2 cm Minengeschoss X (MX) for 2 cm Flaks

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I would like to suggest the 2 cm Minengeschoss X (or short MX) in both tracer and tracerless variant for 2 cm Flaks, such as 2 cm Flak 38 L/65 and 2 cm Flakvierling 38 L/65 as well as possible future 2 cm Flak 30 L/65.

It was a latewar further development on the 2 cm Minengeschoss, to further increase capacity, the bottom was extended, increasing the capacity from 18g HA 41 to 24/25g HA 41. With a weight of “just” 104g it also recived a velocity increase when fired from the Flaks compared to the standart HE ammo types of 120g.

It was used and intended in the 20x82mm and 20x138mmB Rheinmetall ammo for the 2 cm Mg 151/20 and 2 cm Flaks. While overall it didnt go into frontline service a certain amount was build for tests. Similar extended length Minengeschoss X was also tried for 30mm guns with 420g, however it also did not see frontline service. Further it was also intended with a velocity of 1000m/s in the Mg 213C and was overall intended to replace the normal Minengeschoss. (Some barrle detonations were encountered in the 2 cm Flaks, as well as some instability duo to length and ballancing, which could also be conected to experimental barrles with different progressive twist in rifleing.) The extended bottom would have also made more effective 2 componment HE and Incendary rounds with greater effect from both, unlike the normal Brandsprenggranate of the Mk 108, where for greatly increased Incendary effect the HE filler was decreased to around 40g.

In game it would offer an extreme improvement over the Brsprgr. L’Spur (HEFI-T) currently only available.
This grenade (is in game wrong) has IRL 120g 6,6g HTA (or H.5 and aluminium) (or if the normal Sprgr. L’Spur 6,2g PENT) and a velocity of 900m/s. Overall there were 5 different HE rounds, standart HEF-T, HEFI-T, HEFI-T short tracer, HEFI and HEF with the last 3 having 11g PENT to 19 and 20g H.5 and Zink filler. Which overall would also offer an improvement from model to model, however the MX round would be the pinnacle of development, offering greatly increased filler and velocity at slightly decreased ballistics. However the same flight time of 1.78 sec for 1000m was retained.

The Minengeschoss X (MX) however would massively increase the filler to 24/25g HA 41 (with great x1,6 TnTa) (to 38,3 and 40g TnTa) as well as increase the velocity to 950m/s, similar to the Japanese 20 mm AA guns.

This round would be very effective against airtargets every size from biplane to bomber as well as potentially strong against unarmored targets as well as potentially armored targets with hits in close proximity to crew via pressure damage.

Production examples found are by DWM and the drawing Nr. D20LF1B4S1 beeing dated 17.11.1943.

Stats and pictures:

20mm M-Gesch. X L'Spur m.Zerl HEFI-T (m) Sd. 0,109g 24g HA 41 (38,4g TnTa) 950m/s


20mm M-Gesch. X m.Zerl HEFI (m) Sd. 0,104g 25g HA 41 (40g TnTa) 950m/s



Handbuch der Flugzeugbordwaffenmunition 1936-1945
Visit to Mauser Werke AG 2/24
Collezionisti e Studiosi Italiani Munizioni 20x138mm Rheinmetall
The Crowood Press History of Automatic Cannons


Gaijin gib us stronger minengeschoss!!!


btw is this only for the Flaks or also capable for the aircraft mounted cannons?

As i wrote in the suggestion, it was also intended (and tested) in the 20x82mm Mg 151/20 and 20x135mmB Mg 213C. Tho this suggestion is for the 20x138mmB Rheinmetall in 2 cm Flaks.


ill take it for both then hehe

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When i get some time on friday im doing it for the Mg 151/20.

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Where source for 950m/s velocity? 🤔

I think I rather have the later Brandspreng models with short tracer and without.

Personally I would think it’s more realistic for the MG 151/20 to use it, due to the mentioned problems that prevented the round from being adopted for the FlaK cannons.

They even have velocity data and propellant powder data for the MG 151/20.

The italian one.

As well as Visit to Mauserwerke.

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I actually dont know how the status was for the development with the problems, that was from a Visit to Mauser Werke AG, with time tables. But i dont have the full book, they very well might have fixed the issues befor the end, between the start of MG 151/20 and Flak use is maybe 6 days, maybe it was a general problem, maybe not, its also writing about different progressive barrle twists.
“Mg 151/20, Waffenfunktion mit MX-Munition.” Is dated 9.11.44
(Off topic a Trommelmagazin 38 15.11.44, would have been interesting for the 2 cm Flak)

“2 cm Flak 38 MX Geschosse.” Is dated 15.11.44.

And it wasnt really a problem, but encountered in the tests, it didnt mention how often.
It could also have been connected to different twist barrle experiments, i dont know to be honest.

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I have read that too somewhere, but where again? I cant find it, and would like to add it to the Suggestion for MX for Mg 151/20.

Flugzeug Bordwaffen Munition.
Where it shows the whole rounds.

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Some new side info. Also of interest maybe to @KillaKiwi

Pictures and Text (click to show)

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Yeah, I’ve read the report before.

However he talks about the development at the end of the war.
I’m pretty sure that Germany’s focus was pretty much put entirely on the destruction of 4-engined bombers at this point.