ZSU-23-4 "Schilka" Firerate

[Suggestion] ZSU-23-4 “Shilka” Fire Mode Adjustment – Alternating Barrel Pairs in Slow-Mode

Hello everyone,

I would like to suggest an adjustment for the ZSU-23-4 “Shilka” that focuses on its firing modes. Currently, the Shilka in War Thunder fires all four barrels simultaneously, which is historically accurate, but it lacks an important functionality: the ability to fire in alternating barrel pairs.

Suggested Implementation:

The Shilka should have two fire modes:

  1. Standard Mode (same as currently in-game)
  • Fires all four barrels at the same time.
  • Maximizes firepower but also leads to rapid overheating.
  1. Slow Mode (new option)
  • The cannons fire in alternating pairs:
    • First, the left two barrels fire until they reach 75% of the overheating threshold.
    • Then, the right two barrels fire until they also reach 75%.
    • This cycle repeats.
  • Pros: Allows sustained fire without overheating too quickly.
  • Cons: Reduced instantaneous fire rate compared to the standard mode.

Why is this important?

  • Realism: The real Shilka can fire in barrel pairs to manage overheating.
  • Better Fire Discipline: Sustained fire is useful against air targets and lightly armored vehicles.
  • Tactical Flexibility: Players can switch between maximum burst fire and sustained fire based on the situation.

I believe this change would enhance the efficiency of the Shilka without making it overpowered. What do you guys think?

Best regards,

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^ As said above