Zerstörer 45: A New Wind

Maybe because it was easier or cheaper to throw this one in, idk. I was just elaborating on what I think is the reason for why Germany gets another SPAA and the US doesn’t.

Are there even any light tanks that would fit that gap?

If dumb people keep flying straight at it spamming their .50’s or low pen 20mm’s and consequently getting wrecked I fear it’s statistics won’t come down enough for that. otherwise it would’ve probably never went up to 7.0 in the first place.
Ofc Ostwind works up to 6.3, arguably even 8.0, but having 2 SPAA is nice too, if you have the crewslots for it. That way, if alot of planes are still up when you die, you can spawn an SPAA again without wasting a backup.
The pen doesn’t really matter if you play it as an SPAA, and it is enough to defend itself against light tanks and other SPAA.

Idk I just like fun little tanks like the Zerstörer 45 so I’m happy we get it. I don’t really feel the need for a 3.7-6.3 light tank either tbh. The Puma still works fine there and you can do great without one too.

Spähpanzer SP 1C
SDKFZ 234/4 with 7.5cm L/48 gun
Panzer-Selbstfahrlafette II Hornisse
Spahpanzer Luchs
Thyssen Henschel UR-416
East Germany PT-76 and Bmp-1 without ATGM like Sweden.

What??? so you are happy with 30% and 40% win ratios ???

Puma is trash compared with another lights tanks, thats why is 3.3.


speak for yourself. After moving the m41 up there is no light tank between 3.3 and 6.7


It’s great that they put in new SPAAs, but when are they going to give the SPAAs the AA sights they should have?

No, it´s German.
Germany is not allowed to have full AP belts.
You will take ze nerf.
And you will be happy.

On a more serious note. I´d rather take a fast firing capable midtier SPAA like the Russians, Brits, Chinese, Japanese, Italians and French have over tank damage capabilities which will just drive the BR up.

Israel, Sweden, USA and Germany are severely lacking in midtier SPAA and are desperately needed.

Yeah, that BR change pains me. 6.3 used to be my main domain with the M41. Now I have no light tanks again. Oh well, it was good while it lasted. 6.7 is a bad BR as it gets full uptiers 24/7.

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Well, you have the worst and more useless vehicle gived by Battle Pass the complete overtiered gabarge LGS.
Really, just compare the new light tank for USA and trash LGS and both are 6.7 LMAO.

Did I understand correctly that koelian was brought out for the sake of Ostwind 2, whose existence has not been confirmed by anything, and this thing?


Yes. Exactly lol. Its ridiculous. Although i have no issues with the zëstrorer 45. Glad its being added.

do you need even more “non-op” german aas?

Im glad they are adding this one, but as for further aa’s i think its okay for germany currently. If they are going to gate keep the panther II , tiger 10.5, and the coelian, more vehicles like this need to be added

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I feel like the SP1C wouldn’t fit that gap. It’s like a smaller Ru251, and would probably go between it and the M41.

the only thing I can find about the SDKFZ 234/4 with 7.5cm L/48 gun are 234/3 model kits and an article mistaking the 234/4 L/46 for an L/48 (and then later in the article correcting itself to L/46). I can’t find anything conclusive about it ever carrying an L/48. Neither can I find anything on it in articles about the 7,5cm KwK 40 itself.
the 234/3 and 234/4 are already in game, and if they put the L/48 on there, it would’ve most likely had a different number designation like 234/5.
Even if thats just me not finding anything on it; it would end up being a tank destroyer like the 234/4 and most likely an event, since you can’t even easily find proper evidence for its existance.

Hornisse used to be the name for the Nashorn until it had to be changed bc a certain rejected artist thought it wouldn’t fit.
If you mean the half-track prototype, of which only 2 were build, 1) that would be an SPG, not a light tank; and 2) that would probably end up being an event tank since it only had those 2 prototypes.

The Luchs would be fun, but it would be below 3.3, being basically a modified Panzer II F, with the same gun. If its planned successor the Spähpanzer Leopard would’ve been build, that would’ve fit the gap slightly above the Sd.Kfz 234/2, but it never was.

The UR-416 only had a 7.62mm machine gun… I don’t think the ramshackled copies with british 20mms or missiles would even belong in the techtree at all, and the missile one would neither fit the BR range nor be a light tank. I could even argue they wouldn’t go to Germany since it weren’t proper UR-416s, but just copies made in palestine and africa.

Lastly, I don’t think copy-pasting a PT-76 in would be a good idea, leave the russian vehicles in the russian tech tree, even if east germany used them. The BMP-1 without ATGM is 6.7 and therefore at the same spot as the M41, so it wouldn’t even do anything about the gap.

If you ask me, we should get the Schützenpanzer kurz, which is a shorter version of the SPz 12-3 LGS without the recoilless rifle. That could fit the gap around 5.7 +/- 0.3, being kinda similar to the R3 T20.

I’d also like the later Spähpanzer 2 Luchs, though that would obviously be higher up in the tree.

Do you really want to put the 106mm recoilless rifle even lower in BR? It’s probably the 76mm Sheridan that is going up eventually because it’s a straight up better M41, and the German one sits at 6.7 with similar ammunition, but no stab.

Israel has the TCM-20 which does fine at 6.0 or 6.3 if you really want to take the Rochev (if you pull the 6.0-6.3s up with the AMX-13 or Zachlam you’re trolling), and the next BR you unlock is 7.7 with the Hovet. Israel desperately needs a top tier SPAA, not a mid tier one.

Germany does fine in mid tier, you can use the Ostwind II until the Kugelblitz without much trouble. I still like the Zerstörer 45 and it’s a welcome addition, but it wasn’t “desperately needed”.

USA… I agree, but they’re just milking US whales in toptier currently, lol. Did anyone realize there wasn’t a single new US plane below 10.0 since Wind of Change two years ago? In the same timespan they got the M1 KVT, Wolfpack, Clickbait and AIM, and the M60-120S is probably for people to whale about too (and likely less to model since both the hull and turret are already ingame).

I agree on Sweden too, but they’ve been really focusing on their high tier, where their bulk of vehicles and lineups is. Sweden mid tier doesn’t really have fleshed out lineups until 8.0. So maybe it just hasn’t been a priority?

OK. Germany benefits from a double standard where they get paper nonsense.

If we go back to Yak-141, which had the instruction manual and the pieces.

Zerstorer 45, the one you think should be in the game, has an instruction manual but misses the pieces. There’s not been shown to me, an example of the modified Wirbelwind turret to accomodate the 103/38 guns.

You insist this should be called a Mobelwagen rather than a type of Ostwind, but as I see it, what this is, is a 4x30mm AA gun on Panzer IV chassis, which fits the bill for what Zerstorer 45 is.

The Tanks Encyclopedia article is very clear to emphasise they are guessing Zerstorer 45 would have a Wirbelwind style turret.

Gaijin’s article points out it’s more similar to a Wirbelwind in terms of being fast-firing low caliber autocannon AA than to the ostwind I/II which operate a bit differently, slower firing and more damage.

So to me it’s a selective interpretation about how things should have been.

I actually don’t personally mind if Gaijin puts in napkin dreams, I think the game would become immensely boring if it’s just an endless debate about historical accuracy in a game where the basic context is incredibly unrealistic.

I even prefer a crazy game with paper stuff implemented with highly realistic and mechanically precise facsimiles. I find nothing less interesting than a slavish obsession with historical accuracy when the game isn’t realistic. Where’s the infantry to provide fire support to? This game doesn’t have anything doing what it actuall does.

I don’t think you can appeal to historical accuracy about a vehicle which may quite simply have never even existed besides as words in a plan, or just a hallucination of Doyle.

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You have more better vehicles with 400 mm HEAT at 6.0 or 6.3 so what is the problem ???

LGS is a big crap with bad movility, armor and horrible post pen with very long reload speed. Probably the worst Battle Pass vehicle by far.

Well this is the case in the end, and unfortunately Gaijin made thier minds about what Zerstörer 45 should be so there is nothing i can do about it, the only reason of why i am arguing about it so the image of what Zerstörer 45 would have looked like won’t die and probably bc of the frustration that hit me after i saw all my work and expectations about the Zerstörer 45 getting dragged in to the mud bc of Gaijin woke up scene of hyper realism, beside that i got your point and respect it and i have already played all the cards in my hand i have nothing left to do now


Or actually there is two things left for me to do Zerstörer 45 was debatable but i can guarantee that these two posts are not

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Huh? This was “truly built” - 2 of them - like it says.

Flakpanzer 314 was never built at all.

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Let’s just say I really don’t see it that way. The Type 60 SPG is one of my favourite vehicles at that BR range and imo the LGS works well with the 20mm instead of a second 106mm.
The mobility is below average for a light tank, but not completely terrible, and works at a BR range where most tanks aren’t exactly quick on their tracks. Bad armor? Yes, bc it’s a light tank, duh.
It has a low profile and is perfect for being an ambushing rat tank. I can work with the mobility and I know where to kill most tanks with the 106mm, or disable them in a way that my team can pick them off. The 20mm shreds any light vehicles quickly.
While more hp/t would be nice, my biggest issue with it is the lacking gun elevation on the 20mm. I’d like it even more if it could elevate to at least +60° to also be a makeshift SPAA and therefore even more versatile.