Hello there.
I’m sure you all know ZSU-57-2 by now.
With the latest update released,it felt like it was buffed.Not it’s turret rotation,nor armor,nor speed,but it’s damage against GROUND enemies.Not even air(even though it’s an SPAA)
So, it’s penetration was seemingly increased against ground,with air it remained the same.
So was it really buffed or is it just a hoax?
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nothing was changed
Well,most probably,but from my and my friends perspective,it looks like it was changed.
No change at all.
It was used as an anti vehicle weapon in RL also.
is it normal tha you can kill heavy armored tanks from the front using this thing? If a tank isn’t protected from autocannons what’s even the point of spawning a tank? Wow, but I guess everyone is cool with it. This game has become a complete a joke, but it’s ““realistic”” lmao, realistic just like world of tanks probably. Trolling tanks simulator, here you troll with planes or aa, only noobs spawn with a tank in this tank game.