Zerstörer 45: A New Wind

I check your stats and you only played a single battle with LGS and with the Type 60 you have a negative kill/death ratio. So, please stop talking like “everything is fine just git gud”.
LGS is a big piece of crap in 6.7…

Yeah nah. Low velocity 250RPM vs other nation´s high velocity 800RPM or even 1000RPM is not fine. It´s a joke considering Germany faces the brunt of Allied CAS spam 99% of the time. People say that Germany is “fine” and that they are shot down regularly by Wirbel/Ostwinds. Well duh? Because Germany literally doesn´t have anything else at rank IV and V? :D JFC man…
Kugelblitz became unusable when it went to 7.0 (and got nerfed at the same time). Not only there is no 7.0 lineup, so you´d have to play it at 7.3, but at this BR you have better options to deal with planes.
USA can at least lower SP cost for counter CAS fighter planes by simply scouting with light vehicles. Germany doesn´t have ANY light vehicles for that, so Germany gets doubly shafted. Just take a look at the winrate heatmap and tell me things are fine.

I have to rely on my Flakpanzer 341 (the best German midtier SPAA), which most of the players now don´t have and the average player doesn´t earn enough SP for fighter planes due to lack of light tanks.

There is simply no excuse for Germany and USA to have such a lackluster SPAA capabilities while Russia gets a new SPAA every other update.

I am glad a new SPAA is finally coming, but I keep my expectations low. High chance it will get bumped in BR within 2 weeks after release and nerfed to the ground at the same time as its custom for Gaijin with German vehicles.

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the mount we have is definitely meant to be in a turret, it offers no protection what so ever and is basically a vierbelwind mount without the armor. Either we get this mount in a wierbelwind turret, or we get the mobelwagen but with a gunshield (that it would have, just like the 2cm version), but not a mix and match like that.

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So is this a photoshop?

No that’s wirbelwind with some kind of new muzzle brakes

Huh interisting i guess. Thought the muzzle brakes were of the Mk103s

Unfortunately no you can tell that’s not an Mk103 by looking at the gun barrel length and the distance between each gun
If it was an mk103 the guns would have been longer and the distance between gun barrels would have been wider

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Those look like muzzle covers and not muzzle brakes - the bottom-right one (as we look at it) is obviously asymmetric

Not Photoshop, but that is definitely a Wirbelwind you got there. And I agree with @Josephs_Piano, those look like some sort of muzzle covers. You can even tell that they are slightly misaligned, which would be weird if they were actual muzzle brakes.

Also the Mk.103 is longer and has an entirely different muzzle brake.

I really think there’s other trees with bigger gaps to fill (cough, US, cough), but sure, looks cool enough.

I dare to say 314 was in better shape than Kronshtadt… But it was not russian, so… tough luck.

from WT Wiki:
Kronshtadt - was laid down in Leningrad on 30th November, 1939. However, due to severe production delays, the warship was only deemed 10% completed by the time the German army launched its offensive on the USSR in June 1941.

Thats practically just step before actually fighting the nazis, so not comparable at all!


/s if it wasnt obvious

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314 was a step before Germany surrendered, if you gave it more time it would be finished.

Yak-141 was not completed because no rubbles. They had functional aircraft, weapons, avionics, but all in different places. We have this plane fully built in game.
314 had chassis, weapon system, but the turret was wood, not steel. So its fake.


10% is better than 0% - so you’d be wrong.

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I think you missed the /s.

So there is no argument against adding the Graf Zeppelin once (if) playable carriers are added.

@Josephs_Piano, the Coelian was far above 0% completion. They were just about to begin serial production, when a new demand for a 55mm armament stopped them and after that change was implemented it was only the allied bombardments and scarce ressources stopping production.
I understand that none of the two models were ever truly finished, but as said above neither was the Yak-141.

Panther hull is 0%??? Dude, please… :/

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Do you have a picture of the real Zerstörer? Have you seen it in a museum? The Colian was at least documented with photographs, and was mocked up; and all of its systems were almost completely existent.

Z46 and Z47 would like a word


The Flak 38 was recoil operated, so it cannot be a muzzle brake, but rather an improved flash hider.