ZA-HVM - Technical data and Discussion

Yes, it carries 8 missiles instead of 4.


I was hopeful for th ZA(because Rooikat love) but the G6 having more ammo is probably the better option. Interesting to see if it gets the multiple missile types.


a picture of a lego man with the words no it can t be
a picture of a lion cub with the words nooo written below it

My plans of moving to the other side of large maps and spwan camping heli bases

Edit: I should probably have swapped them around but they can to me in this order

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To gauge what people prefer

  • G6-HVM
  • ZA-HVM (Rooikat chassis)
0 voters



Why not both?


ZA-HVM my beloved


No way Gaijin give more than one

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In an ideal world

These are things that will be added when Russian Bias is gone and replaced with Pro British and Anti Russian Bias

I suggest listening to this to learn how we all can stop Russian Bias, as we all are effectively like this:

ZA can come in a later time, when i get my hand on the picture, and can be foldered with G6.


I think it should can after it without folders, like we could have the Death Star after the G6 but before the Rooikat

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This is a good thing, G6-HVM has more proof of it existing and working which ZA-HVM lacks
At least in this form if Gaijin implements this version.


I just want a HVM in the game. Regardless of ZA or G6 or even Cactus.

More Spaa in general is always a positive imo. Especially in the top tiers. Atm we’re in a battle of ranges and unfortunately alot of nations are massively outranged by cas munitions. Even gaijin recently and finally admitted the pendulum has swung in the favour of cas.

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Everyday I pray for Sky Saber.

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My prayers were answered this year with the Stormer AD never thought I’d see it in game… So stay hopeful… I might come eventually in one form or another… Abit like the HVM.

Would the g6 be top of the spaa line?

Most likely