Zerstörer 45: A New Wind

there’s 2 possible versions, a whirlwind style (this one but with a gun shield) and a wierbelwind style, with this mount in an open turret (the one you show).

Honestly? Most likely because they can still add high tier stuff like the M60-120S that’s coming. They probably prioritize such machines over WW2 SPAA for the time being, as the US is a profitable tech tree with lots of whales. And they usually only do one vehicle per tech tree per game mode, so they’re not running out of things to add too quickly. Getting 2 ground vehicles is rare.

Germany doesn’t have all that much left to add, especially in high tier, so it makes sense that they add quirky low to mid tier stuff in between the big things. They didn’t need another SPAA, but it does slot into a little gap and was probably an easy thing to add.

Wørbiwoo, not Whirlwind

Ok, so why Gaijin just dont add the light tanks between 3.3 to 6.7 we are waiting for years???
In rank V and VI germany have a lot of cool options but he we go again with another useless WW2 open top tank.

The most easy way should move Kugelblitz to more than deserved 6.7 and Ostwind 2 can do extremly fine in 5.7 - 6.3 specially if Gaijin remove the mega nerf in pen for germans spaa but


wait, is this refering to ordinary AP rounds aviable to kugel or will this thing get sabots?

Your bullshitting, right?

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It gets the same HVAP Kugel have iirc, but it seems like unlike the nerfed belt Kugel got, this will have full HVAP belt the Kugel once used to have.

god I hope they give the Kugel its full belt back

You dont like 1 in 3 being HVAP and the other two being useless HEI-T?

Not in particular

IDK man it just seems like you’re a bit fixated about the Doyle drawing made like 30 years after the fact.

Yak-141 is literally the equivalent of BTR-ZD.

Like, all Gaijin did is follow the Lego instruction manual and put all the known functioning pieces together of a plane according to the specific design.

AFAIK there’s 0 evidence of how Zerstorer 45 is meant to be except the Doyle drawing and the writings in that book which merely say that they wanted to make a Wirbelwind with 30mm guns.

Since there’s no demonstrated evidence they actually did (Specifically a Wirbelwind armoured 103/38 quad) make such a vehicle, it’s kind of wishful thinking and conclusion shopping from the wording of some old book…


wierbelwind, i thought the whirlwind was another vehicle, but it’s just the english traduction of wierbelwind. It’s not swedish.

It is a british plane

Well…what should it be named then?

3cm Flakvierling auf Pz.IV (Versuchsträger)?

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Kk i am with you but let’s use logic on this one. One of the cases we have is the Ostwind II we literally have zero evidence of it’s existence we only have post war description on what it should look like and despite all of this we still had it in game bc it’s likely that it was built in that configuration bc it is an improved Ostwind I, now let’s apply the same logic on the Zerstörer 45 expect we actually have enough proof that this thing actually exists now why would the Germans use inferior chassis of Mobelwage to put a quad 30mm on it and designate it as Zerstörer 45 when the real project is to improve the wirbilwind that already exists and was superior to the Mobelwage so back to the Ostwind II why didn’t they use the Mobelwage to put the guns on for testing before building the Ostwind II i mean we have pic of 37mm on a Mobelwagens yet this was never designated as Ostwinds
We have pic of Mobelwagens that used quad 20mm but they where never designated as wirbilwind
So if they use the Mobelwage only for testing (Mobelwage was inferiorto wirbilwind) why would they call it Zerstörer 45 if they didn’t actually built one (a full improved wirbilwind with quad 30mm which is the whole purpose of the project)


Mobelwage mit 3cm flakvierling

*Möbelwagen, but yes, that sounds good.

So another obscure prototype for Germany, meanwhile the StuG IV which was in the original tank roadmap and of which over 1100 where built is still nowhere to be seen.

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Probably an event reward for 80k score points every two days in a few years.

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it’s added because germany lacks AT capabilities with their aa, and no other reason. Proof: full apcr belt. Even gaijin doesn’t understand that an spaag is meant to target the air, not the ground.