12.0+ air is getting progressively more and more compressed. It is just cancerous at this point

Gaijin is constantly bringing down the battle ratings of aircraft with advanced weaponry without any forethought.

Mig-23s and Phantoms with worse RWR and agility can face 4th gen fighters with superior flight performance and/or weapons. Early 4th gen fighters with non IRCCM missiles and relatively low performance SARH missiles can face fighters with high performance ARH Missiles + IRCCM Missiles.

Most of these match-ups are not even in a full +1.0 up tier where the better jets are limited in numbers but in just +0.3 or +0.7 steps.

Instead of expanding the top battle rating, Gaijin is just shuffling the planes around in a already compressed matchmaker.

I unlocked the British phantom today (which sits at 12.0 for whatever reason) and every single one of my match was an up tier. I have 2 AIM-9Ds stock and I have to fight against planes with 40km SARH/ARH missiles, IRCCM missiles, UFO flight models and whatnot.

Gaijin will gift us with more compression in the next patch by bringing down the F-4F ICE and adding JA37Di with AMRAAMs at 13.0. It’s going to be “fun” dodging those missiles on platforms with primitive RWRs and handful of countermeasures.

Gaijin, please do a real decompression of top-tier air. Don’t just re-compress planes over and over.


All of air above 7.0 is incredibly compressed. You go from an Me-262 at 7.0, to a Sabre at 8.0(same BR as a vampire btw) to an F-104 at 9.3.

Higher tier air is just not in that good of a state, especially when combined with 16v16.


I’ve returned to the lower BRs, where I still have aircraft that I have yet to spade. I don’t have any head tracking hardware, so my looking around is via keyboard and mouse, so the high end aircraft are a bit too fast for me.

Yep, like 11.0 F4EJ to 12.0 F4S, jets are totally compressed, and gaijin made this situation get worse…

IMO, any ARH + IRCCM missile carriers should stay at 13.3 at minimum.

Same also for 11.3, it’s a nightmare.

You always find yourself dealing with planes a full BR above you and while you got AIM-9P you might come across some SU-25 with R-73s or worse.

If the Matchmaker gives you matches at 11.3, then that’s fine, but right now it is uptier after uptier.

There is people playing higher tiers just to get the juicy premium pack downtier im looking at you su-27, mig-29g and f14‘s.
Clubbing premium pack players in Air is one of the most effective ways to grind rank 7 and 8. it’s sad but that’s how it goes.

This won’t change as long as things like the IRIAF sees helpless 11.7s in their matches

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Having MiG-23ML at 11.7 is reason why I dont take seriously BRs and these devs. But yeah maybe in 2-3 years the plane will be at right BR. Hilarious

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MIG-23ML is constantly going against 11.3s

I’m not sure why Gaijin even bothers with BRs at all at this point.
If you’re flying a 11.0 or 11.3 with reas aspect missiles and you’re forced to face planes with all-aspect and (good!) radar missiles.


10.7/11.0 is just a black hole uptier to 11.7. Even in the MiG-21Bis with 6 all aspect missiles, it can be quite awful due to the bad RWR and less than stellar airframe.

Air above 7.0 is just incredibly compressed. Me-262s are at 7.0, F-86As and MiG-15s are at 8.0, you get all aspect 30g AAMs 10.3 (which routinely face flareless 9.7 planes, and that’s not including the planes with 20g missiles), and it doesn’t get any better.

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