it really does not need. The Eurofighter is really the Leopard 2 of Air RB. Always gets nerfed but it still holds up

Guess every other aircraft thats in the same boat doesn’t exist…okay

when did

when did i say that The EuroFighter is the only aircraft that is facing this problem?

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When you claimed the EFT is the leopard of the sky when its not. Plenty of other aircraft have been missing stuff since before they came to the live server yet they aren’t here. Id like to see CAPTOR M fixed on the EFT but id like to see the older vehicles also be fixed.


Yeah, I get what you’re saying, but the Eurofighter is really the Leopard of the skies. It consistently gets nerfed, yet still manages to be one of, if not the best jet in the game right now, just like the Leopard. The Leopard also gets consistently nerfed, yet it still manages to be one of, if not the most competitive tank in the game.

I get that older vehicles need attention too, but right now the Eurofighter is in a much worse state overall. It needs a lot more work than some of the older ones, so I’d like to see that fixed first. It’s been almost 2 months since its release. They’ve had plenty of time, but of course, they’re going to buff the French jets instead. Rafale has gotten 3 consecutive buffs and the Eurofighter has gotten 1 on the live server! Older vehicles also need fixes, but they don’t have issues as major as the Eurofighter, which is arguably one of the most played planes in the game right now.

Constant nerfs? Gripen much? (Would’ve said the Shar 2 but that would need it to have been good in the first place lol) to put it bluntly the Gripen C has never even received its actual radar since it was mentioned on the dev server with the Gripen A, even now the Gripen C’s have a radar they never used and are missing their 5th bomb pylon thats been acknowledged since before they left the dev server when the gripen A was added. They lack their Voice warning system and the constant Flight model nerfs and their BOL CM pod was nerfed historically for balance yet never rebuffed. There are plenty of other vehicles but since we are talking top tier this is one of the examples.

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They did implement those changes…


The BOL pods are not only on the gripen its and over all NATO plane nerf. Gripens radar is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better than the CAPTOR-M. It locks the targets i want and basicly never locks on ghost targets. Both the PS-05/A And the CAPTOR-M are inspired buy the blue vixen radar. I would radar have the radar on the Su27SM tbh. Gripen has been in the game for over a Year now and Eurofighter has only been in the game for 2 months. I got nerfed atleast 4 times on the Dev server

Made a reddit post about that and people said “Its going to be a much better radar with better scan speed and chaff resistance” It feels exactly the same

Idk why we are talking about what planes has been nerfed the most. Im just saying that the EuroFighter gets treated like shit and ofcourse older planes alos need fixes

Gripen got nerfed multiple times on the dev server and 3 times within its release on the live server and 3 more times during the spring so idk what this is supposed to show, the gripen could literally take off upside down…regardless while CAPTOR M is broken id still like all the nerfs undone to the gripens. Additionally PS0/5A was made for the A, not the C I’d like for it to gets its actual radar but unlike the EFT smin has stated there are no plans to change the gripens despite the bug reports…

My whole point is saying the EFT gets treated worse is just cope when nearly every other jet is beyond messed up and needing changes. Gripen, J11, Shar 2, EFT, ect ect

All get treated like trash

The Gripen C uses the PS-05/A Mark 3/4 today, while the Gripen E uses the PS-05/A Mark 5. The Gripen has received multiple small nerfs over time. The Eurofighter, on the other hand, has received fewer nerfs, but they have been much larger in scale. For example, the engine nerf— they took away 83 kN from it, which doesn’t even seem realistic. Then, there’s the top speed; they literally said, “They don’t think so.” This is based on information from the manufacturer’s website and several other sources. That’s the biggest problem. Gaijin seems to think everything is a marketing trick. Sure, not everything might be true, but just straight-out saying, “We don’t think this is true, so we’re going to nerf it for no reason” is something they would never do to a Chinese or Russian aircraft. Also, there’s basically zero information about the CAPTOR-M today, and there’s a reason for that: it’s probably the most advanced mechanical scanning radar to date, but they model it in-game like a Viggen radar. Every plane you mentioned needs to be fixed. I’m just frustrated with Gaijin, that’s all.

Just an example of the small nerfs you mention because this wqs one of the most rushed updates ever. This is a joke because these weren’t snall nerfs

Dont worry so is the CVRT scimitar, it still had a FCS when my bug report proving it shouldn’t have one was passed months ago

Also Gripen MS20 uses PS0/5A MK.IV
Gripen C entered service as MS18 with PS0/5A MK.II (Never with MS17 radar)
MS21 uses Raven radar.

Only gripen C without PS0/5A MK.IV is the SAAF gripen as its a MS19 every other nation uses MS20 standard

Yeah, the radar is in desperate need of an overhaul, though im not expecting much before the next major update at this rate.

This is because they wont model PD MAWS at this time. Its not the only aircraft plagued by this problem, but why they dont code it to at least filter out flares is beyond me.

The power and lock range additions came and they did make quite a difference, but the scan rate buffs are still pending though its only an extra 5 deg/s. Its also missing things like Priority track which could be modeled with AESA code. The Radar is definetly the achillies heel of the Typhoon at hte moment and its easily the second worst radar at top tier, just barely ahead of the Su-27s.

Its not the only issue on the Typhoon, it has a great many problems that I doubt we’ll see rectified anytime soon and many dont want to see it fixed, only nerfed, because it is better under certain conditions than the old guard of top tier fighters and it should easily be on of the best in game for a while yet. The amount of people that were denying it would come when it did and were instead expecing in a year or more time, was actually rather funny. But now they just want to see it nerfed.


Id rather see gaijin wait to add stuff before leaving it broken for years on end.

Perhaps, but after enduring the hell that was 2023 in waiting for anything that could actually counter the F-16/Mig-29. Id rather take something in a poor state but competitive, than nothing at all and be left miles behind.

But i’ve come to expect things to be added in a poor state and have spent the last year or more saying that the Typhoon was just going to get Blue Vixen for a radar

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