13.0 is unplayable

Why did we all accept the latest update and come to terms with the fact that top tier jets gameplay are now throwing missiles at each other across half the map?

Or with the fact that 12.3 is now unplayable BR, because half of the battles are played against 13.0. What should I do with the AIM-7M against the AIM-120, which will get me earlier and kill me before I can capture the enemy F-16C or F-15C. (And I’m not saying that Sparrow is a broken missile that constantly loses targets)

Jets with FOX-3 should receive 13.7 and should not meet planes without FOX-3. Now there is a beating of babies on the top tier and the developers tell us that this is OK.

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Maybe read recent news before making an angry rage post.


Didn’t they just announce they’re doing that?

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Thats the whole point of modern jets. This isn’t 1944.

Nobody is disagreeing with that, AFAIK.

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I haven’t seen this news yet. I’m glad they figured it out.

I just looked at the table. My point is still relevant. Planes without FOX-3 will play against FOX-3. F-15A 13.0, F-15C 13.7. The rating spread is exactly the same as it is now. There is no gameplay on pre-top, and there will not be, because they can’t do anything against top jets

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Yes, that is how technological progression works. Those planes that will see ARHs also have advanced radar suites and SARH missiles. Proper tactics will allow them to be effective enough in uptiers. There is no way for them to make it to where ARHs ONLY fight other planes with ARH missiles. If they split it with a new bracket, then they would need to seperate every new technology (IR missiles, SARHs, and ARHs) in the same way which would make no sense. The decompression will help a multitude of BRs, and the top tier (and near top tier) aircraft will be perfectly fine.

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Because as a whole, the community for the last year ( or more ) has been begging for AHR missiles. The community made this happen, this is what the community wanted. Not sure why people are surprised when they ask for something and they get it.

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  1. Read forum
  2. Do not accept your fate and improve your skills
  3. Find one of many education videos about “how to defeat Fox3” from war thunder or DCS or Nuclear option
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In real life AIM-120A wasn’t so effective (same for almost every missile, except maybe AIM-9L and R-73)

This happens every time a new weapos is introduced. Let’s remember the SAMs that saw the enemy through the forest and mountains or anti-aircraft missiles that had no inertia or Helicopters that can fire TOW-2 from 10km.

This isn’t real life. Performance metrics like failure rates, actual hit rates, and such are not programmed into this game as they do not make for an enjoyable gameplay loop.

You mean bugs? They ususally happen with new content. The ARH missiles don’t seem to be bugged or broken. A few don’t perform as well as the Aim120s but different missiles perform differently.


No. It’s not bugs, just not finished mechnics.
every missile except AMRAAM is ok. AMRAAM got overbuffed manuverability and energy retantion

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true they need to debuff aim-120 and try to decompress so the sarh missile planes face the arh missiles less by going up to 14.0

it was throwing missiles at eachother but in close range before this update, it’s literally just the exact same except longer range now

they are

Historical debuff won’t change the fact that amraam is the best

There are F-16s with IR only loadouts that will face ARH carrying jets, even in the new proposed BR changes.

Pretty difficult to play with a x6 AIM-9M loadouts vs x6 AIM-120 even if the airframe is an F-16

To be honest I would rather those F-16s be useless than destroy 11.0

Ban the desert map until you get FOX3s, if you get it fly 5meters off the water, and every other map hide behind terrain and pop up and hit them later. Also they dont have unlimited missiles, so bring max fuel and dont be afraid to go cold to help evade missiles. This is how i just ground out the su27 to get my su27sm. Its not the most fun ill give you that, but it isnt unplayable. (except that damn desert map, its nearly there lol)