Yugoslav Ground Tech Tree (Including Bosnia, Croatia, N. Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia!)

I still doubt that, since these missiles do have to accelerate from 0kph whereas the air launched variants more often than not are released near or beyond mach speeds

Here’s a video showing a T-55A tank improved by the company TRZ Hadžići most likely in the late 1980s or early 90s (definitely before the start of the war). This video focuses primarily on the T-55’s new 780 hp engine, but it’s clear the tank also has an L7 105 mm gun and a Fotona EFCS-3 fire control system.

The video

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Interestingly this seems to be the mysterious T-55 with a 105 mm gun from this well-known picture

T-55 105 mm

from the Srpski oklop website
Pokusaji modernizacije tenka T-55

from the video

This vehicle (named T-55H1 in Yugoslavia) was most likely intended to be exported to Egypt. This is also evident from its desert-type camouflage.
Another interesting fact about this tank is that it shares the same name as the Serbian modified T-55 that was presented in the early 2000s. Some people have speculated that they are the same tank. That seems unlikely to me. Although both tanks have the same engine and engine bay shape, their guns and FCS differ.

Similarities between 2 tanks

T-55H1 (Yugoslavia) engine bay

T-55H1 (Serbia) engine bay



That is an absolutely incredible find!
Many kisses blown in your direction!


It is pretty cool. Sadly there aren’t any written sources that mention this vehicle (apart from that Srpski oklop website) so I can’t make a separate forum suggestion.

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It will most definitely make an appearance in the tree regardless.


Serbia inks €2.7 billion deal with France for 12 Rafale fighter jets

Potential addition for a Yugoslav top tier air tree


Croatia also has them so there’s the doublé as well


Props to Tank Encyclopedia for realising M-20UP1 is a Serbian fake tank. I think this story is a good warning to not believe everything we see on internet.


Time to get these vehicles in-game under the Yugo-tree 🤙


One of the newest self-propelled artillery projects under development is the Aleksandar (Александар). It is a 155 mm artillery system that is placed on a 8 x 8 chassis. It is a modern vehicle with an all-around firing arc and an automatic loader system containing 12 rounds.


What do you think? Complete tree aviation navy and ground.
Balkan Pact , or Balkan Entente , was a signed by Greece, Romania ,Turkey and Yugoslavia.

Would be a weird one for a few reasons.
Romania is under italy in the game already.
Turkey, in the example like Israel, could have a very strong tree if put into the game as a rank 5 and up tree.
Yuga itself is not the one represented in this suggestion, it’s the old kingdom that was and is largely irrelevant nowadays. The 1945-now yuga/post Yuga is the actual country/countries that also have the needed/suggested vehicles.
If a federation tree would be needed it should be Yugoslavia as a main and the alliance of the unaligned as filler, since most of those also have unique stuff without any means of more logical implementations in the game.
I like the idea but there’s defo a better way of not doing these nations dirty


Hungary is in the tree with Italy as far as I know. This pact is from 1933, but the same pact was formed in 1953 without Romania.
As far as I know, we have only three Romanian vehicles in the game, and only one original. Romania and Yugoslavia jointly built the plane IAR-93 Vultur and Soko J-22 Eagle are the same plane.
As you said, Turkey would not have vehicles below rank 4, and neither would Greece. Turkey has a large number of modern vehicles, and Greece has ships. the combination of these countries would reduce copy past vehicles. And it would have a large selection of vehicles, much more than any nation other than the big three. I think it is better to have one complete tree than 4 small ones with BR holes.

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Doesn’t even feature the whole Balkans. Where did you get that from
Plus, if that was a real proposal it seems to have been even less likely to happen that yugo merging with Bulgaria. You don’t war with the turks for 700 years and after 20 be cool with them.


Where did I get that from? From history. The Balkan Pact from 1934-1941 and 1953-1974 search on the Internet
I didn’t even mention Bulgaria. If you think of Yuga and Bulgaria together as a tree, Bulgaria offers nothing that Yuga doesn’t already have. Most of the Bulgarian vehicles came from Germany and the USSR. On the other side of the Yuga, Greece, Romania and Turks have domestically produced vehicles, but they do not have enough to be independent. the combination of these countries could make a totally unique tree.
The war with Turkey ended 130 years ago, and I see no reason why that war has anything to do with this. Uk and South Africa, do you know their history and it is much fresher than the one you mention, and it was not a problem for them to be together in the tree

I did. Seems like it was just a defense pact that didnt do much of anything. First time it was against the bulgarians. Second time against stalin’s ussr.

I was just making a comparison. Bulgaria was much closer to other slavs than the turks. And when they tried to unify the deal fell through. Just making a point of it not being feasible in reality. Like Italy getting hungarian vehicles

Dont know everything. What I do know is that SA was the UK’s richest African colony at the moment of independence, with a white majority rule. And it gained its independence in a far more peaceful manner. And post-Apertheid enjoy better relations than Greece and turkey do.

All in all. Turkey would be a subtree. Even if their vehicles are already in other nations in the game.

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I don’t know where you are from, but if you are from the Balkans, then you know that everyone was at war with everyone. If we exclude the war between the countries of the former Yugoslavia, then the only countries that did not have a conflict with the Yugoslavian countries are Greece and Romania.
If we are looking at the conflict with the Turkish and Balkan League or Turkey and Greece, then we have to look at the conflicts in Yugoslavia itself. And if we look at it that way, we will not see any nation from the Balkans in WT.

Your posts here just shows that you have no idea what you are talking about

If we are looking at the conflict with the Turkish and Balkan League or Turkey and Greece, then we have to look at the conflicts in Yugoslavia itself.

Not a disqualifying factor since both China’s are in the same TT despite the fact that they both fought against each other (though the actual reason on why both China’s are in the same TT is to placate to the CCP). Also you are not taking the general sentiments of the playerbase of the region into consideration, most of the Former Yugoslav WT playerbase still support their post Yugoslav nations being represented in the Yugoslav TT. The Yugoslav WT Playerbase shot down the idea of having Yugoslavia as a part of the Soviet or Israeli TT’s so why would they be more accepting of a Yugoslav TT being part of the Turkish TT?

The issue with Turkey is isn’t that they didn’t have anything below Tier IV is rather that Turkey didn’t have domestic designs behind Tier IV. A Turkish TT starting at Tier I is possible it’s just be mostly be Copy n Paste (with very few exceptions) until tier IV. The Turkish playerbase is very much aware of this so most of their TT’s proposals skip the first three Tiers (When Turkey became a republic in the early 1920’s till 1945) and make the Turkish TT start at Tier IV. Finally Turkey has more than enough domestic designs of their own to make a independent TT a possibility especially Ground and Helicopter TT’s

The Orao and Vultur are part of the same family of aircraft however they aren’t the same aircraft since there are differences between the two not just in armament. Also the IAR-93/J-22 Orao is the exception to the rule not the norm since both countries developed their military equipment either independently from themselves, procure them elsewhere or co-developed them from another nation

Depends on the timeframe since a significant portion of the Bulgarian airforce during the Interwar & WWII Era is of Czech and Polish origin

The addition of the Hungarian, Finnish and Benelux Subtree completely disproved this point since most vehicles from these subtrees are all copy n paste with very few exceptions. The French and especially the Italian playerbases hated this. The Finnish and Swedish playerbases hated the implementation of the Finnish subtree. I cannot take the stance of the “SuBtReE’s CuT dOwN oN cOpY aNd PaStE vEhIcLeS” seriously anymore

One other thing in regards to Turkey and Greece into the Yugoslav TT, in context of military development and procurement, the only Turkish made armoured vehicle that any of the Post Yugoslav nations used is the Otokar Cobra (North Macedonia and Slovenia more specifically) and they were only armed it with a LMG. The only Hellenic made vehicle that the Post Yugoslav nations operated is the Leonidas APC which again like with the Cobras were only armed with an LMG i.e neither vehicle can realistically be added. Meanwhile neither the Greeks nor the Turks operated any military vehicles of Yugoslav (or even post Yugoslav) origin so adding Greece and Turkey to a Yugoslav TT in a military vehicle development/procurement perspective doesn’t make any sense at all


Interesting vehicles that were seen at yesterday’s display of armaments in Batajnica:

M-18 Oganj modular rocket launcher with new armored turret

old design


SORA 2 152/155mm SPH with an autoloader

Sadly the vehicle has a vertical guidance of +8/+65 degrees and I think it can only fire over the turret

redisigned Zastava Hajduk



5 new Lazar 3M IFVs (Lazar 3 with additional protection) with different 30 mm turrets

Picture taken before the opening of the display shows vehicles from left to right armed with:

  • BPPU turret from BTR-80A
  • not quite sure but looks like M91E turret from M-80A/98 or LAZAR 2
  • RCWS 30 with Zastava 30x173mm M12 autocannon
  • BPPU again
  • again I’m not sure but it looks like M91 Vidra turret from the ancient M-80A1

Another picture taken before the opening shows a BPPU turret

During the display all turrets were covered with camouflage nets




About 2500 pieces of armament were present yesterday including about 9 modernized M-84AS2s and 13 BVP M-80AB1 (RCWS 20).