15 cm s.I.G. 33 (Sfl.) auf Pz.38(t) Grille Ausf. H

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I would like to suggest the 15 cm s.I.G. 33 (Sfl.) auf Pz.38(t) Grille Ausf. H which would be the key piece between the thinn armored Pzsfl. II 15 cm s.I.G. and the armored StuIG 33 B.
It would add a fun mobile, small and derp gun vehicle to the game with great firepower and enove armor to withstand .50 cal and some greater from distance.

The Grille came in both Ausf. H (for hinten (back, engine at the back)) and Ausf. M (for mitte (engine in the middle)). I am suggesting the Ausf. H, which was the first development upon the Marder III chassis instead armed with a 15 cm s.I.G. 33. These guns were heavy infantry guns with shorter range but extreme firepower, which were somewhat difficult to traverse as their weight made them bug down in mud so they were placed on a multitude of different chassis starting with the Pz I. This chassis gave it greater mobility and some armor to withstand smaller enemy fire resulting in an effective infantry support gun and close in artilley.

After meeting on the 6th march 1942 the request was made to develop the s.I.G 33 on a Pz 38(t) chassis with development from march 1942 to Febuary 1943 and production of 210 vehicles from Juni 1943 and november 1943.

Pictures:(Click to show)



The Gun:
15 cm s.I.G. 33 L/12 Ammo capacity: 12 rounds, if required for special missions, it can be overstocked to 19 rounds. (Source, see below)
there were 4 rounds available, including the 30 cm Stielgranate 42, which unlike its smaller brother is a HE-FS round with big filler and was inteded as a Bunker buster shell as well as to clear minefields and reinforced structures, the other vehicles can also get it.

Ammo:(Click to show)

I.Gr. 33 He 38 kg 8,6 kg Fp.02 and Np.10 (11 kg TnTa) 240 m/s


I.Gr. 38 Hl/A HEAT 24,58 kg 4,16 kg H.5 (7,07 kg TnTa) 280 m/s 231mm/all

I.Gr. 38 Nb Smoke 38,46 kg 2,24 kg Smoke stuff 240 m/s


And the 30 cm Stielgranate 42, which is a Overcaliber HE-FS for the 15 cm s.I.G.33 and guns of the same family.
Historically, it was a mix of life extention and mainly a demolition charge against heavily reinforced structures and bunkers from range, over the normal He rounds and the in development 15 cm Minengeschoss. Similar to its smaller 15 cm Stielgranate 41 brother, it however was just a HE-FS and not a HEAT-FS, as the main targets were different as well as duo to the sheer size it was simply not needed, if shot at tanks. So while also with more of a poor precition and a effective range of mere 300m, it could also be effectively used against heavy tanks as it has a 54 kg Amatol filling, far higher than the 8,6 kg of the normal I.Gr.33 and 38.

In game this new ammo round would further increase the Meme potential as well as destructive effect even against a group of armored tanks, as with the huge filler its even more powerfull than some plane bombs and would change in velocity, range and reload speed for sheer destructive potential. Maybe it should be limited stock (around 5 rounds) above the normal ammo load (and not replace any of the 18 rounds of the Pz.Sfl. II 15 cm) it could be added on the Sturmpanzer II and IV currently in game, but also more vehicles, with the 15 cm s.I.G.33 and guns of the family, that may come in the future to the game.

Pictures:(Click to show)



The Ammo:(With Pics, click on the name to show)

30 cm HE-FS 90 kg, 54 kg Fp 50/50 (Amatol) 105m/s



For all guns of the s.I.G family such as 33/1 Sfl., StIG 33 and StuH 43 L/12 (found on the StuIG 33B and Sturmpanzer IV)

Geschossringbuch II and II+
Die 30 cm Stielgranate 42 der 15 cm Geschütze
Sächsische Kampfmittelbeseitigung GmbH
Waffen Revue
Manual of the Geschützwagen 38 Ausf. H
Munition der 15 cm s.I.G. 33

Ammo capacity. 25. WH Dienstvorschrift D 2025 sfl 38 , sig 33 Grille

Screenshot 2024-11-29 231214


Yes massive +1!, infact I spend 300$ HKD back in Hong Kong and bought a model of the Grille H

we need all the ww2 self propelled arty

There’s little use for the Stielgranate 42 and the vehicle would in essence have the same application as the Sturmpanzer II.

Maybe it could have a slightly higher RoF.

Another application would be as artillery, if we could manipulate the ammount of propellant used.
Then it would be possible to fire indirectly at caps or at marked positiones with low velocity at high elevation angles.

But that seems less likely then Gaijin implementing the Stielgranate 42.

It would have much greater armor, a better gun traverse (the drivers compartment isnt in the way) and perhaps slightly better mobility.
(Which i aparently completly forgot to add the stats of the vehicle… wops.)

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That sounds fishy. Why would it have more armor? It’s an SPG. I think it had like 10mm all around 🤔

It probably would end up having more firepower. I think it has a bigger crew compartment, (2 loaders?) and the better traverse angles.

25mm and some angles, making it immune to .50 cal over range, unlike the Stupa II (i know not its name, but i dont care to write it), which has 14,5mm.

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No Ausf. K?

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I would love to see the Grille in-game, no matter which variant. As for the Stielgranate, it could work as unlockable ammo and you can switch to it at the cost of other shells, with an extended reload rate: just the same as ATGMs are implemented on tanks like M551Sherridan or M60A2 Starship.


no, ausf H looks better and functions better in-game due to the more foward mounted gun

Screenshot (224)

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I think you have it reversed. The K had a redesigned fighting compartment with more ammo, the crew compartment was in the back and had a lower floor which decreased crew exposure, and was produced in greater numbers

I may be wrong in the function part, but I still think the H looks better.

In “Encyclopedia of German Tanks from WW2” it’s written that the K only carried 15 shells and 4 crews compared to the H with 5 crews and 18 shells 🤔

I prefer the K. The back mounted super structure and redesigned hull just look more on point.
The H loooks and is infact just just an improvised solution.

Can you check that again? I see Ausf K: 18/4 and Ausf H: 15/5. Direct link:


Oh yeah. Weird. Must have mixed it up.

It’s different vehicle but:

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Is this on mobile or something? Looks a bit odd lol

Its just olddd War Thunder

Then how does he have that vehicle? It doesn’t exist in the game as far as I know?