ZSU-23-4M4 over tiered

Afaik it has UV contrast, it doesn’t work like photo contrast and is just there for even stronger flare rejection

Type 81 at 10.3… Truly good times. Now you just get smacked by an AGM or LGB from a plane that never rendered in.


Still coundn’t beat a space climbing A-6E or Ayit unfortunately kek

Anything that can engage at 5-6km+ hard counters the Strela.

One man said that, and that is a lunatic take at best if not downright disingenuous, like the claims your making about the shilkas.

You mean like this thread

Where they literally turn around and say “we dont believe these primary sources are true and so will be modeling the Stingers to be worse than IGLAs”

IGLAs are the best MANPADs in the game because Gaijin makes them so. This is a simple fact. I dont know what else there is to discuss. Shilka is fine at 9.3 probably should be 9.7 though and Stingers need a MASSIVE buff to get them anywhere near IRL levels of performance at which point, the stinger slingers might be worth taking as an actual choice and not a choice of convenience. (i.e might as well take the Gepard 1A2 over the Gepard 1 because they are the same in every respect except you have a few Stingers to fire off at targets and you might get lucky.)

But I personally havent bothered with even grinding the Stormer AD and just the actually usable Stormer HVM. I know the stingers would be useless vs anything other recon drones. I stopped even bothering to take ATAS on the G-Lynx because they couldnt hit a stalled B-52

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What does this have to do about one lunatic claiming that the Gepard1a2 should be 10.3.

Honestly mate go play the shilkas then come back to this thread, I can guarantee you will change your tune. Just like anyone else who makes wild claims about russian vehicles without playing them.




They arent dude.

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hey thats my meme!!!111

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S.T.E.A.L. (Strategically Transport Equipment to Alternate Location)


The same thing will happen with the Strela or (I’m assuming) Tan-SAM. IR missiles (and all missiles in general) need time to maneuver.

Stingers themselves are a pretty good IR missiles, the best at their tier. I’ve played the LAV-AD quite a bit, they’re not as bad as people say.


It tries to do so by moving at a speed lower than 30 km/h and with no defensive capacity, since even against the TAM it has difficulty penetrating from the front.

Comparing the Gepard 1A2, they have much more in common with the LAV-AD than the ShilkaM4 has with the Gepard 1A2.
Literally, for a little more BR, you’re facing the same thing, even though it’s 10 times better in every way.
As a reminder, the 25mm is an APCR (“Fragmented Projectile” enters chat) that travels at the same speed as the 35mm, which is an APHE, and does a much better job once it penetrates.

I actually find the 9.3 SAMs performing worse than the M247 lol

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True, the M247 is one of the most deadly SPAA around that BR bracket.


No they are fine they have great irccm ans seeker
Yes they can be dodged easily but if u lunch on the right angle or 2 its pretty much confirmed kill
Also half of the players doesent even pay attention

There is the chaparral but it doesnt have irccm and it has bad seeker

It definitely has use cases where it’s actually better than IR SAMs.
Those tracer-less proxy rounds go a long way, dodging those is impossible.

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while i agree a bit, i think they should focus on AA with proxy fuze rounds at the 9.0br

as someone else mentionned, M247 is very capable, having equivalents in other trees could fill the gap.

Regarding ZSU-23-M4’s br, i think it’s currently fine where it is. The only other SPAA i play at the br is santal, and while it’s better at long range, is relatively defenseless up close, unlike ZSU.