Honestly if i had to wait until last update for gripen i would’ve taken jt. At least it would’ve been in a decent state (pure cope) again it was rushed and now we’re stuck fighting with a Gripen A against 14.0’s lol, yeah honestly i dont care, i play other nations so if it would’ve been actually a Gripen C that wouldve been perfect. Yet here i am waiting after a year to receive the vehicle they promised we would get. Instead we have a amalgamation that never existed.
Yeah. Im still waiting for the Sea Harrier FRS1 to be added properly.
Just that sentence alone is just ridiculous and it’s enough proof that the Radar is just a made up gaijin radar
At least it not the only jet that you have, again id honestly take a f16 over some gripen.
Well… it is and it isnt. CAPTOR-M is a heavily upgraded Blue Vixen (Sea Harrier FA2) Where data is classified, they are just C&Ping from the Blue Vixen. But there is a lot they dont model and a lot they wont and we’ll just have to wait and see if/what they do choose to model.
But its not uncommon to be waiting 6+ months for radars to be fixed. Im saving my pitch fork for the next major update
Yeah, though like the Gripen, The Typhoon is never going to see its full glory. Just Pray the Gripen E gets its belly missiles
More like pray the gripen E isnt gimped beyond belief or that other nations dont get it before us like the C because that was such a good idea and totally didn’t screw up the only jet we have
Also considering gaijin cant even give the 5th bomb pylon to the gripen C its more pray they dont just remove more pylons and give the E the gripen C radar lmao.
Typhoon really needs help,
Radar as mentioned is terrible the RWR and MAWS doesn’t know what’s happening with missiles marked as coming in the front hemisphere then hitting you in the rear hemisphere. MAWs system designed to counter MANPADS not achieving that try it against a Stinger or Stela (in IR mode) and the MAWS will not protect the aircraft unlike the MAWS on a helicopter that makes it borderline immune to IR missiles.
It’s just not fun, it’s like stumbling around in the dark. Even an F-4 is a threat when you cannot see it/detect it and shoot at it. Couple that with the worst ground attack missile at top tier (yes they are fun, but so much work and not worth the work when they do minimal damage or decide to just fly into a tree)
LGBs are dead at top tier
It’s playable in IRST mode, but again you have such a narrow cone of vision and no real elevation controls you may as well give the pilot a pair of binoculars.
Thats what the Litening Pod is for :P
Yeah but in game it feels exactly like the blue vixen radar with a more range and 6 datalinks.
You really describe it great, the whole plane just feels confused
Even the FLIR built in has horrible resolution
Because it is. Nothing that makes it the CAPTOR-M has yet to be modeled. Like Priority Track or GMTI/T
With the exception of some slight differences in scan modes and something that I cant quite put my finger on that is wrong when it comes to locating targets. It is Blue Vixen.
Everything radar would be greatly appreciated. Then there’d be a reason for the MiG-29 9-12 to be added to the SSSR tree
Still an unfinished mess when the Rafale came out at the same time, no issues with its radar, and it got random missile additions. lol
Starting to feel like the F4F ICE again…
Ah yeah, i forgot about the weekly eurofighter suffer thread, i think everyone get it no need to do one each time.
Some people didn’t have it unlocked right away, for then effort and the SL it’s a let down
There are, 3 main thread for it, and look at the profile of the one that created this one in activity -) topics.
At this rate there will be one each week for few months.
Did the Eurofighter Ever use Aim9m in service? Like don’t they use the IRIS-T?
"I think they will eventually fix the Eurofighter. More advanced jets are going to be added, so they must upgrade and fix the radar to make it competitive in the future. In terms of the flight model, nothing that can be added will be better than the jets we have in the game right now, such as the Eurofighter, Rafale, and F-15. These jets can rival fifth-generation fighters in flight performance. So, the only thing Gaijin can do is improve their systems and armament. They’re essentially forced to buff them.