You guys think Proximity chat could be useful in wt?

As the title say’s, Could proximity chat be useful in wt?

You would be able to coordinate much better with your team mate’s while also being able to do viable strategies that require a squad to do.

Distance for air ( bout 3km-8km depending on tier)
Distance for ground (Thinkin 15m-40m)

Possibly also hearing enemy proxy chat could give a few laugh’s and (sometimes) make peace with them. (Example: asking the last enemy in an air rb match to grind ground unit’s)


Enemy proxy could definently be fun. Sadly - and its just my opinion, I dont think this could work very well with the current game. But I whish there were more and better team play in war thunder, So best of luck!

with how war thunder players are i think this would be a bad idea. this game hasn’t got the sentiment of a game like holdfast

I’d like it, but so many people would get their butts hurt…

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That’s why it won’t be added 😞

Too many people won’t be able to handle the heat…😞😂

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Bro imagine what would happen if your missile accidentally killed a teammate because they flew in front of the enemy. Would probably lead to more team kills than usual lmao.

A few years ago the YTer “Oddbawz” had a few videos where he was acting like he had a PA system and could “voice chat” in-game. I searched high and low looking for that in case it was some hidden feature. lol

But yeah, it would get abused immediately and so we can’t have nice things.

Any form of VOIP would be extremely useful and Proximity Voice Chat would certainly help a lot.

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Precisely why games stopped adding the feature but failed to realize that is essential for communication. The few games that keep it around give the player the best options
Turning voice chat off, lowering the volume for each person, ability to report their entire vocal conversation->muting them not for just this match but for good.

Apparently this just isn’t enough though sadly.

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It’d be both unrealistic and annoying, or unrealistic and useless.

As funny as it could end up being, we all know the war thunder community and how this will end…
We already have the people typing N, and starting the chain for you know what word, imagine what they’ll do with voice chat

I mean, could be nice.

But i suspect it would in some ways be the return of Xbox live chat.

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Precisely why->You report the audio file and or mute them. But I agree to the end that it might take a mental toll on those saying such things. But as things are right now matches aren’t exactly coordinated so you know one side always has a better advantage cause its disorganized and radio chat doesn’t work cause it almost now by default disabled cause of people “Spamming” which is because Radio Chat is so damn limited.

But how about cod style killcam hotmics :D

I do like this idea although the concerns outweigh the possibilities, yet I wouldn’t object it due to eating tablespoon of concrete to harden the BEEP up an retaliating with kind (just like my youth, eyeroll).

@AlvisWisla You know, You mention it being unrealistic but you could force a radio audio overlap over it, Making it sound like a tanks crew & maybe pipe audio/ loudspeaker sailors (kinda like some ship audio’s currently).

The game would lose it’s low age rating… Which would hamper profits. (And the chat is toxic enough sometimes) I suggest getting into a squadron and find a squad to play with. Playing with 3 other people in a squad over ex.g. discord is crazy fun!

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VOIP would be amazing for coordination and teamwork, until you think about what the average player is like. 90% would never talk or listen, 90% of the remaining won’t understand you, and the remaining 50% of them are toxic assholes or squeakers who will only scream and yell rather than try and do actual teamwork.

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